May 13, 2015
Regular Board Meeting
Lincoln Elementary
School District Board Room
1366 N. Gould, Coquille, OR 97423
Steve Britton called the meeting to order at6:30p.m., and led in the flag salute. Board members present wereCliff Wheeler, Misty Thrash, Larry Payne, Roy Wright, Traci GeDeros and Claresa Roberson. Others present were Superintendent Tim Sweeney, Business Manager Teri Pointer and Board Secretary Brenda Goble. A list of people in the audience is included as part of the minutes.
Larry Paynemade a motion to approve the agenda.Traci GeDerosseconded the motion: it passed unanimously.
Cliff Wheeler made a motion to approve the minutes from May 13, 2015 Regular Board Meeting. Roy Wright seconded the motion: it passed unanimously.
Move into Executive Session
Steve Britton moved the meeting into Executive Session at 6:50 p.m.
ORS 192.660(2)(a) To consider the employment of a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent
Steve Britton moved back into the regular Board Meeting at 7:39 p.m.
Jeff Philley introduced the Valedictorian Marina Wilson and Salutatorian Michael Gunther they discussed their future plans.
Tony Jones introduced the Valedictorian for Winter Lake School Grant Crim and discussed his accomplishments and future plans. He also gave Grant an award for Presidential Spirit of Community award.
WLS-Tony Jones talked about WLS upcoming graduation plans. He also discussed his buildings graduation rate.
CJR-Armando Ruiz discussed the testing and end of the year activities for the 7th and 8th graders.
SRH-Jeff Philley discussed the things going on in his building. Misty Thrash asked how the Smarter Balanced testing was going for the students.
Jeff than discussed how the seniors are doing and that he expected to have a high graduation rate in June.
CVE-Geoff Wetherelldiscussed the testing and that the students were concerned about the keyboarding part of the testing. Teacher appreciation week was last week and it was a good week with cake from the district office. CVE had a talent show try out and the live talent show will be May 19, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
AD-Armando Ruiz gave the athletic report and he discussed the events that have been happening and trying out the new timing system.
Special Programs-Wayne Gallagher was unable to attend but Tim discussed some of the issues in SPED and how the program may look next year.
Lincoln-Sharon Nelsondiscussed how well the students have adapted to going to school and she feels that it will serve them well in the future.
Maintenance- Written report
Technology-Walt Wilcott discussed making headway on the IP address changes but he didn’t realize how difficult the progress would be. Chromebooks are a big hit and we have ordered fifteen more. He said it was easy to load apps to them and that it goes to all of the ChromeBooks at once. He is working on Microsoft Office for teachers to use at home.
Transportation-Susan Shepherddiscussed the DEQ permit delays; the permit will allow her to wash the buses with biodegradable soap.
BOARD REPORTS- Tim Sweeney discussed going to the different building for meals to gain a better understanding of the food service program. Rhonda Hoffine the director of food service prepared two folders of lunch information for the Board to see how the lunch program worked and that we are in complete compliance.
Claresa Roberson led a discussion on In-School-Suspension.
FISCAL REPORTS-Teri Pointer mentioned the side by side comparison and cash that was included in the board packet as she had already discussed the fiscal information during the Budget Committee Meeting. She also announced that Denise Layton was leaving as payroll clerk.
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT-Superintendent Tim Sweeney discussed that we will have a full time music teacher next year as planned. He then discussed the upcoming administrative team trip to the Seaside conference. He explained the piloting of the new teacher rubric and working with ODE on it. The project start date for the new roofs for CVE and CJSH is June 8 with completion the middle of August. There was a sample of flashing passed around to show what that would like on the buildings. Tim discussed a program for car building that is called the Switch car. It is essentially a car that can be built and taken apart and rebuild. This is the link for the information.
Roy Wrightmade a motion to approve the following:
#15-49-an increase in appropriation and expenditure of $1,732.69 from PacifiCorp. Part of SB 1149 to offset energy project costs.
#15-50-an increase in appropriation and expenditure of $11, 216.00 from Oregon State University for Winter Lakes School radio equipment
Resolution #15-51-an increase in appropriation and expenditure of $500.00 for the Robotics Club. From Roseburg Forest Products.
#15-52-an increase in appropriation and expenditure of $283.00 for the 7th and 8th grade Track Club. From W3 Timber Services to purchase sweatshirts.
#15-53-an increase in appropriation and expenditure of $200.00 for Backpack Buddies. From Candace & Peter Baumer and Win Henken.
#15-54-Amended Budget
Surplus WLS Mercedes
Misty Thrash seconded the motion: it passed unanimously
Cliff Wheeler made a motion to approve the consent agenda:
Hire Michelle Trowbridge-SpEd teacher
Hire Jake Cochran-SR high assistant football coach
Resignation Denise Layton-Payroll Clerk
Hire Kimberly Pugmire-4th grade teacher
Misty Thrash seconded the motion; it passed unanimously
STAFF/PUBLIC COMMENT-There was no staff or public comment
Steve Britton adjourned the meeting at 9:19p.m.