Regular MeetingMinutesDecember 15, 2014
2910 East Fifth Street Austin, TX 78702
~ Minutes ~
Executive Assistant/Board LiaisonEd Easton
Monday, December 15, 201412:08 PM Meeting Called To Order
12:00 PM1:45 PM Meeting Adjourned
I.Pledge of Allegiance
II.Safety Briefing
Donna Simmons, Vice President of Administration, gave the holiday safety briefing message for the month. Donna reiterated that Capital Metro is "Your Sober Ride Home" with free service after 6 pm on New Year’s Eve.
III.Public Comment:
Michael Zitz-Evanich, Citizen, talked about problem with the MetroAccess taxi voucher program. Mr. Zitz-Evanich suggested that Capital Metro release telephone numbers of the Metro customers to the Yellow Cab Company so they could call with updates. He also suggested that Capital Metro look at working with Uber for these rides.
Carlos Aleman, American Council for the Blind. Mr. Aleman wants the Board of Directors to consider changing the time for the Board of Directors meetings to a time that is more convenient for more people to participate. The ADA Compliance review report has come out and the report has noted some deficiencies in the MetroAccess program. Many of the deficiencies have already been brought to the attention of the board. One deficiency that the FDA sited affected him today; persons arriving too early to their appointments. Mr. Aleman is looking forward to the deficiencies being fixed. The Access-A-Ride program should work with the committee to come to solution.
Oliver Steck, Citizen, had an idea regarding a new commuter rail line in Austin, along MoPac. He is looking for ways to get more involved in bringing rail to Austin after the defeat of Proposition 1. Board Chair Martinez, noted that we do not own that right of way but transportation planners are working on it as part of the Lone Star rail project.
IV.Advisory Committee Updates:
1.Update on the Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC); and
Celso Baez, Community Involvement Team, noted that there was no November CSAC meeting due to lack of a quorum. However, there was a December meeting and the minutes and a complete report will be available at the January 2015 board meeting.
2.Update on the Access Advisory Committee (AAC).
Chris Prentice, Vice Chair AAC. The AAC met on December 3rd, 2014. The AAC update included the following;
Resolution for HEB to sell MetroAccess Passes
Approval of 2015 Draft Work plan
Elections of Officers January 2015
MetroArt Update
V.Board Committee Updates:
1.Operations, Planning and Safety Committee
Chris Riley, Committee Chair, reported on the Operations, Planning and Safety Committee. Four action items at the committee meeting were recommended for the consent agenda at today’s meeting.
2.Finance, Audit and Administration Committee; and
Terry Mitchell, Committee Chair, gave the updates from the Finance, Audit and Administration Committee meeting. There were four discussion items which included the following;
Capital Metro’s Reserve Policy
The year-end financial report
An audit of CMTA Retirement Accounts by KPMG
A Capital Projects report
3.CAMPO update
There was no CAMPO report this month as Board Member Siebold arrived late and the report was not given.
VI.Executive Session Section 551.074 of Chapter 551 Texas Government Code President/CEO Performance Review
The Executive Session began at 1:26 pm and ended at 1:43 pm.
VII.Consent Items
Consent agenda: BS/as 6-0 JW and DS absent
1.Approval of Board of Directors minutes for November 5, 2014 Finance, Audit and Administration Committee Meeting and November 12, 2014 Board Meeting.
2.Approval of the Capital Metro 2015 Board Meeting Calendar.
3.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with VTMI - Transdev for replacement of three track miles of 90lb rail located between mileposts 50.40 and 52.44 on the east subdivision and between mileposts 121.3 to 122.3 on the west subdivision in an amount not exceed $3,031,039 of which $275,549 is contingency.
4.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with Hatch Mott MacDonald to provide Positive Train Control design, engineering, and construction oversight services for Capital Metro’s Positive Train Control (PTC) Enhanced - Automatic Train Control (E-ATC) project in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000.
5.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with Creative Consumer Research to conduct an on-board Origin and Destination Survey and a Customer Satisfaction Survey in an amount not to exceed $389,200.
6.Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute an interlocal agreement with the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) for reimbursement in an amount not to exceed $16,300 for work performed in support of the 2015 Capital Area Regional Transit Coordination Committee (RTCC) Work Plan.
VIII.Action Items:
1.Approval of a resolution confirming the evaluation rating for the fourth year of the President/CEO’s Employment Agreement of exceeds plus and approving the amount of the annual performance award of a 4 percent increase in base pay and a 8 percent performance incentive. The increases are awarded retroactively to the annual Employment Agreement date of July 26, 2014.
Mike Martinez, Chairman, praised President Linda Watson and staff for another excellent year. President Watson thanked the Board for their efforts on behalf of the agency and for another great year.
MOVER:Beverly Silas, Board Member
SECONDER:Chris Riley, Vice Chair
AYES:Silas, Stafford, Mitchell, Cooper, Martinez, Riley
ABSENT:Word, Siebold
1.Future Service Delivery Options
Todd Hemingson, Vice President of Planning & Development gave the presentation discussing options for improving service as we move past the failed bond election on urban rail. The presentation cited ten areas of focus in the near-term:
Heart of the City
Frequent Service
Project Connect
First and Last Mile
TOD Placemaking
Transit Tech
Community Engagement
Discussion between the Board and staff included potential use of the funds that were earmarked for operations and maintenance of an urban rail system. There was also discussion of expanding the network of MetroRapid lines, and adding to the number of stations on the two existing lines.
2.State Legislative Update
Christy Willhite, Manager of Government Relations, gave a State Legislative Update. The update included the following, which will be areas of focus during the upcoming legislative session:
Buses on shoulders
State employees purchasing discounted transit passes
Overall transportation funding support
A measure to allow scanning of a TX drivers license by fare enforcement officers
Board Member Mitchell wanted to know if we think the buses on shoulders will get through the Legislature this session. Christy responded that the Governor did not think that there was enough of information to pass it previously; however, the governor elect has not put together his transportation team and as soon as that is completed we will be presenting the idea.
1.President/CEO Report
Linda Watson, President & CEO, presented her report. The President's report included the following items this month:
Stuff the Bus results
Cell Phones for Soldiers program success
RideScout Partnership
A Community Mobility Vehicle Grant Program Update
ADA Compliance
Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications are provided upon request. Please call (512)389-7458 or email if you need more information.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Mike Martinez, chairperson; Chris Riley, vice chair; Ann Stafford, board secretary; David Siebold; Beverly S. Silas; Juli Word; Wade Cooper and Terry Mitchell. Board Liaison: Gina Estrada (512)389-7458, email if you need more information.
The Board of Directors may go into closed session under the Texas Open Meetings Act. In accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with attorney for any legal issues, under Section 551.072 for real property issues; under Section 551.074 for personnel matters, or under Section 551.076, for deliberation regarding the deployment or implementation of security personnel or devices; arising regarding any item listed on this agenda.
Gloria E. BarnesDate
Support Specialist II
Capital Metropolitan Transportation AuthorityPage 1Updated 2/25/2015 10:18 AM