15th ESGENA Conference

In conjunction with the

Swedish Society of Endoscopy and GE Nurses and Assistants (SEGP)

19th UEGW

22-24 October 2011

Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Exhibition & Congress Centre

Further Information

www.esgena.org, www.uegf.org and www.segp.nu

Congress and Exhibition Office:


Word of Welcome

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of ESGENA and the Swedish Society of Endoscopy and GE Nurses and Assistants (SEGP) we have great pleasure inviting you to the 15th ESGENA Conference, which will be held during the 19th UEGW on Saturday 22-24 October 2011 in Stockholm, Sweden.

The three day conference will include state-of-the-art lectures, free papers & posters, lunch sessions, several workshops with hands-on-training and live transmissions. Interesting topics in Gastroenterology and Endoscopy will ensure a truly global context. We are hoping to provide a full and varied programme – to encourage you to meet up with colleagues from all over the world and exchange information with them. This format will encourage networking and communication between the delegates – both between individual nurses and national groups.

On Saturday, there will be an opportunity to attend several workshops organised in four parallel rooms. The workshops will have a more practical focus and will be held in smaller groups – up to 50 – to encourage discussion, questions, and exchanges of ideas. Following success at previous conferences, we will be offering hands-on training using bio simulators for nurses on Saturday and Sunday. These workshops will be organised in close cooperation with ESGE. Nurses will also have access to the UEGW post graduate course.

The conference will officially open with the ESGENA Welcome Reception on Saturday evening. In the past, this has been a most enjoyable, informal evening with the opportunity to meet colleagues and friends from all over Europe and overseas. This evening will be organised by the Swedish nurses as local hosts of the conference.

On Sunday, the scientific programme, which includes two free paper sessions and a nurses’ poster session, will offer mainly nursing-oriented lectures in two parallel halls. In addition, lunch sessions will have a more practical focus. The Plenary Session with lectures in one hall follows on Monday morning. This will bring together all the delegates and we will award the prizes for the best free paper and the best poster. The meeting will finish with invitations to forthcoming conferences.

The trade exhibition will open on Monday at lunchtime, and there should be enough time to browse the stands if the medical scientific programme does not tempt you back into the lecture halls.

We hope that we will be able to welcome you at the 15th ESGENA Conference in October 2011 in Stockholm, Sweden

Michael Ortmann

President of ESGENA

Ingrid Karström

Prsident of SEGP

Programme Overview

22 October 2011
Lecture Halls / K 16 / 17 / K 22 / K 23 / K 24 / ESGE Learning Area
UEGW – PG Training Programme / 13.30-15.00
Workshop 1
better patient outcomes
organised by Boston / 13.30-15.00
Workshop 2
Painless colonoscopy: benefits for patient and
organised by Olympus Europa / 13.30-15.00
Workshop 3
Nurse Endoscopist – "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"
organised by ESGENA / 13.30-15.00
Workshop 4
IBD- Exact Title to be confirmed
organised by MSD Essex / 13.30-15.00
Workshop 5
Hands-on-training on biosimulators:
Upper GI Bleeding
Coffee Break
UEGW - PG Training Programme / 15.45-17.00
Workshop 6
What is the role of nurses during Colon Capsule Endoscopy (CCE) and during BRAVO procedures?
organised by Given Imaging / 15.30-17.00
Workshop 7
Hygiene in the endoscopy room
organised by Olympus Europa / 15.30-17.00
Workshop 8
Title to be confirmed
organised by
US Endoscopy / 15.30-17.00
Workshop 9
How to create scientifically sound abstracts and posters for conferences
organised by ESGENA / 15.30-17.00
Workshop 10
Hands-on-training on biosimulators
Upper GI Bleeding
ESGENA General Assembly
(members only)
ESGENA-SEGP Welcome Reception

Programme Overview

SUNDAY 23 October 2011
K 11 / K 21 / K 12 / K 13 / Poster Area / ESGE Learning Area
Session 1
Free Paper Session 1 / 08.30-10.00
Session 2
Hygiene / ----
10:00 – 10.30
Coffee / 10:00 – 10.30
Coffee / -----
Session 3
Free Paper Session 2 / 10.30-12.00
Session 4
Management / ---- / 10.00-12.00
Workshop 11
Hands-on-Training on Bio Simulators:
ERCP Short Wire Systems
Lunch / 12.00-13.00
Lunch / ----
Lunch Session 1: Hygiene & infection control / 13.00-14.30
Lunch Session 2: Diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy-A review and hands-on
organised by Olympus Europa / 13.00-14.00
Poster Round 1
Session 5
Complication Management / 14.30-16.00
Session 6
GE Disease / ---- / 15.00-17.00
Workshop 12
Hands-on-Training on Bio Simulators:
Coffee / 16.00-17.00
Poster Round 2 / ----
Session 7
Education / 17.00-18.30
Session 8
Diagnosis & Therapie / ----

Programme Overview

MONDAY 24 October 2011
Hall K 6/7
New techniques and developments in Endoscopy
Presentation by Major Sponsors
Scientific Lectures
Best Free Paper and Best Poster Award
Invitation to next conferences
10:30 – 11:00
Visit of Exhibition
ESGE Learning Area
UEGW Sessions
Visit of Exhibition
ESGE Learning Area
UEGW Sessions
Visit of Exhibition
ESGE Learning Area
UEGW Sessions

Saturday 22 October 2011

ESGENA-Workshop Programme

Workshop 1: Everyone



Provide....Better Patient Outcomes

This workshop is organised by Boston Scientific Europe

13.30-15.00 Hall K 16/17

Chairs: NN

Aims & Content

This programme is designed to increase ERCP nurse’sawareness of the clinical benefits of latest technology in ERCP, from cannulation to stricture and stone management. Programme content:

·  Presentation on clinical best practice in ERCP

·  Hands on practice and best proper use/best practices on Biliary ERCP models

·  Conclusion

Workshop 2: Painless colonoscopy: Benefits for patient and department

This lunch session is organised by Olympus Europa Holding GmbH

13.00-14.30 Hall K 13

Chairs: John Cobain, Hamburg, Sweden

NN, Stockholm, Sweden

Aims & Content


·  What does painless colonoscopy mean? (nurses role, patient care, psychological aspects)

·  What are the benefits for the department and the patient?

·  Technical aspects and current studies on the use of UCR, ScopeGuide, Innoflex

·  Hands-on-training on

Content hands-on

·  Get to know the UCR

·  ScopeGuide functions

·  Colonoscopy using the colon model

Workshop 3: Nurse Endoscopist – "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"

This workshop is organised by ESGENA

13.30-15.00 Hall K 23

Chairs: Christiane Neumann, Birmingham, UK

Irene Dunkley, Huntington, UK

Aims & Content

Nurse endoscopy has been established in several European Countries for some time. The UK and Sweden have structured national training courses for nurse endoscopists. Other European countries have established local courses.

The workshop aims will discuss the following issues

·  Tasks and responsibilities of nurse endoscopists

·  Legal and ethical considerations

·  Education & Training requirements

·  Difficulties and resources in establishing a national training system

·  Limitations in practice and difficulties in daily routine

·  Job satisfaction and financial rewards

·  Etc.

This is an open question-and-answer based workshop where the audience will be encouraged to participate, an opportunity for nurse endoscopist from across Europe to exchange experiences, and for those who are interested in the topic to ask questions (orally or in writing).

Workshop 4: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

This workshop is organised by MSD Essex This workshop has to be confirmed

13.30-15.00 Hall K 24

Chair: NN

Aims & Content

•  To be confirmed

Workshop 5: Hands-on-Training on Bio Simulators

13.30-15.00 ESGE Learning Area

Chairs: Michael Ortmann, Basel, Switzerland

Eric Pflimlin, Basel, Switzerland

Aims & Content

Hands-on training on bio simulators (pig models) under the supervision of highly experienced tutors:

Participants will have the opportunity to perform endoscopic techniques on the following topics:

·  OGD with Injection techniques, Ligation, Clipping, APC

·  Colonoscopy with Polypectomy, EMR and APC

·  ERCP with stone extraction and stenting

As participation will be limited, registration will be treated on a first-come-first-served basis.

Ticket will be available onsite only – at the entrance of the ESGE Learning Area

Workshop 6: What is the role of nurses during Colon Capsule Endoscopy (CCE) and during BRAVO procedures?

This workshop is organised by Given Imaging GmbH

13.30-15.00 Hall K 16/17


13:30 – 13:45 Is there a role of nurses during Colon Capsule Endoscopy?

Clinical experience in practice – what are the tasks of doctors and nurses during CCE? Which tasks can the nurse take over during the procedure? What kind of training does the nurse need for this? Is this a relief for physicians?

Ervin Toth, Malmö, Sweden

13:45 – 14:05 Practical demonstration of the role of nurses during Colon Capsule Endoscopy

Preparing the Regimen Manager in RAPID software, explaining the preparation to patient, handing out the patient instruction, monitoring of prep intake, monitoring of the CCE procedure, downloading the video, how to read a video, what should be considered? Technical support tools in the software,e.g. taking thumbnails, using the atlas, using the image adjustments, blue colour, etc.

Fred Stam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

14:05 – 14:15 Question & Answer for Colon Capsule Endoscopy

14:15 – 14:30 The BRAVO procedure

Clinical experience in practice – what are the tasks of doctors and nurses during a BRAVO procedure? What kind of training does the nurse need for this? Is this a relief for physicians?

Anders Bergh Loedrup, Kopenhagen, Denmark

14:30 – 14:50 Practical demonstration of the BRAVO procedure

Practical demonstration of the BRAVO procedure for the steps taken by the nurse. Which steps are most important? Tips&tricks/ learnings from BRAVO procedures from the perspective of the nurse. Is BRAVO more patient-friendly than catheter-based procedures (feedback from patients)?

Brita Liljeroth Lindeberg, Kopenhagen, Denmark

14:50 – 15:00 Question & Answer for BRAVO

Workshop 7: Hygiene in the endoscopy room

This workshop is organised by Olympus Europa Holding GmbH

15.30-17.00 Hall K22

Chairs: Jürgen Gebel, Bonn, Germany, Linda Ashhurst, Norway, Janie Smitt, NL

Aims & Content

The awareness on hygiene requirements for the reprocessing of flexible medical endoscopes and accessories is quite well established today. Routine use of Washer-Disinfectors, documentation and traceability are daily practice in most endoscopy departments in Europe. However, the workflow of patients, products and users (doctors and nurses) still bears potential risks for infection cases.

This workshop will discuss the following issues:

•  Relevance and potential infection control risks in the endoscopic environment.

•  Set-up of local procedures for prevention of infection cases in the endoscopy room (example NL?).

•  Practical insight into daily workflow in the endoscopy room with special focus on surface, hand and skin hygiene.

Workshop 8: US Endoscopy

This workshop is organised by US Endoscopy This workshop has to be confirmed

13.30-15.00 Hall K 24

Chair: NN

Aims & Content

•  To be confirmed

Workshop 9: How to create scientifically sound abstracts and posters for conferences

This workshop is organised by ESGENA

15.30-17.00 Hall K24

Chairs: Christiane Neumann, Birmingham, UK

Ulrike Beilenhoff, Ulm, Germany

Aims & Content

The professional duty of each nurse includes sharing good evidence based practice. This can be done by teaching staff in one’s own department, publication in journals or conference presentations. However, the way scientific presentations are prepared is not normally taught during nurse training.

The workshop aims to introduce nurses to follow scientific principles when

·  Choosing a topic

·  Preparing and evaluating an abstract for a conference

·  Producing a poster which is both scientific and visually attractive

·  Presenting a poster at a meeting to the poster round judges


ESGENA General Assembly

(members only)

in Hall K23

Sunday 23 October 2011

ESGENA Scientific Programme

SESSION 1: Free Paper Session I:

08.30-10.00 /

Hall K 11

Chairs / Di Campbell, Torbay, UK
Herta Pomper, Vienna, Austria
Gunilla Strand, Stockholm, Sweden
08.30-08.40 / Welcome
Michael Ortmann, Basle, Switzerland (ESGENA President)
08.40-08.55 / Everything you say, won’t be used against you: Nurses in the lead in multidisciplinary safety management system in dept of gastroenterology and endoscopy
Maria de Jong, Evelien Dekkers, Ingeborg Goes, Academic Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology & Endoscopy, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands / L-1
08.55-09.10 / The efficacy of paper handout compared with video media in reducing the level of anxiety in patients scheduled for upper GI endoscopy.
Sopa Boonviriya, Siriporn Ratanalert , Varaporn Senapitakkul, Songkhla, NKC institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Songkhla, Thailand / L-2
09.10-09.25 / Integrating Lean Management to Reduce Waiting Time for Patients undergoing Endoscopy at Outpatient Services
Siriporn Ratanalert RN*, Wanpen Pinyopasakul**, Kanittha Sriwanayos RN***, Sopa Boonviriya*, Varaporn Senapitakkul*, Sulee Saengnil*, Ruankwan Pongprayoon*; * NKC Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Songklanagarind Hospital,
** Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, Thailand.; *** Surgical Day Care Unit, Songklanagarind Hospital, Songkhla, Thailand / L-3
09.25-09.40 / Reducing waiting lists: impact of a service redesign incorporating a nurse-led endoscopy assessment clinic
Dianne Jones, Charlie Vaughan, Endoscopy Unit, Logan Hospital, Queensland, Australia. / L-4
09.40-09.55 / The effect of a national training programme for sedation and emergency management on the quality of daily practise in Endoscopy
Ulrike Beilenhoff, Ulm, Germany / L-5

SESSION 2: Hygiene

08.30-10.00 /

Hall K 21

Chairs / Christiane Neumann, Birmingham, UK
Mirjam Bjurek, Skövde, Sweden
08.30-08.40 / Welcome
Ingrid Karström, Kristianstad, Sweden (nominated President of SEGP)
08.40-09.05 / DIN ISO EU 15 883 - Development of a national guideline for validation of reprocessing flexible endoscopes
Ulrike Beilenhoff, Ulm, Holger Biering, Düsseldorf, Germany / L-6
09.05-09.30 / Establishing new department under hygiene aspect
Tina Bradley, Birmingham, UK / L-7
09.30-10.00 / Round table discussion with experts
The following subjects will be discussed:
·  Minimal to maximal standards
·  Validation of reprocessing systems
·  Microbiological surveillance and outbreak management

SESSION 3: Free Paper Session II: