International Sahaja Yoga Youth Camp
Daglio 2018 - Registration Form
 Girls Camp - Mon 30.07.18 to Sat11.08.18
 Boys Camp - Mon 13.08.18 to Sat 25.08.18 [please write in capital letters]
COUNTRY / AGE / Exceptional ARRIVAL date* / / LEAVING date*

Parents:*Full attendance is mandatory. Exceptions must be requested in advance to camp administrators

The undersigned………………………………………………..…., born on …./…./….… in ……………………......

[first and last name of theparent or legal guardian]..

resident in …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………

[full address]

parent of ……………………………………………………………, born on …./…./….… in ………...……..……......

[first and lastname of the child]..

requeststhe registration of his/her child in the2018International Sahaja Yoga Youth Camp in Daglio,delegating to the organisersthe management and care of their child for theperiod of time that he/she is staying in the camp(as specified above) and, at the same time, exonerates the camporganisers andassisting personnel from any responsibility (cf. points 6, 7, 9 and 14 of the contract overleaf). The undersigned parent also declares that:

 I have read the information on the website and will comply with the points made there;

 My child practices Sahaja Yoga meditation and treatments regularly and of his/her own free will;

 I have explained my child that he/she must comply with the rules of the camp as laid down by the coordinators;

 In the event of a 2-day hike, I allow my child to sleep outside on the mountain (tents are provided by the camp)

 Thechild has had the Tetanus (Lockjaw)vaccine in ……..(year)[if known, his/her blood group is …(optional)]

 Thechildhasn’trecentlyhad a contagiousillnessorliceandwecommittorecheckforlicejustbeforethecamp

The child has the following health / diet needs that need to be considered while he/she attends the camp(if possible, attacha doctor’s report):………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…..



Any comments on the child (background, character, special interests and talents etc.): ......
Contact details (parents or legal guardians):
E-mail: | Phone: | Mobile:
Name and contact details of adult picking up the child after the camp (if other than above):
Name: | Phone: | Mobile:

Legible signature of parentsor legal guardian(MOTHER)…………………(FATHER)………………… Date:… /… /….

Both parents should sign (special situations must be discussed with the organisers). Legal guardians must provide appropriate documents that the child has been placed officially in their care for the duration of the camp. For the registration to be valid it must be accompanied by a valid ID document of the child and child’s health card (for EU members) or a valid medical insurance (for non EU members). A copy of the vaccination card is also recommended.


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National Coordinator’s Declaration: I declare that,to the best of my knowledge, there is no impediment to the application of……………..………………………………. to the International Sahaja Yoga Youth Camp in Daglio.

Name of coordinator: ……………….……………………..

Phone number: ……….……………………………………

E-mail: ……………......

Date: ……….……..... Signature: ………………………...

Do not fill in below box (to be filled in by camp responsible only)

Head of Camp - signature of final approval
………………… / To Pay:
……… € / Paid:
……… €
Online / Cash
WF Proof 
Still to pay:
ID / Passport M
original / copy / none
with camp / with child / with parent
/ Health insurance M
original / copy / none
with camp / with child / with parent
/ Vaccination card O
original / copy / none
with camp / with child / with parent
Registration processed by:
Comments: / Pocket money:
…… €

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The International Sahaja Yoga Youth Camp in Daglio, based in CarregaLigure (AL) offers an environment in which children aged between 8 and 14 years of age can learn the practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation and experience and imbibe a lifestyle and culture based on the teachings of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

The children follow a programme of cultural, artistic and sports activities and live in the residential facility of the Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation in Daglio, CarregaLigure (AL) where they will be cared for by dedicated personnel who will assist them and provide for their needs.



Admission to the Camp is formalised by signing this document, the act of which is considered an implicit acceptance of the rules and regulations of the Foundation outlined herein and of the terms and conditions outlined in the prospectus of ‘International Sahaja Youth Camp in Daglio’, which is to be considered an integral part of this document..


To provide children between 8 and 14 years old with a holiday away from the distractions of modern life and also experience in the disciplines, activities and culture of Sahaja Yoga.

Duration and Articulation

The Camp runs for about two weeks in the months of July and/or August. The exact dates and duration will vary from year to year.

Where numbers permit, the camp is split into a boys camp and a girls camp which run separately and at different times.

Pre-requisites for Admission

The International Sahaja Youth Camp in Daglio is open to all practicing Sahaja Yogi children aged between 8 and 14, who have the right to stay in Italy under Italian immigration law. Admission will be refused if Camp organisers cannot provide at least one carer who speaks the mother tongue of the child.


Parents are required to comply with the norms laid out by the camp management in the prospectus of ‘International Sahaja Youth Camp in Daglio’ regarding the healthcare practices that are applied, should the need arise. Such healthcare will be common for all the children, respectful of the accepted practices of Sahaja Yoga and compliant with the norms of Italian law. With the act of registration of their child, parents agree to allow the camp management to supply the doctor looking after the children with the health records of their children.


During their stay at the camp, children are required to participate in morning and evening meditation, complete at least two activity programmesand help with and contribute to household chores. They are also expected to join in outings and sports activities arranged by the camp.

Board and Lodging

Pupils will be accommodated in Daglio Farm in CarregaLigure, a hostel facility owned by the Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation, in numbers appropriate to the size of the building and the space available. Camping outside may occur for one night as a special activity, in tents or under the clear sky (depending on the weather).


The preamble constitutes an integral part of this document.

The parents of the admitted child declare he/she will adhere to the contents of the present contract which foresees that:

  1. Children will remain in the care of the camp organisers for the duration of the camp, as specified in this registration form. Parents must collect their children after the camp has ended.
  2. Minors will only be entrusted to the care of their parents or other adults who have been expressly delegated by the parents who, beforehand, will supply the Foundation with a copy of the said person’s ID document.
  3. Parents are obliged to provide the camp organisers with a current address and telephone number at the time of admission.
  4. Admittance entails for the child reciprocal respect and diligence with regard to active involvement in the activities and events proposed by the camp organisers.
  5. By signing this document parents authorise the camp organisers to intervene and act in the best interests of their child, making decisions with regard to his/herwell-being and anything else that may be necessary for the proper functioning and development of his/her social life and the social life of the community. Such interventions and decisions will comply with the principals of the project, and the Mission Statement.
  6. Children living in the Daglio Farm in CarregaLigure are required to adhere to the norms and regulations established by the camp organisers for the transfer to and from the campto attend the campand for any other travel arrangements required in the management of camp activities (outings, sports activities etc.) including visits to the doctor and other health specialists.
  7. Camp organisers decline all responsibility for any injuries to or accidents of the children, even serious ones, both inside and outside the boundaries of the Daglio Farm.

Notwithstanding the above clauses, to better protect the pupils, the norms and conditions regulating the third party insurance policy (see clause 10) are to be considered here transcribes and an integral part of the present contract.

  1. Exemption from responsibility for objects and currency, with the specific exclusions in the application of articles 1783 e segg. C.C. Camp organisers decline responsibility for the disappearance, theft or deterioration of objects and/or currency and/or personal belongings brought to the hostel by the child. Camp organisers also decline responsibility for any damage to the building or to the furniture.
  2. Exemption from responsibility as per article 2048 C.C. Camp organisers and its workers and/or whoever carries out work on its behalf are exempt from responsibility under article 2048 C.C. while the child is attending the camp.The Civil Code applies at all times.
  3. Camp organisers will provide adequate insurance cover with a leading insurance company for the protection of the child and against any damage caused to third parties and/or things for the period in which the child is under its guardianship.
  4. Parents must convey to the camp organisers the vaccination history of their child and all relevant health information at the time of admission.
  5. Camp organisers decline all responsibility for damage caused to minors by pathologies, including allergies and allergic reactions, where at the time of admission, these conditions are not communicated in writing and any medicines aimed at preventing such pathologies are not handed over to the camp organisers.
  6. By signing the present document, the parents authorise the camp organisers to preserve and promote the physical and psychological health and wellbeing of their child, identify in a timely manner illnesses and disturbances so as to avoid their propagation and, where necessary, call on the help of the local doctor, receive reports on the state of health of their child and medical records in general. With regard to the above, parents will be kept informed in a spirit of collaboration aimed at obtaining the most efficient prevention of illness and disease. In cases where there is an imminent and immediate need, the parents authorise the camp organisers to take appropriate and adequate action, in all cases in agreement with the attending doctor.
  7. For any controversies that may arise, the parties agree to refer to an arbitration court made up of three members, each party choosing one and the third chosen together by the two arbiters, or where an agreement cannot be reached, by the President of the Court of Alessandria (Italy). The arbitration court will give its ruling based on Italian law and within 40 days of its constitution.

Agreed to and

signed by the parents:

Date: …… / …… /2018 MOTHER ...... ………….

...... FATHER ...... ………….

Based on articles 1341 e 1342 cc and having read the norms and regulations contained in this contract, with special reference to point number 6 (absolving responsibility for the transfer to and from the camp), number 7 (absolving all responsibility for any injuries to or accidents of the children both inside and outside the boundaries of Daglio Farm), number 9 (exemption from responsibility of workers as per art. 2048 c.c.) and number 14 (arbitration) of the contract, the signing party expressly endorses and agrees to them.

Agreed to and

signed by the parents:

Date: …… / …… /2018 MOTHER ...... ………….

...... FATHER ...... ………….

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