Sumpter Township

Regular Board Meeting


July 14, 2009

Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm by pledge and roll call by clerk showing present: Clerk Hoffman, Treasurer J. Morgan, Trustees, Bates, Hamm, Kennedy and P. Morgan. Also present Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Hurst and approx 9 residents. Excused absence Supervisor Vawters.

3.  Agenda: Motion by P. Morgan, supported by Kennedy to elect Clerk Hoffman to chair meeting and approve agenda with the addition of a Parks and Recreation report. Motion carried unanimously.

4.  Public Comments only on agenda items

5.  Minutes

A.  Motion by P. Morgan, supported by J. Morgan to approve regular board meeting minutes June 23, 2009. Motion carried unanimously.

6.  Warrants: Motion by P. Morgan, supported by Kennedy to pay warrants as monies become available. Roll call: Ayes: Clerk Hoffman, Treasurer J. Morgan, Trustees: Bates, Hamm, Kennedy & P. Morgan. Nays: None. Motion carried unanimously.

7.  Water & Sewer: Motion by J. Morgan, supported by P. Morgan to approve the water & sewer report as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.

8.  Police/Ordinance: Motion by Kennedy, supported by P. Morgan to approve the police/ordinance as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.

9.  Building: Motion by Kennedy, supported by J. Morgan to approve the building report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

10.  Fire: Motion by P. Morgan, supported by Kennedy to approve the fire report as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.

11.  Senior: Motion by P. Morgan, supported by J. Morgan to approve the senior report as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.

12.  Supervisor: Motion by Kennedy, supported by J. Morgan to approve the supervisor’s report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

13.  Parks & Recreation: Motion by Kennedy, supported by J. Morgan to approve the parks & recreation report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

14.  Attorney: No report

15.  Treasurer: Motion by Hoffman, supported by P. Morgan to approve the treasurer’s report as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.

16.  Old Business

A.  Motion by P. Morgan, supported by J. Morgan to TABLE the YCUA project plan until more information is gathered. Motion carried unanimously.

B.  Motion by Kennedy, supported by Hamm to approve to sign a three-year contract with guardian alarm with substantial savings total monthly for all buildings $545.00 month. Motion carried unanimously.

17.  New Business

Sumpter Township

Regular Board Meeting


July 14, 2009

Page 2

C.  Motion by Kennedy, supported by J. Morgan to approve a lease agreement with Clinton & Amelia Brown to lease property behind the arena for $1.00 a year. Motion carried unanimously.

D.  Motion by P. Morgan, supported by J. Morgan to approve the purchase of 3- Pavilions from American Steel total of $12,582.00 paid out of Wayne County Parks Grant. Motion carried unanimously.

E.  Motion by Hamm, supported by P. Morgan to approve the purchase of 5 BBQ Grills at $405.00 ea total of $2,020.00 plus shipping paid out of Wayne County Parks Grant. Motion carried unanimously.

F.  Motion by P. Morgan, supported by J. Morgan to approve Gasper Company to install concrete footings & slabs for the 3 proposed pavilions at Graham Park for $7,730.00. Motion carried unanimously.

G.  Motion by P. Morgan, supported by Hamm to approve of bid from Michigan Lawn Management to cut lawns for foreclosure homes per ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.

18.  Announcements

19.  Open Floor

20.  Closed Session: Lange vs. Sumpter

A.  Motion by Kennedy, supported by P. Morgan to go into closed session at 7:06 pm. Roll Call: Ayes: Hoffman, J. Morgan, Bates, Hamm, Kennedy & P. Morgan. Nays: None. Motion carried unanimously.

B.  Motion by P. Morgan, supported by J. Morgan to back into open session at 7:16 pm. Motion carried unanimously.

21.  Adjournment: Motion by P. Morgan, supported by Bates to adjourn at 7:16 pm. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Clarence J. Hoffman Jr.



I, Clarence J. Hoffman Jr., Clerk of Sumpter Township, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of minutes taken at a Regular Board Meeting of the Sumpter Township Board of Trustees on July 14, 2009 at 6:40 pm at the Sumpter Township Hall, 23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111, County of Wayne, and that said meeting was conducted and public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open Meeting Act, being Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, and that the minutes of said meeting were kept and will be available as required by said act.


Clarence J. Hoffman Jr., Clerk