Español 3 Syllabus
Sra. Townsley
Hollidaysburg Senior High School
Purpose: Spanish III is for the student who has the proven ability and interest to continue his/her study of the Spanish language and culture. The student will increase greatly their ability to speak, read, listen and write in Spanish.
Requirements: The student must speak in Spanish as much as possible from the first day of the school year to the last day. They must complete homework from the text, workbooks and handouts. They are expected to actively engage in the classroom, take detailed notes, and ask questions/for help when needed.
En Español, 2
* Books must be covered to avoid damage. Please write your name, period and condition of the book on the inside cover IN PEN.
In class, students are assessed based on a variety of ways including and not limited to: listening/speaking activities, reading/writing activities, projects/presentations, weekly homework assignments, quizzes/tests, as well as overall classroom participation.
Homework assignments (5-10 pts.) * (see late homework policy below)
Weekly class participation (10 pts.) * (see participation policy attached)
Quizzes (20-50 pts.)
Tests (70-100 pts.)
Final Exam (TBD)
Projects/Presentations (50-100 pts.)
Other assignments (pts.will vary)
**Pop quizzes may be given at the teacher’s discretion
**Grades will be available on Infinite Campus. I do my best to post graded assignments within the school week if not daily.
Homework will be assigned various times throughout each unit of study.
→ Homework is graded on completion and also accuracy at my discretion.
→ If you do not have your homework when I check it, no credit will be given.
→ Late homework will be accepted for up to 50% total points within 1 week from when it was due.
→ If you have any homework questions, I am always willing to help. You must email me or see me for help before its due.
→ I did not understand the homework, is not a valid excuse. See above ^
→ Forgetting your homework in your locker is not a valid excuse.
Late Work
→ Homework and late assignments will be accepted for up to 50% points within one week from when its due.
→ All work must be completed by following directions, and must be completed before the period begins.
→ No credit will be given for incomplete or copied homework assignments.
Make up Work
✓ If you are here on a day I announce a due date, test, assignment-whatever it may be and are absent on that day, you will be required to take the test/hand- in the assignment the day you get back. This includes homework. I give at least a week’s notice, if not more for project due dates, tests and quizzes.
✓ If you were absent, go to your Spanish level folder and retrieve the assignments. You are responsible for make up work and knowing the content. See me for help or clarification if need be.
✓ Make-up work should be done at home- not during class.
✓ You have the days you miss plus 1 if you are unexpectedly absent.
✓ If you go on a trip and I give you work, it’s due THE DAY YOU RETURN. NO EXCEPTIONS.
✓ If you know about a future absence, please let me know ASAP.
Please give me at least 24 hours’ notice, and I can help you during homeroom or after school.
General rules
Be prepared for class: You are expected to have all the materials you need for class.
Be on-task: You are expected to remain on task throughout the entire class period.
Participation: You are expected to raise your hand to answer a question, participate in dialogue/discussions, write on the board, and pay attention.
Be respectful: Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and others.
**Sleeping: I will not tolerate sleeping for any reason. I will wake you/you will loose class points.
**Cell phone: DO NOT USE YOUR CELL PHONE (not even for duolingo or to take a picture of the homework board) I will take it/you will loose class points.
**Headphones: Unless were in the lab doing a language activity, headphones are not permitted. I will take them/you will loose class points.
What you will need for this class EVERY DAY:
✓ 2-3 inch binder with paper -or- a notebook and a folder
✓ En español textbook- COVER IT
✓ Pen/Pencil
✓ Class assignments/homework
I have read and understand the rules and class expectations in the syllabus for Spanish class with Señora Townsley. I agree to comply with the rules and policies listed above. I am aware that I can access the syllabus on at any time to review the above information.
Student print name ______class pd. ____
Student signature ______date ____
Parent name ______
Parent signature ______date ____
*Parent contact email ______
Syllabus/Policy Quiz
1.Homework is graded based on:
a. only completion
b. only accuracy
c. a combination of completion and accuracy (at teacher’s discretion)
2. Late homework or assignments will be accepted:
a. within 1 week after their due date
b. within 3 days of their due date
c. Not at all
3. Late homework or assignments will receive:
a. up to 75% their points
b. up to 50% their points
c. Trick question- they won’t be accepted
4. If my homework is incomplete or done incorrectly Sra. Townsley will:
a. accept it
b. not accept it
c. depends on her mood
5. If I do not understand my homework I should:
a. Email or talk to my teacher before my class period (not 3 minutes before)
b. Bring my work incomplete to class
c. Ask her when I get to class
6. If I am absent the day an assignment is due (I knew it was due in advanced) Sra. Townsley expects:
a. I have it the day I return
b. I have it the day after I return
c. I have it up to a week after I return
7. Which of the following will result in loss of class points and a consequence?
a.Sleeping in class
b. Using a cell phone or headphones (not in lab with permission)
c. All of the above
8. If I am absent what should I do first?
a. ask Sra. Townsley what I missed
b. ask a friend what I missed
c. go to the absent folder then see a friend or teacher if I need help
9. The following is NOT permitted:
a. Looking up a word in a dictionary or online dictionary
b. Looking up phrases or entire sentences in a dictionary of online dictionary
c. All of the above
10. Participation points are earned…
a. daily/ entered in gradebook weekly
b. weekly/entered in gradebook weekly
c. Not at all