Small Grants to Organisations | Application form v1 Page 2 of 6

Small Grants for Organisations

Application Form

Applications for Small Grants are considered on a rolling basis in the order in which they are received. Please contact us to discuss a potential application and to agree deadlines for submission. This allows SPF’s (small) staff team to plan its workload and ensure the small grants programme operates as we intend: with a quick turnaround time for decisions.

Key points to note:

¬  Please download and carefully read the Guidelines for Organisations (separate document) and this Application Form for Small Grants before beginning.

¬  Please check on our website that this is the most recent version of this form as we frequently update our forms in light of experience.

¬  It is important to answer all the questions - missing any will mean we will not have all the information we need to consider your organisation’s application.

¬  Please fill in the form on a word processor and follow the format provided.

¬  The length of the answers to some of the questions is intentionally limited.

¬  Please avoid using jargon and explain any abbreviations.

¬  Email the following documents to :

☐ Completed application form

☐ Completed budget (Excel document)

Signed declaration (scanned if possible)

☐ Organisation’s most recent annual accounts (if they are not readily available on the Charity Commission website)

¬  We will acknowledge receipt of the Application Form.

¬  We intend to provide information about next steps, if any, within two weeks of receipt.

¬  We may ask to visit.


Six Point Foundation (SPF) was set up in 2011 with some of the proceeds from the disposal of assets which were owned by the Otto Schiff Housing Association (OSHA). It is a time-limited, grant-giving foundation to help improve the quality of life for those of Jewish origin living in the UK who experienced Nazi persecution, with a particular emphasis on those in difficult financial circumstances.

The Foundation operates two streams of funding: one is welfare grants for individuals in need, and the other for charitable organisations for activities or projects (with a welfare focus) working with the same population.

Trustees have adopted the following vision for the Foundation: SPF aims to be a model spend-out foundation. In a short period of time, it seeks to enhance the quality of life of all financially disadvantaged Holocaust survivors and refugees of Jewish origin resident in the UK in modest but meaningful ways that would not be possible if the Foundation did not exist.

The Foundation is intent on equality of access to its grants regardless of where a survivor or refugee sits on the Jewish religious spectrum (and this can include those not practicing Judaism at all) and regardless of where a survivor or refugee lives: SPF has a UK wide focus.


Please download the Guidelines for Organisations document from our website for detailed support on applying to our Small Grants for Organisations. Generally please note:

Ø  Small Grants for Organisations are for specific welfare projects which can be an extension of an existing project or a new idea.

Ø  Small Grants for Organisations accepts applications for amounts up to £2,500 only. Please apply to our Grants for Organisations for amounts exceeding £2,500.

Ø  SPF has a special interest in reaching out to those who meet its criteria and are not currently receiving any support.

Ø  SPF would normally expect to fund project running costs (which take into account an organisation’s associated core costs) although capital costs may also be considered.

Ø  Organisations can apply for more than one project but each project requires a separate Application Form.

Ø  All grant recipients are subject to reasonable monitoring and evaluation requirements, proportionate to the size of the grant.

Application Form for Small Grants

Please type in the spaces provided which will expand to fit and keep to word limits where requested. Please do not proceed unless someone from your organisation has spoken to SPF in advance about the application. Confirm this conversation took place in the fields here:
SPF staff contact / Staff name
Date of conversation / Date

Part A | Organisation and contact details

Organisation name / Name
Postal address / Address
Website address / Address
Registered charity number / Number
Year established / Year
Contact name for this Application / Name
Position in organisation / Position
Phone numbers / Landline / Mobile (if available)
Number / Number
Email address / Address
Special communication needs
(if you have any) / Text

Part B | Details of grant request

Project description and outputs
Project/service title / Title
Describe the overall activity for which your organisation is seeking funds (100 words max.) and list each specific activity (output). (Continue adding any extra outputs on extra row)
Output 1 / Text
Output 2 / Text
Output 3 / Text
Extra Outputs
Main Outcome
What is the main measurable change (outcome) that will come about for the UK-based Jewish Holocaust survivors and refugees who will benefit from this small grant? (50 words max.)
Evidence of need
What evidence does your organisation have to show that the work to be funded by the small grant is a) needed and b) will enhance the quality of life for UK-based Jewish Holocaust survivors and refugees in challenging economic circumstances? (100 words max.)
Reaching SPF’s target beneficiaries
My organisation knows if a client/service user is experiencing financial hardship and can ensure it is Holocaust survivors/refugees in difficult financial circumstances who would benefit from the small grant / ☐ Yes
☐ No
My organisation engages in outreach to find survivors/refugees who could benefit from the organisation’s work but are not currently served by the organisation / ☐ Yes
☐ No
Clients/service user statistics
Please complete this chart for your organisation (UK operations only) / Current:
current data / Past:
average over last two years / Future: projected over the next year
Number of clients/service users who are Jewish Holocaust survivors or refugees of Nazi persecution who are in necessitous circumstances:
a.  served by the organisation overall / Number / Number / Number
b.  served by the project/service for which funding is requested / Number / Number / Number
Please provide an income and expenditure budget in the Excel template, ensuring that a) the budget balances; and b) the calculation that makes up each line item is clear.
What is the total cost of the project/service described above? / £ Amount
How much funding is your organisation requesting from Six Point Foundation? (Small Grant limit is £2,500) / £ Amount
From where does your organisation expect to raise the balance of funds? (Please note that SPF would not expect to award grants for costs that have already been incurred.)
Financial year end (for which the most recent annual accounts are available) / Month and year

Part C | Declaration

Ø  To be completed by Chair, Chief Executive or equivalent representative.
Ø  Delete and replace sections in bolded capitals with your organisation’s relevant details.
Ø  Print and sign Declaration separate to the rest of the Application Form and either a) scan and email or b) post the hard copy to SPF office.


To the best of my knowledge all information contained in the Application is correct.

My organisation has no objection to the data contained in this Application being held by Six Point Foundation.

My organisation has no objection to Six Point Foundation discussing this Application with appropriate organisations and individuals (e.g. – but not limited to – those with appropriate expertise in working with Holocaust survivors/refugees or other funders that may have grant aided your organisation).


Part D | Bank details

Please supply your current bank details in case your organisation is awarded a grant:
Bank name / Name
Bank address / Address
Sort code / Number
Account name / Name
Account number / Number