These supplemental “Playing Rules”(By-laws) are designed to standardize interleague playing rules throughout the district. After many years of conflict arising from different rules utilized among the leagues, the Presidents of all leagues in Oregon District #2 adopted the following rules for Interleague play. These rules supersede local league rules. The following has also been approved by Western Region Headquarters. Play will be governed by Little League Official Rules and Regulations with the following modifications.

Pitching records must be kept with the team’s scorebook at all times.

Scorebooks are the property of the league and must be available for inspection upon request.


  1. With the objective being Pitcher Development, players will pitch. But upon delivery of ball four, the coach will finish pitching to the batter through May 22nd. During this time, No base-on-balls (walks); batter remains at plate until he/she hits the ball or strikes out. Note: Base-on-balls does not mean hit-by-pitch, see 8.06(b). Offensive coaches will pitch to their own batters from the pitching rubber set at no less than 40’. Coach or machine pitch is a local league option
  2. Beginning May 23rd, ONLYplayers will pitch. To include walks, strike outs & Hit by pitch.
  3. Runners may leave their bases only when a pitch is hit by the batter. No advance is allowed by stealing or on passed balls (pitches not caught by the catcher}. Any runner between bases after a hit ball must stop at the next base when the ball is in control in the infield.
  4. Infield fly rule will not be used.
  5. Five-run limit for all innings.
  6. No game shall continue beyond two hours of play.


  1. Player pitch.
  2. Five-run limit, except the sixth or last inning which will be open.
  3. Ten-run rule will be in effect.
  4. If a scheduled game follows, no new inning shall start after two hours of play unless the score is tied.
  5. All teams will use continuous batting order, as mandated by 4.04 – note 1.


  1. Ten-run rule is in effect.
  2. If a scheduled game follows, no new inning shall start after two hours of play unless the score is tied.
  3. Teams will bat a line-up or roster batting order as prescribed by their individual league’s by-laws. Regardless of the opposing team’s method, each team will utilize the manner of batting order as mandated by their own league.
  4. 6.05 (b) (2) will be used. “Dropped third strike”

Rained-Out Games: regular season games must be rescheduled and played.

Adopted for the 2016 season by vote of District #2 Presidentson March 20th, 2016and approved by West Region.

District #2 recommends that leagues adopt a local league rule to stipulate that a line-up be used at the major and above levels beginning May 15th to prepare coaches and players for tournament play.