January 2016


September 2016 Programme

Open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

Hadrian Way, Stanwell, TW19 7HE

Call us on 01784 241407

Welcome to Stanwell Children’s Centre

Stanwell Children’s Centre provides a wide range of activities, courses and clinics for families living in Stanwell with young children aged 0-5 years. Services are designed to aid early childhood development and provide adults with skills for parenting, lifestyle choices, learning and work.

Our services include:

  • Information and advice to promote family health and development such as healthy diets, fussy eating, sleep routines, active lifestyles, breastfeeding and safety in the home
  • Drop-in activities including ‘Active Play & Learn’
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Support relating to jobs, training and money
  • Support with transition into childcare and school
  • 1:1 family support ranging from debt, housing, children’s behaviour, parenting, home safety and more
  • Help for families with children with additional needs
  • Parenting advice and courses
  • Adult learning courses with free crèche
  • Health clinics including baby weighing and midwife appointments
  • Free legal advice clinics
  • Counselling services

Our drop-in sessions are FREE and enable parents to make new friends, access support and encourage children to learn through play. We’re open Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm.

If you want to join our Children’s Centre simply come in and see us or complete our registration form.

Children’s Activities in the Centre and in the Community

Active Play & Learn (0-5 yrs):Weekly drop in sessions where you can meet other parents and have fun with your children. Lots of opportunities to engage your child in play, to help their development and prepare them for school.Toys, crafts, messy play and songs.

Cosy Toes (0-18months): A weekly drop in session designed to give more space and activities appropriate to babies. Come along and meet other parents with their babies, have a chat and play.

Music Matters with MAD Academy (0-5yrsLiving in Stanwell):MAD Academy is a mixture of high energy music and dance, combined with carefully structured learning.This gives your child an opportunity to develop motor skills, physical co-ordination and confidence in a fun and relaxed environment. Term time only.

Family Fun (0-5 yrs and siblings up to 8yrs):Weekly drop in play sessions for you to play with your children at the centre. Session run weekly during the day and after school, with additional sessions duringschool holidays. Come along and get your membership card.

Childminders Group: A weekly session for childminders and children in their care to come and use the centre and its resources. Come, play and chat.

Every Mum Active:A low impact, highly effective outdoor fitness class for pre and postnatal mums. You may participate as long as your child will remain happily in the buggy throughout the session. Meet at the Children’s Centre then head to the park together.Term time only.

Little Diamonds Group: A smaller fortnightly group for children with additional needs and the parents and carers who care for them. Led by one of our Outreach workers, the sessions offer fun activities, sensory resources; a chance to have a chat with other families and share ideas and experiences. There will be open advice and support available and input from other professionals.On the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month.

Messy Play at the Toy Library: (in partnership with Homestart) for 0-5yrs at the Youth Centre.Toy Library Open Mondays 9:00am-12.00pm, Term Time Only. Messy Play with the Children’s Centre 7/3/16 and 27/6/16.

Bookstart Corner Sessions: (0-3yrs):A one hour session to promote a love of stories and rhymes. In this interactive session with your child we will talk about the importance of making stories fun, sharing books, and making time for rhyme. By appointment. Sessions at 10:00 – 11:00am on Thursdays, 21/1/16 and 28/4/16.

Other Activities and Services in the Centre

Well Baby Clinic:Come for an opportunity to get your child weighed or speak to a Health Visitor or the Community Nursery Nurse.

Midwives Clinic:Post natal checks.By appointment only.

Relate:Weekly Counselling from Relate Counsellors for parents, carers and children up to the age of 14yrs. By appointment only.

Free Legal Advice Clinics:In partnership with Campbell & Co. solicitors giving support for families in Stanwell: Fortnightly advice for families registered at Stanwell Children’s Centre and a 24hr helpline. Contact us for more information.

Time Out: Fortnightly group for parents to chat over tea or coffee. Gain inspiration and support from others’ experiences and share some of your own. Feel more in control and less isolated. See the flyer for more information and session dates.

Stanwell Parents Together: Meet other parents and Centre staff and have your say; discuss ideas for new services; review current services; be a voice for families using the centre. Meetings Tuesday 2:00pm – 3:00pm on 16/2/16 and 31/5/15. Come and join us!

Stanwell Volunteers and Apprenticeships Group: In partnership with Spelthorne Voluntary Action Group and Brooklands College: find out about becoming a volunteer and about volunteering projects; see the latest Apprenticeship schemes. 22/1/16 and 22/4/16.

Solid Foods Workshops:2:00 – 3:00pm on Mondays 25/1/16, 21/3/16, 6/6/16, 25/7/16.

Tips for Toddlers(0-3yrs):Parenting advice and information. Sessions will cover topics such as potty training; communication and dummies; healthy eating; oral hygiene; bottles to mugs, and sleep. Sessions on 8/1/16, 12/2/16, 11/3/16, 13/5/16, 10/6/16 and 8/7/16.

Breast feeding Support:1:1 breastfeeding support in the home or at the Children’s Centre. Call to make an appointment.

Lending library and story sacks:We have a range of books and story sacks available to lend. Speak to a member of staff if you would like to borrow some books.

Meet the Childcare Providers: Come and talk with Childminders, Nursery and Pre-School providers to find out about childcare, free early education funding; careers in childcare.

Drop-in with the Family Information Service: Support completing School Admissions Applications, finding childcare; free early education funding.

Adult Learning Opportunities

We work with Surrey Care Trust; Brooklands College; Family Learning; Nurturing Links and other professionals to deliver a range of courses. Let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in doing any of these and we will contact you with more details.Unless stated all the courses run in Term-time only with a free crèche for children under 5 years.

Parenting Puzzle: Children are rewarding, stimulating and fun, but looking after them can be stressful and challenging. This programme helps to build on existing parenting skills to deal with those challenges, so that you can have a calmer happier life.

Topics include: Understanding why children behave the way they do; Recognising the feelingsbehind behaviour (ours and theirs); Exploring different approaches to discipline;Finding ways to develop co-operation and self-discipline in children;Learning the importance of looking after ourselves.

1-2-3 magic:A behavioural management programme. According to 123 Magic the job of parenting consists of 3 tasks; controlling obnoxious behaviour, encouraging good behaviour and strengthening relationship with child. 123 Magic is gentle, practical and easy to learn.

Childcare Level 1:Whether you want a career working with children or take a course to further your qualifications, this may be the course for you.

Baby massage:Learn relaxation techniques for babies from six weeks old until crawling. Courses of 4 one-hour sessions. This course is for adults and babies to be together so there is no crèche.

Parent Minor Illness Training:The aim of this course is to develop parents confidence in managing their child’s minor illness at home; understanding what help is available in the community; knowledge of how to seek further help and understanding the key role and purpose of accident and emergency.

Cooking:Discuss strategies in being able to make healthy meals on a budget: Learn what a healthy diet is; discuss food groups and portion sizes; prepare simple economical and nutritious recipes.

Self Confidence and Self Esteem:Discuss strategies in being able to say No, understand barriers to self confidence, ways to be assertive, identify unique skills and abilities.

Interview Skills:Learn about the three stages of a job interview; before, during and after. What questions to ask, writing a personal statement for your CV; role plays, writing cover letters and learn dress code.

IT Skills:Learn basic computer skills, how to use, mouse and keyboard skills and the desktop.Please note this course may not have a crèche.

English:A small and friendly, weekly class provided by Brooklands College to help you to work towards level 2 qualifications. Brush up on spelling, punctuation, grammar, formal and informal writing.

Maths:A small and friendly, weekly class provided by Brooklands College to help you to brush up on your skills with numbers, shape and space.

ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Learn English with a qualified tutor from Brooklands College.

Let’s Get Ready for School: Five weeks of activities for parents and children who are about to start school (reception). Support for your child’s transition into school and your role in supporting their learning and development. Call us now to help get your child ready for school.

Dates for your Diary

Surrey School Term and Holiday Dates 2015/16

Autumn Term: 2nd September 2015 to 18th December 2015

Half Term: 26th to 30th October 2015

Christmas/Winter Holidays: 21st December 2015 to 4th January 2016

Spring Term: 5th January 2016 to 24th March 2016

Half Term: 15th to 19th February 2016

Holidays: 25th March 2016 to 8th April 2016

Summer Term:11th April 2016 to 22nd July 2016

Half Term: 30th May to 3rd June 2016

Summer Holidays: From 25th July 2016

School Holiday Special Events: WithZoo Lab, Bollykidz, Farms2ewe and Spud & Yam. Look out for dates and times and book a place.

Centre Closures

We are closed all weekends and Public Holidays.

We will be closed to the public 18th to 24th December 2015 for Staff Training.

We will be closed 25th December to 1st January 2015 for Christmas.