Schedule of Readings and Assignments

PSYC 1101 MW

Fall, 2001

Dr. McCarty

Monday, December 3 – Today we discussed Freud’s theory of personality and the classification system for mental disorders. On Wednesday (the last day of class) we will discuss the disorders. I will also give back the last test plus old tests to study. Reading assignment: Modules 45, 46, and 47. Please download and read over the Psychologist for a Day assignment on my website. It is due when you arrive for the final exam, which is on Wednesday, December 11th.

Wednesday, November 18 – TEST IIIReading assignment: Modules 39, 43, and 44.

Monday, November 26 –We finished our discussion of MemoryAssignment: TEST III WEDNESDAY! Modules on Learning (20-21) and Memory (23–27) will be included. Study Questions are on this website.

Wednesday, November 21 – NO CLASS – Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Monday, November 19 – We finished up Operant Conditioning and Learning and moved on to Memory. We diagrammed the Atkinson/Shiffrin Information Processing Model of Memory on the board (and on legal-sized sheets of paper) and discussed about half of the model. We will be continuing with this discussion on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Assignment: Continue reading the Modules on Memory (23 – 27) and do the Study Questions, which are on this website.TEST III (over Learning and Memory) will be on Wednesday, November 28th.

Wednesday, November 14 – We worked through the Worksheets on Operant Conditioning. Assignment: Begin reading the Modules on Memory – 23 – 27 (try to get through 25).

Monday, November 12 – After a short scolding for those who didn’t read Module 21 and/or do the Operant Conditioning Worksheets and Study Questions, we proceeded to have a class lecture/discussion on the side effects of punishment and the meaning of “discipline.” This was an important class, so be sure to get notes before the next test! Assignment: BE SURE to do the homework assignments from Wednesday, November 7th (below)!!!

Wednesday, November 7 – After completing Module 20, we went on to Module 21, Operant Conditioning. A homework sheet was distributed. You are to read Module 21 and do the Operant Conditioning Worksheets and Study Questions for Modules 20 and 21. These materials are all found on this website under Study Questions and Activities and Assignments.

Monday, November 5 – After an easy quiz, we started Module 20 on Learning – Classical Conditioning. Homework sheets were distributed.

Wednesday, October 31 – Happy Halloween!! We went over the test results and then used the coathangers, floss, and eating utensils in a quiz.

Monday, October 29 – TEST II

Wednesday, October 24 – Today’s class is the sensation/perception lecture that will be included on the Monday, October 29th Test.

Monday, October 22 – We discussed the sleep and dreams material in the text and the article in “40 Studies.” On Wednesday, we will have the lecture on Sensation and Perception that will be included on Test II.

Wednesday, October 17 – Dr. McCarty was ill – The class worked on Study Questions on Consciousness for a quiz grade. Please note below that the test date has been changed because of Dr. McCarty’s absence.

Monday, October 15 – After finishing up Erikson’s theory and seeing if anyone had questions over any of the study questions for development, we moved on to Module 17, Consciousness. Assignment: p. 47 in Forty Studies that Changed Psychology, “Unromancing the Dream.” Study questions on Module 17 are available on this website starting today.

Announcements: TEST II will be on Monday, October 29th and will cover Modules 8,9,10,17 and in-class presentation on Sensation and Perception (which will take place Wednesday, October 24th). Child Development Projects are due Monday, November 5th.

Wednesday, October 10 -We discussed Kohlberg’s theory of Moral Development and Harlow, Ainsworth, and Erikson’s approaches to Social Development. We will finish up Erikson on Monday; come with any questions you have from the Development Study Questions (Modules 8, 9, and 10) on Monday. We will be moving on to new material: Assignment: Module 17, Waking and Sleeping Rhythms.

Monday, October 8 – After a quiz over the reading assignment, we continued our discussion of Piaget. Assignment: Be sure you have read the Modules on Development: 8, 9, 10. Don’t forget the Study Questions on this website!!

Wednesday, October 3 – Today I handed out the Child Development Project and we went over it, discussed Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, and saw a brief film about a little boy, Brian, as he went through the Sensorimotor Stage of development. Assignment: Be sure you have read the two articles assigned below and reviewed class notes for a possible quiz.

Monday, October 1 – Quiz on Child Development and a discussion of the study of development and Piaget. Assignment: Read two articles from Chapter 5, Human Development, in the “Forty Studies” book: pp. 123-131, Discovering Love (Harlow) and pp. 131-139 , Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind (Piaget). There will be a quiz over this on Monday, October 8th.

Wednesday, September 26 – Students got back Test I and the Brain Game and discussed strategies for improvement. Assignment: Read the rest of Module 8 and be ready for a quiz. See me if you want to discuss in detail how to improve your performance on the next test.

Monday, September 24 – Test I was today! Assignment: Read pp. 123 – 131 in Module 8 (Physical and Cognitive Development during infancy and childhood). Warning: I have been known to give quizzes the class period after a test (what a meanie!).

Wednesday, September 19 – After a discussion of the neuron and the structures in the brain, we talked about Test I, which will be given on Monday, September 24th. Test I will be Multiple Choice and will cover Modules 1 – 4. You should study your notes and your answers to the Study Questions on this website, using the text and your notes to help you answer the questions thoroughly. TEST MONDAY! GOOD LUCK STUDYING!!! BRAIN GAME ANSWERS ARE POSTED ON THIS WEBSITE - LOOK ON THE MENU WITH THE SCENARIOS AND ANSWER SHEET. I ALSO SENT THEM OUT VIA E-MAIL.

Monday, September 17 – BRAIN GAME DAY!! Groups worked on the Brain Game and turned it in at the end of the class.

Wednesday, September 12 – CLASS CANCELLED. Assignments: Reads and outline Chapter 4 carefully. Print out the Brain Game and its answer sheet and work through it. You MUST bring the Brain Game and your preliminary answers to class on Monday to participate in an activity for a double quiz grade. Work on the Study Questions for Modules 3 and 4.

Monday, September 10 – We went over the worksheets on Correlational vs. Experimental research and then began discussing Module 3. Assignment: Begin reading Module 4 (and be sure you have read Module 3) and be sure you can find and download the Brain Game on my website.

Wednesday, September 5 – Today’s class featured a lively discussion of the effects of salt on freshwater fish, and other exciting research topics. Seriously, the focus today was on understanding the differences between correlational and experimental research, as well as how to distinguish independent from dependent variables. Assignment: Re-do the handout on experimental vs. correlational research based on today’s discussion. Attach a separate sheet of paper and provide the hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, and method for acquiring subjects used in the Milgram study of obedience from the Forty Studies book. If you want to begin working through the next Modules, please read Modules 3 and 4 paying careful attention to structures in the brain and the functions (behaviors) associated with them.

Monday, August 20 – Assignment: Find and explore Dr. McCarty’s website and print out and study syllabus (quiz on Wednesday!). Read Module 1.

Wednesday, August 22 – Today we discussed Module 1, had a quiz over the syllabus, and turned in printed syllabi. Assignment:Read Module 2 from the text for Monday, August 27th and “Obey at Any Cost” on p. 301 in Forty Studies that Changed Psychology for Wednesday, August 28th.

Monday, August 27 – We completed our discussion of Module 1. There are no new reading assignments at this time – just be sure to have read the ones noted for Wednesday, August 22nd for class on Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 29 – We started class with a quiz today over the reading assignment and notes for the last class period. We also began discussing research strategies used in psychology, and several handouts were given for work in class and homework assignments. It is also extremely important to read the Milgram study assigned above for class next week. Remember: Monday is a holiday, and there is NO CLASS! Have fun, and I’ll see you next week!