Respiratory System Guided Notes Name: ______

Flow of air

  1. Air enters through the ______(nostrils)
  2. ______
  3. Nasal cavity is lined with ______epithelial tissue that ______and sweep them towards the throat to be swallowed and digested.
  4. Contains three lobes (______) which increase the surface area of mucosa exposed to air to better trap particles
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. Contains tonsils

4. ______(aka voice box)

  • ______.
  • ______is located at the top of larynx. Normally it allows free passage of air, but when we swallow, the larynx is pulled up and the epiglottis tips over, sealing off the larynx.
  • The ______– a pair of membranes that vibrate as we expel air are also in the larynx. The passage between the vocal cords is the ______.
  1. ______
  2. also contains ciliated mucosa to trap particles
  3. ______
  4. Largest air tubes of lungs
  1. ______
  2. Smallest of the air tubes
  1. ______
  2. Site of gas exchange
  3. Take up most of the space of the longs
  4. Covered with capillaries to exchange gasses with blood.

Other important structures


•______in the skull bones

•Act as ______for speech and produce ______

Sinusitis = inflammation of sinus membranes



•Fluid-filled space ______as lungs expand and contract

•Tightly bound to thorax wall, which is essential to breathing b/c it allows the lungs to expand and contract with muscular movement.

Making connections

»What structures in the respiratory system help with disease prevention? Are those structures specific or non-specific defenses?

»Name some similarities between the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Inspiration and Expiration


•______, ______the chest cavity and the lung capacity.

•Causes a ______within the lungs.

•Air rushes into the lungs.


•______, ______the chest cavity and the lung capacity.

•Causes an______in pressure within the lungs.

•Air rushes into the lungs.

Exhalation is normally passive (we just relax muscles, we do not contract any), but we CAN actively exhale and do after exercise.

How does the process of breathing help the cardiovascular system?

Regulation of breathing

Normally, which is the primary control of breathing – O2 levels or CO2 levels?

How is breathing regulation similar to and different from heart beat regulation?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

»3rd or 4th leading cause of death (after heart disease and cancer, about tied with stroke)

»Inability of air to get to capillaries of lungs

»Two major diseases associated with COPD



How does each disease reduce gas exchange?

COPD is strongly associated with smoking, but it can also be caused by air pollution