Risk Assessment Test

Name: / Installation: / Answer / Score
Date: / Department:
1. Risk assessment is:
a)A procedure for safety auditing?
b)A safety inspection system?
c)A process for identifying hazards, evaluating risks and identifying the risk controls?
2. We do risk assessment at work to:
a)Help stop injuries and ill health? / a) / b)
b)Comply with the law?
c)Both of the above?
3. Hazard means:
a)Something with the potential to cause harm?
b)The likelihood that harm will happen?
c)The consequences of an incident?
4. Risk means:
a)Something with the potential to cause harm?
b)The likelihood that harm will happen?
c)The consequences of an incident?
5. The size of a risk is an estimate based on:
a)How likely something is to happen?
b)How great the consequences might be?
c)Combining estimated likelihood with estimated severity/consequences?
6.Only the hazards and controls in the ISSOW database may be selected when doing a Level 1 or level 2 risk assessment:
7.Some risk controls are more effective than others, which of these is the most effective?
a)Personal protective equipment (PPE)?
8. A Key Step 1 risk assessment is?
a)A planned in advance ISSOW Level 1 or Level 2 risk assessment or an existing risk assessed procedure, POPM, etc?
b)A Tool Box Talk?
c)A Toolbox Talk Risk Identification Card (TRIC)?
9. A Key Step 2 risk assessment involves:
a)A local risk assessment carried out by the team carrying out the task, at the worksite, on the day of the job?
b)A site visit with the work team and a Tool Box Talk?
c)Communicating the hazards & controls identified in the Key Step 1 risk assessment?
d)All of the above?
10. A Key Step 3 risk assessment involves?
a)Making sure the risk controls are applied and changes are picked-up?
b)A “Pause” 10-15 minutes into job, recognising change, reviewing the risk assessment & stopping the job if required?
c)Both of the above?

(c) richard jones consultancy 2013Risk Assessment Testr4.doc