April 9, 2012
PRESENT: / ABSENT:Mayor, Rick Carney
Councilwoman, Kit Hawver
Mayor Pro Tem Paul Williams arrived at 6:42 p.m.
Councilman, Wayne Hawver
Councilman, Will Guyton
Councilman, Randy Parten
Others in Attendance: Clerk/ Treasurer Elvira Birrueta, Administrator, Jeff Ranger, Attorney, Sara Watkins.
Staff Report / Admin. Ranger
Naches Ave 3rd to Naches High School
Staff Report from Town Administrator Ranger
Public Works
Treasurer Reports
Review Vouchers
Review Consent Agenda
Adjourn / Adm. Ranger informed the Mayor and Council that the Naches Avenue to High School Project has been declared complete; The Town has received all documents including the Labor & Industries certificate to release retainage.
1. Funding on Penney Avenue was passed by the Washington State Transportation Budget. The Town is still waiting for entire budget to pass for allocation. Filing EZ form to address 0505.
2. Implementing Vision software: payroll and financials have been implemented as April 1st.
3. Clerk Birrueta attended Bars Class on March 29th in Yakima.
4. Unemployment benefits claim by a former employee.
5. Audit exit meeting: Still waiting on response from the Auditor’s office.
6. Naches Chinook Center SIED Grant application process includes a Resolution in your packet.
7. LS Network Franchise in your packet for review.
8. WWTP NPDES meeting with the Department of Ecology in regards to permitting issues.
9. Contracts/ Annexations for both Library and Fire District.
10. Upper Valley Rally (Night in Naches, 5k run, car show, bike race, BBQ contest and apple bin races.
11. 2012 Work Schedule.
12. Allan Brothers short/plat office complex.
13. Stop sign graffiti, the individual doing this graffiti’s was caught and most of it has been paid back to the Town by the individual plus he will be doing 20 hours or more in Community Service. Stop sign vandalism at least 7 stop signs were ran over or destroyed. I followed up with the Sheriff’s office, Officer Gillespie informed me that they have that individual in custody and he will be prosecuted, currently were getting all the costs associated with this incident together.
14. Preparing for Irrigation this week, also the new lawn mower was received. If you have time to check out an Eagle Scout project that was done by the Deco building. Flowers will be added and irrigation. The Art Deco building will be getting new tile and the Band stand will be painted. Thank you to Naches Lions Club, Ron Freeze has been doing the 2nd Shelter project and Columbia came out today and laid the gravel down for the base of the new Shelter and hopefully it will be done in the next 3 to 4 weeks.
15. Councilman Parten question on STP funds: STP funding comes thru YVCOG and Page Scott is the Executive Director of YVCOG. STP funding for planning YVCOG is our transportation motive for the Town how we get funded mainly Federal dollars rarely State funding. Improving 2nd Street from Sinclair to the Old Naches Highway, expands and ADA domes compliant.
Clerk/Treasurer Birrueta informed Council the month of March is balanced. SIED funds that the Town gets repaid it’s placed in a Money Market Account so when it’s time to pay the loans back next month all the Money is saved separately from the General checking account.
Staff provided the Voucher report to Council and reviewed the on the list.
Council reviewed the consent agenda.
Lori Nay, Present Planning Commissioner for the Town of Naches, and County Developer in the Mid West in the past. Commented on the Library and Fire District meeting of today: A lot of people left tonight with their feelings hurt because they’re been questioned as of the numbers of the Library usage. This entire people that left tonight are in support for the Library. I just want you to know that there’s another side to the Library. Admin. Ranger the issue is not closing the Library the issue is how the Library will be paid. The contract with the building will stand with a contract the intention is not to close the Library just a better way of making it equitable for the Town residents spending their property taxed dollars.
With no further business to discuss at the Council Study Session, the meeting was adjourned 7:07 pm.
Rick Carney, Mayor / ______
Elvira Birrueta, Clerk-Treasurer
4/9/2012 Council Study Session 1