Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 2:30 p.m.

Legacy Court

1950 Parallel Drive, Lakeport


Commissioners present: Klier, Pomeroy, Maes, Jen, and Daly Commissioners absent: Falkenberg, Santana and Smith

Staff present: Hays and Ritz Members of the Public: M. Prather and B. Bonnett-ESBA, T. Jordan-MCHC, G. Rangel-AmeriCorps, T. Thornquist-LCOE/Hero Project, J. Hamner-DHS, C. Ferron-1st 5 Evaluator

I. Meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Klier @ 2:37 p.m.

II. Introductions were given.

III. Consent Agenda:

a. Approval of 12.16.16 regular meeting minutes – Removed from consent agenda for corrections (Commissioner Jen)

b. Approval of 2017 Commission Meeting Calendar – Commissioner Pomeroy motioned to approve consent agenda (2017 calendar) Commissioner Maes 2nd the motion, motion carried.

c. Approval of amended independent audit and reports – Removed from consent agenda for two items that needed to be reported on (Pomeroy)

III.a. Corrections to the 12-16-16 meeting minutes:

·  Susan Jen made a correction to Item VII (page 2) of 12.16.16 minutes – Strike out “under the umbrella of DPH”, and insert “considered a hybrid.”

  • During public comment, Tom Jordan clarified the reduction in rent - Strike out “the whole complex” and replace with “for 1st 5 only”.
  • Pomeroy made motion to approve 2-16-16 minutes as amended, Daly 2nd the motion, motion carried.

III.c. Commissioner Pomeroy reported the 15-16 audit was approved as presented at the Dec. meeting with several questions arising during discussion. Pomeroy worked with staff and the independent auditor to prepare an amended report. The amended report was sent to commissioners with the agenda for today’s meeting. A summary of changes was emailed to commissioners prior to today’s meeting and Pomeroy amended the roster showing Jim Brown as a commissioner as of 6/30/16 and gave out copies at the meeting.

·  Pomeroy reported for the record that staff pulled the MDA from the prior years and modified it with the numbers from the audit report and modified anything that we had information on and updated it. We also did the footnotes. The auditor did the independent audit. Pomeroy wanted to clear up that misunderstanding and clear the record on that matter.

  • Pomeroy reported the editorial corrections listed on the summary that had been emailed prior to the meeting and reminded the Commissioners that the audit had already been approved as presented with possible amendments.
  • During public discussion, Tom Jordan thanked Commissioner Pomeroy for the clarification and brought up several questions about the approved audit and Cathy Ferron asked if it would be possible to get a written response from the auditor on those questions. Commissioner Pomeroy said she already talked to the independent auditor about this and reminded the commission that the auditor’s response was that the dollars involved were insignificant and that there was no clear documentation that could be found at the time of the audit. Pomeroy noted questions to look into and said that she would check with the auditor. Pomeroy also noted that the State has already granted the Commission three extensions.
  • Pomeroy made the motion to approve the amended changes to the approved audit, Daly 2nd the motion, motion carried.

IV. Election of 2017 Officers - Pomeroy moved to nominate Vice Chair, Pam Klier as Chair for 2017, Maes 2nd the motion, motion carried.

Nomination for Vice Chair - Daly made the motion to nominate Denise Pomeroy as Vice Chair, Maes 2nd the motion, motion carried.

During public discussion, Tom Jordan recommended adding a third officer, that of Treasurer, to oversee the Commission’s finances. Pomeroy recommended this be put on a future meeting agenda to discuss since it has not been a position the commission has had in many years and that fiscal oversight is part of the Executive Director’s job description.

V. Acknowledge receipt of new commissioner application and review for inclusion on February meeting agenda – The Commission acknowledge receipt of an application for commissioner from Tom Jordan (retired First 5 E.D.). Discussion centered on the proper protocol for bringing on new commissioners. Pomeroy read from the commission by-laws which state that when an open seat exists, the Commission will form a committee to solicit and review applications and make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. The Commission agreed to the importance of adhering to the by-laws and decided to add the creation of a committee for recruitment of applicants to fill the open seat to the next meeting’s agenda. Pomeroy reported that the County website shows no vacancies and that needs to be fixed before anything goes to the Board of Supervisors. She will contact the County about this.

During public discussion Tom Jordan shared that the original purpose of forming a committee was intended for instances when there were multiple applicants for an open seat. He stated that by-laws are developed by the commission and that the commission can always amend, as necessary. The Commissioners agreed that the by-laws should be reviewed regularly and updated as appropriate and requested that this be added to a future meeting’s agenda.

The Commissioners also discussed the current application form and suggestions were made for improving the form to include greater detail (date, requirements for service, etc.). The executive director was tasked with updating the form prior to the solicitation of new applicants.

VI. Update on Amendment to tenant Sublease Agreements at Legacy Court – Legacy’s three subtenants received lease amendments to extend lease term to June 30, 2017 to align with the lease term for First 5 (head tenant, previously extended) and staff are now waiting for amendments to be returned. All tenants have expressed an interest in staying at Legacy. Pomeroy reported that she has a call scheduled with John Ussery to go over lease options. She reported that the owner previously expressed an interested in extending the lease for another five-year term and that one of the tenants, Tribal Health, has also expressed an interest in taking over as leaseholder. Pomeroy reported that the Commission would need to set up a committee at a future meeting to review the new lease.

During public discussion, Tom Jordan shared that Tribal Health currently does the grounds maintenance for the property and has primary use of the public bathrooms and kitchen, which was a trade off on the lease amount.

VII. KEDP Survey Presentation – Cathy Ferron gave a presentation on the results of the Kindergarten Entry Data Profile and the Commissioners and the public enjoyed a robust discussion of its implications. Cathy’s presentation slides will be made available on the First 5 Lake website for public viewing.

VIII. Executive Director’s Report – Carla Ritz shared that she recently participated in a conference call with representatives from First 5 California and the First 5 Association about the governor’s budget, declining Prop 10 funds and declining revenue projections. She reminded the commission that their budget is currently protected from State revenue fluxuation by the Small Population County Funding Augmentation (SPCFA), but that First Five CA had not yet decided whether that program would continue into the future. Ritz will be attending Advocacy Day in Sacramento and will be meeting with Sen. Mike McGuire, and staff members of Assemblywoman Cecelia Aguiar-Curry and that these issues will be discussed. Ritz stated that her first 10 days on the job had been spent coming up to speed as quickly as possible. Ritz also shared that Sherylin Taylor from the Dept. of Health Services is trying to get a large meeting compiled with local 0-5 stakeholders, which would supplement her efforts to come up to speed through one-on-one meetings. Pomeroy mentioned Carla included a transition plan on the last page of her E.D. Report.

IX. Commissioner’s Reports – updates on relevant information concerning budget issues, legislation or activities relating to prenatal-to-5 programs - Pomeroy stated that there will be some cost savings due to the vacancy in the E.D. position and once Ritz comes up to speed she will come back to the commission with recommendations on how to reallocate those funds in our mid-year budget revision.

X. Public Comment & Announcements – open forum where any member of the public may speak on items within our scope but not appearing on the agenda – Tom Jordan asked when the commission would take formal action on submission of annual report that was due last October. Jordan said the actual data submission requires formal action by the commission. Pomeroy responded that the Commission approved Cathy Ferron’s report and the audit and that the State had what was required.

·  Gilbert Rangel reported that AmeriCorps has new ideas for expanding their reach to the birth-to-five population, including connecting with Head Start to reach more children.

·  Bonnie Bonnett with Easter Seals reported there still remains an open position in Early Intervention. Their salaries have been increased to align with other Northern California Easter Seals agencies. They have 3 full-time positions working in early intervention where two are bi-lingual.

·  Mary Prather shared that the Early Learning Center (ELC) in Lakeport has seen a core group of 10-15 families that are consistent and rotate their attendance at group. The families are building relationships and providing support to each other. The ELC in Clearlake has families attending on a more regular basis, even checking in and letting Mary know if they aren't coming to group the following week. Bonnie said a local intervention program is utilizing both ELC’s for early invention activities. The Tribal Health Clinic on Lakeport Boulevard will be performing ASQ's with their families and Tribal Health home visitors are doing ASQ’s with Easter Seals assists.

·  Tamara Thornquist, communications specialist for the HERO Project, reported that they are looking at the future direction of the project and talking with Ameri-Corps to see how they can strengthen both programs.

XI. Meeting was adjourned at 4:31 p.m.

Next regular meeting of the First 5 Lake County Commission will be held on Wed. Feb. 22, 2017.

Respectfully submitted,

~First 5 Lake County staff