Enloe Band Booster Minutes
Meeting date:August 24, 2012
Location: EnloeHigh School Piano Lab/Music Theory Classroom
Attendees: Ramona Jenner, Renae Gantt, Kathy Ahlers, Wendy Daily, Lesa Hines, Tracey Watkins, Laura Baker Campell, Greg Turner, Meg Buerkel Hunn, Michael Buerkel Hunn, Mollie Steinberg, Kathy Bealo, Lorri Bass, Slee Arnold, Rex Spy (?-unable to read on sign-in sheet)
The meeting was called to order at6:10 pm.by President, Renae Gantt
- Minutes of the June 14, 2012meeting –The minutes of the June 14meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve minutes was made byKathy Ahlers, seconded by Tracey Watkins. Minutes were approved.
- Band Director’s Report –Robert Hunter
Mr. Hunter was not in the meeting but asked for everyone to please be sure to pick up a pink sheet with calendar dates that was distributed at Open House.
- Treasurer’s Report– Greg Turner
Bank balances are as follows:
The Durham Bulls money has come in earlier this year and more students have paid their fair share at this point…so we have taken in around $25,000. Since July, we have spent $20,000 and another $20,000 will soon be paid out to Frostburg for away camp expenses. We are in great shape for the year. Most of the salaries for the staff have already been paid out as well. Greg noted that a general ledger is always available for review at meetings.
Greg explained to new parents that Fair Share money is used for operational expenses, while general funding is used for things such as instrument purchase, etc. Greg has filed our tax return with the IRS for this past year.
It was noted that money has also been deposited for ink cartridges that have been collected and turned in.
- Fair Share – Wendy Daly
Wendy noted that she will mail Fair Share statements this week.
- Operations Report–Patti Snow (not present)
No report available.
- Ways and Means – Tracey Watkins
Tracey presented samples of chrome emblems to consider selling. It was noted that we have a large supply of magnets still available. It was suggested to look at this later since we are doing CitiPass books and the Fruit Sale.
- Old Business:
Kathy extended a sincere thank you to all parent chaperones for Away Camp. She indicated it was a great week at camp. Thanks to Kathy for her organization as CampDirector.
- New Business:
Thank you to the parents who are organizing feeding students on Friday before games. It was noted that this will not take place on the early release day. Greg clarified that this is not for the whole band, but is primarily for students who do not have enough time to get home on the bus and back by 5:00 to get ready for the game. It was suggested for Renae to send out clarification of the policy through the yahoo email group. It was also suggested to have students sign up online to have an accurate count.
Slee Arnold noted that orders will still be taken for shirts. The band has been permitted to use the 50th Anniversary logo. It was suggested to open up polo shirt orders to all Enloe Band students as they are not marching band specific. More bags will also be purchased to sell as well as this was a success in the past.
The meeting was adjournedat 6:35p.m.
Next meeting date: September 13
Submitted by,
Ramona Jenner
Enloe Band Booster Officer Contacts:
President, Renae Gantt –
VP – Operations, – Patti Snow –
VP - Fair Share, Wendy Daly –
VP - Ways & Means, Tracey Watkins –
Treasurer, Greg Turner–
Secretary, Ramona Jenner –