North Korea: Genocide
North Koreans are Committing Genocide In Prison Camps - A grim picture of horror in the gulags of North Korea, near the Russian border, particularly prison camp 22, is beginning to…
A grim picture of horror in the gulags of North Korea, near the Russian border, particularly prison camp 22, is beginning to surface. Christian rights groups, as well as other agencies have been decrying the sadism and atrocities there for quite some time, but very little notice has been taken.. Thanks to courageous people, like reporter, Olenka Frenkiel, who broke the news to the Western world, we can finally see what goes on behind the scenes in this hidden land.
Hundreds of thousands of people are being held without official criminal charges, but rather because of the Heredity Rule.This rule is designed to uncover and eradicate disloyalty to the dead President Kim Il-sung or his son Kim Jong-il. If you are deemed guilty of this heinous crime, than all the branches of your family are also equally culpable. This is why there are so many of these suffering souls entombed in the gulags of North Korea.
A former North Korean Intelligence officer, turned defector, tells a tale of genocide and cruelty, almost unheard of since the Death Camps in Germany. Kwon Kyok, in 1993 was head of Security at Prison Camp 22, Haengyong, N.Korea, an isolated region in the far north, along the Russian border. This Kyok, along with other eyewitnesses, describe in excruciating detail, the chemical experiments being carried out on political prisoners in specially constructed gas chambers.
Kyok relates that guards were selected for their penchant for torture and abuse. Though he confesses after 3 or so years, they tire of it. Using barbaric methods, akin to those used at Dachau and Auswitchz, prisoners are used as "practice" dummies for martial arts exercises, along with other Nazi -like "experiments.
Here is an excerpt of his discussion with Ms Frankiel:
"How did you feel when you saw the children die?", she asked. "His answer shocked me."
"I had no sympathy at all because I was taught to think that they were all enemies of our country and that all our country's problems were their fault. So I felt they deserved to die."
Christian Persecution Info states this is the worse case of human rights abuse they have ever seen. Mothers weeping, watch helplessly as their children suffer from hunger and worse, but are not allowed to touch them. People broken, mutilated or deformed by torture, illness and malnutrition, are forced to work. The sanitary conditions are appalling, lacking even the minimum required for cleanliness. Witnesses have seen mothers giving birth, only to see their babies suffocated with a wet towel. Rape and murder of entire families as punishment are common. Amnesty International, Christian Persecution Info, and the BBC offer information about the appalling conditions extant in these prisons.
It is time to stop ignoring this situation. We can no longer turn a deaf ear or a blind eye to such suffering. To remain quiet and allow this to continue, makes us less then human. We must exert pressure on our respective governments to bring about an end to this atrocity. We have been present in that region since 1949. We have allowed this to develop through our own moral inertia and the stupidity of our leaders, who could have ended this most likely, before North Korea developed nuclear capabilities. Now, we dance the edge of Occams Razor militarily, because this tiger has teeth that can threaten the entire globe.
Yet, there can be no excuses for allowing this to continue. After all it would be the height of hypocrisy to refrain from action, when we invaded Iraq for far less cause. If the allies of this world would simply stand united against this and simply say stops today or... we will stop you. Or does that ask too much of the soft hands that hold us in thrall?
By Candida Eittreim
Published: 10/2/2005
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