APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS:effective November 18, 2013

Staffing & Salary Actions


Approval Levels

Minimum Approval needed /

Follow-up Action

SCF's must have approval signature(s) prior to being sent to HR (to expedite process fax to HR).
Additions to FTE and Upgrading Existing Authorized Position / All requests to be reviewed by the COO who will keep a record of the requests, whether budgeted or not and submit to Executive Committee for approval with his recommendation. / Add to Staff: Requestor submits a “Request for Additional FTE” formto applicable Division Head for review.
Upgrading existing authorized position: Requestor submits a “Request for Grade/Title Review” form to applicable Division head for review.
Upon Division Head approval, request is to be sent to HR for review. Following assessment recommendation is forwarded to COO for review and approval. If approved COO takes to Executive Committee for approval.
Final approved document is to be forwarded to HR for processing. HR will contact the hiring manager to obtain/confirm positiondetails.
Quarterly report by HR to Executive Committee
Fill Existing Authorized Positions (like grades) / The higher of manager level requestor plus one. / Requisition form submitted for approval required. Approved requisition form to be sent to HR. HR will contact the hiring manager to obtain/confirm Requisition details.
New and Existing Position: Salary Grading / Compensation Committee(CC)(Executive Committee and VP of HR). If the committee recommends that the position should be administered at a grade different than graded the reasons and grade recommendation to be sent to the CEO for approval. /
  • Requestor works with HR who will conduct job analysis. Such analysis and recommendation will be submitted to requestor for review and approval by Division Head.
  • Compensation Committee will review request and analysis for grade determination: in the event that decision is not unanimous, CEO has final determination.

Awarding Upgraded Title Change (no grade change/non-incentive position) / VP HR / Memo of recommendation is submitted to HR for minimum approval. HR reviews request and makes final determination. In the event there is no agreement – matter to be reviewed by CC.
New Hire Salary – Above Midpoint / Division Head or Management Team Corporate Department / Final authorization is to be forwarded to HR for processing.
Salary Adjustment - Above Maximum / Compensation Committee / Status Change Form (SCF) and memo of recommendation and justification to applicable Sr. Executive for endorsement and submission to Compensation Committee for final approval. Final approved document is to be forwarded to HR for processing.
Incentive Compensation Programs / Compensation Committee / HR will aid in the development, will oversee implementation, and provide appropriate communications to eligible employees.
Merit (within guidelines) / Merit: VP of HR / SCF and Performance Evaluation to HR for final review and assessment.
Final approved document is to be forwarded to HR for processing.
Special Merit-Equity Adjustment/*Special Bonus / Special Merit: VP of HR
Special Bonus Award:
Compensation Committee / SCF and memo of recommendation and justification to HR for review and assessment.
Bonus request memo to HR any applicable analysis/review and forward to Compensation Committee for determination.
Final approved document is to be forwarded to HR for processing.
Temporary Staff (not on-call) / Less than 3 months COO,
CEO for long term temps over 3 months. / Requestor submits a “Temporary Requisition” form for minimum approval required. Request must be renewed and approved by CEO for long term temps over 3 months. Final approved document is to be forwarded to HR for processing.
*Demotion / Manager plus 1 higher / SCF and memo of recommendation submitted for minimum approval required. Final approved document is to be forwarded to HR for processing.
Final Written Warning/*Suspension / Non Mgmt – Mgr
Mgmt – Division Head
CEO - his direct reports / Approval to be obtained prior to administration. Final approved document is to be forwarded to HR once administered.
Quarterly report by HR to CEO
*Involuntary Termination / Manager to Division Head to VP of HR for final approval / Recommendation for termination submitted for approval required.Final approved document is to be forwarded to HR for processing.
Performance Evaluations
/ Reviewer plus 1 level. Minimum Mgr review / Performance Evaluations completed and submitted to HR with SCF.
Transfer / Manager / Final approved SCF is to be forwarded by acquiring Manager to HR for processing.
Promotion (into vacant position) / Non Mgmt – Manager (direct report)
Mgmt –Division Head / Final approved SCF is to be forwarded to HR for processing.
Promotion: (when there is no vacant position) / Non Mgmt – Manager/Prog Dir
MT – Executive Committee / Final approved SCF is to be forwarded to HR for processing.
Leave of Absence / Personal leave of absence - Manager
Medical/legislative LOA - HR / Personal Leave of Absence Request Form submitted to HR.HR to communicate leave status with Manager.
Medical Leave of Absence requires notification to Corporate HR who will review request, regulatory requirements, and obtain necessary forms for leave, and determine approval.


Special Bonus: This refers to performance bonuses that are separate from the Incentive Compensation Program. Bonuses of this type include spot bonuses for special recognition of a unique or extraordinary circumstance and are generally a one-time only event and are not integrated into the employee’s salary.

Demotion: Movement from one position grade to a lower graded position as a result of a decrease in job duties or responsibilities.

Promotion: Movement from one position to a higher graded position. Promotions allow for compensation consideration in accordance with policy and salary administration practice.

Special Merit-Equity: A monetary increase based on factors such as continuous exceptional performance, which is Adjustment separate from the annual merit increase award cycle. Equity adjustment is a review of salary based on internal equity alignment and market.

Suspension:a) administrative suspension occurs when a teammember is placed on leave while the organization investigates, evaluates, and recommends appropriate action.

b) disciplinary suspension is an unpaid leave used as a form of corrective action. Due to state and federal laws regarding suspension, HR is to be consulted to ensure regulatory compliance.

Transfer: Lateral movement from one position to a different position of the same grade. Transfers are not eligible for additional compensation consideration, unless approved by Division Head and HR.

Effective November 12, 2013