Evaluation of Master Study Programs in the Field of Social Policy and Social Service Delivery at the Universities in Serbia

– Evaluation Report –

University in Novi Sad

University in Belgrade

University in Niš

Evaluation carried out in spring 2016

Report submitted by:

SHESPSS Evaluation Team (WP4)

July, 2016.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3

Introduction 4

Purpose 4

Evaluated Study Programs 5

1. University in Novi Sad - Master Program A Sociologist in Social Service Delivery 5

2. University in Belgrade – Social Policy and Social Work 6

3. University in Niš – Social Pedagogy 9

Methodology 12

Sample of Respondents and Data Collection 12

Instruments for Data Collection 13

Data Processing 14

Results 14

Process 14

Content of Courses and Programs 16

Quality of Courses and Programs 20

Organisation of Courses and Programs 21

Satisfaction with the Work of Teachers and Cooperatives 25

Impact 26

Strength, Weaknesses and Recommendations of Students and Teachers 31

Discussion and Reccomendations 33

Conclusion 36

Acknowledgement 36

Reference 36

Attachments 38

1. Consent form for students’ participation in the focus group 38

2. Consent form for professors’ participation in the interview 40

3. Focus-group protocol 42

4. Interview protocol for teachers 47

5. Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire 50

6. Student Program Evaluation Questionnaire 56

Executive Summary

In the framework of the Tempus project SHESPSS it has been planned to implement and evaluate the effects of piloted study programs in the field of social policy and social service delivery, which are implemented at the University of Novi Sad, Belgrade and Nis (The Republic of Serbia). The evaluation is focused on the organization and content of the study programs, the ratio of students and teachers towards them, as well as on the strengths and weaknesses of these programs and the ways for their improvement.

There were conducted surveys, focus groups with students and individual interviews with teachers, with the aim of gathering data about the process and the impact of the study programs, which were the foundation of the recommendations for their improvement. In particular, there was examined the attendance at classes and teaching assignments and consultations, a level of satisfaction with courses and programs in general, the relevance of the content of the program for the development of professional competencies of social workers, as well as opinions of students and teachers on how to improve the study programs. In the period from January to June 2016, a total number of 189 students were surveyed, 32 students were interviewed in 5 focus groups (12 UNS students + 13 UBG students + 7 UNI students). Also, there were interviewed 11 teachers at three universities in Serbia (4 UNS teachers + 4 UBG teachers + 3 UNI teachers). Based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the collected data, it was determined that students were satisfied with the efforts and expertise of teachers, organization of courses, interesting courses and their relevance. However, they also pointed out to insufficient information relating to the students’ obligations, insufficient practical training, difficulties in classes due to excessive groups of students at a university, as well as the lack of literature on Serbian language.

Based on those findings there have been formulated recommendations for improving study programs in the field of social policy and social service delivery, which are implemented at universities in the Republic of Serbia:

Bearing in mind that the work of teachers and cooperatives is highly rated, it is recommended that their motivation needs to be nurtured and maintained at a high level, inter alia, by providing feedback on the results of the evaluation.

Contents that are elaborated within the courses and programs, as well as the organization of teaching, are highly rated. However, there is somewhat less satisfaction of students from Novi Sad in terms of transparency of programs and clarity of the program's outcomes. Therefore, it is recommended that students should be better informed about the goals and outcomes of the master program Sociologist in Social Service Delivery.

Suggestions for improving the courses and programs that are provided by the students and teachers point to the need to use modern teaching methods in teaching content processing, and reminded that the classes should not take place only and exclusively in the classroom (for schools), but to organize classes in institutions within which students could gain knowledge about the profession of a social worker.

Also, the teachers clearly formulated suggestions that within the study programs there should be devoted more attention to designing an internship for students.

This report is intended for university administration and the teachers who are in a position to consider and implement the recommendations contained herein before the start of the new school year, and thereby improve the study programs.

We would like to thank students and teachers for their willingness to participate in surveys and interviews, express their opinion on the quality of the process and benefits of these programs, as well as to give their suggestions about how to improve them.


Within the Tempus project SHESPSS, Work Package No. 4 provides for the evaluation of the study programs in the field of social policy and social service delivery, which are implemented at three universities in the Republic of Serbia. Intention of this evaluation is to determine the effects of the pilot study program, satisfaction with programs in students and teachers, as well as recommendations for the improvement of their content and the context in which they are implemented.

The results of data analysis collected in the evaluation should indicate the strengths and weaknesses of these programs in general and individual courses. Special attention will be given to recommendations for improving the content and context of these programs by the Management Board of the University of Novi Sad, Belgrade and Nis, who will make necessary changes in order to make them effective in the education of professionals in the field of social policy and social service delivery.

Purpose of Evaluation

The main objective of evaluation of the study program in the field of social policy and social service delivery at the Universities in Serbia is a development and improvement of existing study programs, in order to enable education system to offer qualified professionals in this field, who are needed on the labor market in the Republic of Serbia. In particular, the evaluation is directed towards achieving the following specific objectives:

1. Establish regularity with which students attend classes and use consultations within the evaluated courses and study programs,

2. Examine the level of satisfaction with the content and quality of teaching in students

3. Determine the level of satisfaction with the impact and the organization of teaching courses and programs in general,

4. Assess the level of satisfaction with the work among teachers and staff involved in the courses and the program in general,

5. Establish how teachers assess the relevance of the content and organization of study programs toward expected outcomes of these programs and

6. Propose changes to the study programs based on data collected during the evaluation.

The evaluation results in this report are intended to the financiers of the SHESPSS Project, the bodies of the University of Novi Sad, Belgrade and Nis, which make decisions on the development and implementation of study programs, as well as to practitioners who may be involved in the work of the previously mentioned bodies, thus influencing the program contents and the process of creation of professional competencies of students who attend these programs.

In order to achieve the main objective of the project and evaluation of the pilot program, i.e. to make Universities in the Republic of Serbia to establish effective study programs, it is necessary to emphasize the necessity of joint efforts of all stakeholders interested in the education of professionals in this field. This includes understanding of the findings presented in this report, as well as the joint consideration of the application of those specific recommendations for the improvement of study programs.

Evaluated Study Programs

1.  University of Novi Sad - Master Academic Program Sociologist in Social Service Delivery

Master Program or master studies Sociologist in Social Service Delivery are studies which duration is one year or two semesters (60 ECTS). Their structure is in function of achieving full qualifications for work (sociologist) in the field of social service delivery, and they belong to the field of humanities. The Master Studies may be enrolled by candidates who have completed the four-year undergraduate studies in Sociology, with total 240 ECTS. In the first semester (255 of active teaching hours), the study program is realized through two compulsory courses and three elective blocks of courses, and the second semester is realized through one elective block of courses consisting of two subjects (45 hours of active teaching hours and 300 hours of study-research work). The study-research work and elaboration of the master thesis are also provided for the second semester. To perform this study program there are engaged 13 teachers and 3 associates in total (who belong to the scientific fields of sociology, psychology and pedagogy). The number of students to be enrolled in this study program is fifteen. After graduation, the students acquire the academic title of M.A. in Sociology in Social Service Delivery.

Compulsory courses in the master studies (Systems of Social Security, and Social Planning and Social Development) are closely profiled in the direction of social service delivery, social security, planning and development. One part of the elective courses (Education for Human Rights and Democracy, Theory of Moral Education) is in the field of pedagogy for acquiring competencies for qualified work in social service delivery. Other elective courses (Urban Society, Sociology of Intercultural Communication, Methodology of Sociological Research, Sociology of Professions, and Postmodern Sociological Theories) are the sociological disciplines which are designed to complement and contextually base knowledge necessary for coping with current problems of social work, social policy and social service delivery. Credit equivalency of the courses is 3 to 6 ECTS, and the student acquires 30 ECTS in total upon passing all examinations. The study-research work acquires additional 10 ECTS, and a successful defense of the graduate (master) thesis carries 20 ECTS.

The purpose of this study program is: (1) acquiring full qualifications to work on planning and development in social service delivery, and the appropriate institutions which plan and implement social policy; (2) the acquisition of in-depth knowledge of theoretical, methodological and scientific-technical courses; (3) gaining knowledge from professional-applicative courses on the importance and practice of planning and development of social protection systems. In addition, the goal of master studies Sociology in Social Service Delivery is gaining formal and content competencies for work (of sociologists) in social service delivery institutions, , social policy and social security, in the field of business planning and development in the level of local community, bodies of local self-government, and provincial and national institutions. Also, their goal is to prepare students for further advanced training in scientific and research institutions.

In this regard, by mastering the study program Sociologist in Social Service Delivery, the students acquire general and subject-specific skills and abilities which contribute to the quality performance of professional and scientific activities. Among these abilities and competencies there are the following: independent planning of programs and activities in the fields of social service delivery, social security and social policy; designing policy and planning strategies for development in the fields of social service delivery and social security; independent design and implementation of relevant research in the fields of social service delivery; independent work in social services organizations, government and administration, etc. Finally, this study program is a holistic, comprehensive and coordinated with other programs of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, as well as with the study programs of social service delivery and social policy in the developed world countries.

2.  University of Belgrade – Social Policy and Social Work

Since 1971, there are undergraduate studies of Social Policy and Social Work at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. Postgraduate master’s and doctoral studies have escalated in the process of transition to the Bologna system into one-year master studies implemented through two separate master programs Social Work and Social Policy, and three-year doctoral studies Social Policy and Social Work. In the framework of existing programs of master and undergraduate studies, a new accreditation of the study program from 2015 introduced new courses which basic aim is to improve general and specific competencies, through the adoption of various knowledge and mastery of skills needed for complex and various tasks of social workers, which are in accordance with contemporary knowledge and needs of practice.

Since the programs of undergraduate and master studies have not been introduced by Tempus Project, but only 4 courses on master studies and courses on undergraduate studies, the focus of evaluation will be on new courses, which are followed by particular evaluations and comments of the overall program.

The two-semester master studies of social work upgrade and deepen theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the undergraduate four-year studies of social work. This provides the opportunity for graduates and experienced professionals to further develop their skills, knowledge and their critical application in various fields of social work.

The program contains four compulsory courses that deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of working with families, individuals, groups and communities, case management, supervision and social work management at the level of establishment and management of social service and its activities.

Elective subjects are organized in three electoral blocks. They provide an opportunity to get more acquainted with the research of social phenomena and social problems, the possibilities of social changes, and the effects of practical work. A part of the elective subjects is oriented towards the study of group dynamics and processes, as well as study of the application discipline, which are important for social work, such as mediation and antisocial behavior. Here there are also disciplines in the fields of globalization, migration, social policy, theories of justice and gender studies.