REA 0001C—Prep Reading 1 Class & Lab

Course Calendar: Winter Park Campus

Fall 2010—Professor McClure

CRN 15628

Meeting time & location:

Mon & Wed: Class 6:00pm – 7:15 pm room #112

Mon & Wed: Lab 7:15pm – 8:05 pm room #132

Final Exam: Wed. Dec: 15th. 5pm – 7:30 pm

Textbooks: Ten Steps to Improving College Reading

Skills (10 STEPS) and Improving Vocabulary Skills

Online Lab:

(Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills, 5/e Improving Vocabulary Skills, 4/e)

Week / Classroom Assignment / Lab Assignment
Beginning 8/30
8/30 / 1.  Introductions
2.  PALs Cycle of Learning
3.  How to prepare before class: “Read” means to annotate and mark up the book as you read!
4.  Dialectic Journal
Note to Self:
·  PALs Cycle of Learning / No lab
When you prepare before class, always try to know the information well enough to discuss; know what you understand and don’t understand. / 10 STEPS textbook: Prepare before Class:
1.  Read “How the Book is Organized” (pp 4 -7); don’t forget to do the exercises.
2.  Read “Reading for Pleasure & Power” (pp 10 – 14)
3.  Read “Some Quick Study Tips” (pp 17 -18); be prepared to discuss in class.
4.  A Brief Guide to Effective Writing (pp 597 – 598) / No lab
Beginning September 6
No Class 9/6: Labor Day
9/8 / 10 STEPS (textbook):
Read & do before Class:
1.  Vocabulary in Context (pp 21 – 32, read and answer first 5 questions in Practices 1, 2, & 3)
Class Read & Discuss “Night Watch”
Note to Self:
·  Annotation handout
·  Vocabulary PP
·  Review Dialectic Journal / Topic: Vocabulary in Context
Online Lab (Townsend Press)
·  Introduction to Townsend Press Online Lab:
·  10 Steps: Ch. 1 Vocab. in Context: Exercises
·  Improving Vocab. Skills:
Chapter 7
Note to Self:
·  Vocabulary PP (cont)
Beginning September 13
M & W
(Always bring both your informal writing (freewriting, list of ideas/details, or series of questions/answers) & outline class—these may be picked up for a grade.) / READ: Prepare before Class:
1.  Chapter 2 Main Idea (pp 57 – 62) Do Practices 1, 2, & 3.
Note to Self:
·  Discuss levels of specificity
·  Topic PP / Topic: Main Idea/Vocabulary
Online Lab
·  10 Steps/Skills: Vocab. In Context: Mastery Tests
Online Lab
·  10 Steps/Skills: Ch 2: Main Ideas: Exercises
·  Improving Vocab. Skills: Chapter 8
Beginning September 20
M & W / Discuss “The Yellow Ribbon”
READ: Prepare before Class:
1.  Main Ideas (pp 64 – 67)
Note to Self:
·  Main Idea PP
·  Open: Locations of Main Idea / Topic: Main Idea
Online Lab
·  10 Steps/Skills: Ch 2: Main Ideas: Mastery Test 1
·  Improving Vocab. Skills: Chapter 9
September 27
M & W / Discuss “In Praise of the F Word”
10 STEPS: Prepare before Class:
1.  Main Ideas (pp 68 – 78). Do Practice 7.
Note to Self:
·  Main Idea cards / Topic: Main Idea
Online Lab
·  Skills: Ch 2: Main Ideas: Mastery Test 2
Online Lab
·  Skills: Ch 2: Main Ideas: Mastery Tests 3
·  Vocab.: Chapter 10
Beginning October 4
M & W / Discuss “Here’s to Your Health”
Lab Work due (Townsendpress):
·  10 Steps Skills: Chapters 1 and 2
·  Printouts due the first 5 minutes of class, so come early!
10 STEPS: Prepare before Class:
1.  Ch 3 Supporting Details (pp 103 – 114) Do Practices 1 & 2
Note to Self:
·  Match & Compare
·  Supporting Details PP / Topic: Supporting Details
Online Lab
·  Skills: Supporting Details Exercises
Online Lab
·  Skills: Ch 3: Supporting Details Mastery Tests 1 – 4
·  Vocab.: Ch 11
Beginning October 11
M & W / Discuss “Child-Rearing Styles”
10 STEPS: Prepare before Class:
1.  Ch 4: Implied Main Ideas & the Central Point (pp 141 – 152) Do Practices 1 & 2.
VOCABULARY Test Unit 2 (All week in Testing Center)
Note to Self:
·  Supporting detail cards / Implied Main Ideas & Central Point
Lab Work due (Townsendpress):
·  Vocab. Chapters 7 - 11
·  Printouts due the first 5 minutes of class, so come early!
Online Lab
·  Skills: Ch 4 Implied MI… Exercises
Online Lab
·  Skills: Ch 4 Implied MI… Mastery Test 1 – 4
Beginning October 18
M & W / Discuss “Rowing the Bus”
Lab Work Due:
·  Skills: Ch 3 and 4
·  Printouts due the first 5 minutes of class, so come early!
10 STEPS: Prepare before Class:
1.  Ch 5: Relationships I (pp 181 – 198) Do Practices 1 – 5.
Note to Self:
·  Patterns PP / Relationship I
Online Lab
·  Skills: Ch 5 Relationships I: Exercises
Online Lab
·  Skills: Ch 5 Relationship I: Mastery Tests: 1 – 4
·  Vocab.: Chapter 13
Beginning October 25
M & W / Discuss “Students in Shock”
10 STEPS: Prepare before Class:
1.  Ch 6: Relationships II (pp 221 – 241) Do Practices 1 – 7.
Note to Self:
·  Patterns 2 PP / Relationship II
Online Lab
·  Skills: Ch 6 Relationships II: Exercises
Online Lab
·  Skills: Ch 6 Relationships II: Mastery Tests 1 – 4
·  Vocab.: Chapter 14
Beginning November 1
M & W / Discuss “Coping with Nervousness”
10 STEPS: Prepare before Class:
1.  Ch 7 Fact or Opinion? (pp 399 – 406) Do Practice 1.
Note to Self:
·  F & O Cards (PP) / Online Lab
·  Relationships I & II: Mastery Tests 1 – 2
Online Lab
·  Relationships I & II: Mastery Tests 3
·  Vocab. Chapter 15
Beginning November 8
M & W / Discuss “Non-Verbal Communication”
10 STEPS: Prepare before Class:
1.  Ch 8 Inferences (295 – 305)
Lab Work DUE:
·  Skills: Ch 5, 6, & Relationships I & II
·  Printouts due the first 5 minutes of class, so come early!
Note to Self:
·  Inference cards / Inferences
Online Lab
Skills: Ch 7 Inferences: Exercises
Online Lab
·  Skills: Ch 7 Inferences: Mastery Tests 1 – 2
·  Vocab.: Chapter 16
Beginning November 15
M & W
Note: You may want to study Vocab. Ch. 17 early in the week before taking the Unit Test. / Discuss “Gender Inequality…”
Prepare before Class:
1.  Ch 8 Inferences in Literature (pp 282 – 289)
Note to Self:
·  Wordles on the Wall
·  Like/As
·  07 Metaphorical Definitions
VOCABULARY Test Unit 3 (All week in Testing Center) / Figurative Language
Online Lab
·  Skills: Ch 7 Inferences: Mastery Tests 3 – 4
Online Lab
·  Vocab.: Chapter 17
Beginning November 22
No class Wed. 11/24
Thanksgiving Break / Discuss “Gambling”
Prepare before Class:
1.  Ch 9 Purpose & Tone (pp 319 – 336) Do Practices 2 , 4, and 5
Lab Work DUE:
·  Vocab: 11 – 17
·  Printouts due the first 5 minutes of class, so come early!
Note to Self:
·  Purpose Box
·  Walk-Around Survey / Purpose & Tone
Online Lab
·  Ch 8 Purpose & Tone Exercises
Online Lab
·  Ch 8 Purpose & Tone Mastery Tests 1 – 4
Beginning November 29
M & W / Lab Work DUE:
·  Skills: Ch 7 & 8
·  Printouts due the first 5 minutes of class, so come early!
VOCABULARY—Final Exam: Units 2 & 3—(in Classroom)
Beginning December 6
M & W / Review if necessary
Final Exam: Wed., Dec 15th:
5:00 PM – 7:30 PM / You did it!

Note: Skills Mastery Tests will be considered test grades. Be sure you turn them in on time since late work is not accepted.

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