33A Chancery Lane, Singapore, 309554
Phone: (65) 62563208; Fax: (65) 2562705
Email: ,
Web site: www.dtc-singapore.org.
1. To be effective in ministry, one must have an adequate level of ministry skills, especially relational and communication skills (Psalm 78.72)
2. A sound biblical world view is more than sound knowledge of biblical content though it is based on it. It is possible for a person to win bible quizzes and yet be unrenewed in mind and unregenerate in thinking! We want those who graduate from DTC to think with biblically renewed minds, to perceive with biblical eyes. (Romans 12.2; Ephesians 4.23; 2 Timothy 3.14-17)
3. A godly wisdom which enables a person to see and be sensitive to the realities of a situation, rightly assess that situation and discern appropriate responses and action to take in such a situation. (Proverbs 2: James 3.13-18)
4. (Matthew 5.6; Philippians 3.10-14)
5. Our desire is for DTC graduates who are both skilled, gifted, knowledgeable and have a servant-spirit and a shepherd-heart. But if we need to make a choice we would much rather send out from DTC graduates who are less skilled, less gifted and less knowledgeable but who have a deep servant-spirit and shepherd-heart than to send out those without a servant-sprit and shepherd-heart, no matter how skilled, gifted and knowledgeable they may be. (Mark 9.33-37; 10.35-45; John 13.12-17; Acts 20.28-31; 1 Peter 5.1-4)
6. Teachers and students living, relating and learning together in a small cross-cultural community under the Lordship of Jesus (Mark 3.14b; Hebrews 10.24-25) and the availability of teachers for one-to-one or small group fellowship, mentoring, discipling and role-modelling, are a key distinctive of DTC’s ethos of training. (1 Corinthians 11.1; 1 Timothy 4.12b).
The Discipleship Training Centre is a residential community that provides courses of biblical, theological and cross-cultural studies to prepare Asian graduates for future ministry. A strong emphasis is placed on spiritual growth and personal development alongside academic excellence.
DTC is a community of people from different ethnic, linguistic and denominational backgrounds. Our aim is not simply to live together, but to enter into a fellowship of God's people as a practical expression of the unity for which Jesus prayed. This requires a high level of commitment, and a willingness to set aside our dislikes and fears. Our aim is that in the process of living together, we will become better servants of Christ and be more closely conformed to his image.
DTC life involves not only lectures and private study, but also regular times of fellowship and worship. We meet to praise God as a community, encourage and pray for one another, have fun together and seek to build each other up in our relationship with God.
Much of our community life is lived at an informal and unstructured level. Community life is much more than just living together on the same property. We want to grow together, to learn from each other and to encourage each other. It is not easy to live in a multicultural residential community and we need to exercise patience and forgiveness. But at the same time it is a real privilege to live alongside and learn from brothers and sisters from all over Asia. It is the testimony of many alumni that their two years at DTC were among the most significant and enriching periods of their lives.
The fees for one academic year (2 Semesters) are S$7,000 (for Academic Year 2009/2010) and then to be revised to S$8,000 (for Academic Year 2010/2011), subject to review. This contributes mainly towards board and lodging (though it only covers about 30% of the total actual costs). Actual tuition fees are S$750 per semester, and are already included in the calculation of the fees per academic year. Students also need extra money for books and personal expenses (about S$150 per month). In addition, students will need to be covered under a medical insurance scheme, which costs S$200 per person per year. There are different rates for families.
Students, who wish to stay at DTC in December and/or June, need to pay S$300 for each of these months for lodging (no board i.e. no food provided). It may be possible to arrange for students to do jobs at DTC in lieu of part or the whole of the S$300 for each of these months. A refundable security deposit varying from S$1000 to S$5000 is to be paid to the Immigration Department of Singapore by the students for the duration of their stay in Singapore. If students are unable to raise this deposit, DTC may do so on their behalf. In this case the students will be responsible for any charges that are incurred in servicing that loan.
The requirements for entry into DTC are:
1. A personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
2. The endorsement of a local church.
3. A good working knowledge of English (TOEFL score of 500 or equivalent for the Diploma in Christian Ministry, or 550 for the Master of Christian Ministry).
4. A university degree or professional equivalent plus working experience.
5. The provision of sufficient finance for the course.
First semester: From the 1st or 2nd Monday in July
Quarter 1 9 weeks
Break 2 weeks
Quarter 2 8 weeks
Break 7 weeks*
*During this break students spend two to four weeks in a cross-cultural field education or mission experience.
Second Semester: From the 1st or 2nd Monday in January
Quarter 3 8 weeks
Break 2 weeks
Quarter 4 9 weeks
Break 7 weeks*
*Some years may differ slightly. For example in 2005 the cross-cultural mission experience will take place in September instead of November December.
Study Programmes
DTC offers the following programmes:
a. Certificate in Christian Ministry
Students who complete one full year of the diploma course at an adequate level may be awarded the Certificate in Christian Studies. Students need to complete 24 credits.
b. Diploma in Christian Ministry
This is a two-year programme in which students are required to obtain 48 credits. This is our standard course.
c. Master of Christian Ministry
This is a two-year programme. Students are required to complete additional courses and assignments and are expected to complete more reading than those on the Diploma programme. 60 credits with a minimum B+ average, are required for the MCM. This is an advanced course.
d. Master of Christian Studies (by dissertation)
Students who complete the two-year Diploma in or Master of Christian Ministry programme with a minimum B+ average may submit a dissertation. This dissertation should be not less than 20,000 and not more than 30,000 words and will be assessed by an external examiner. The student will be given a supervisor for the writing of this dissertation. Research and writing will normally take from six to twelve months to complete and may be done residentially or non-residentially. Normally the MCS may only be done by DTC graduates. If the dissertation is approved the candidate will be awarded the Master of Christian Studies Degree.
Note: One credit hour is equivalent to 16 hours of class time and at least 32 hours of private study.
A full course load per quarter for Diploma students is 5 credits, and for MCM students it is 6 credits.
Each quarter DTC offers subjects from each of the following categories.
Old Testament
New Testament
Asian Studies
Pastoral Studies
Ministry Skills
The subjects in each category are as follows:
Old Testament
The first year is an introductory study of the Old Testament, surveying the Pentateuch, the Historical Books, the Prophets and the Writings. It covers the history of beginnings and traces the story of salvation from the call of Abraham to the return of the Jews from exile. By the end of the first year, the student should have an understanding of God’s redemptive plan, the distinctive themes of most of the OT books and an appreciation of the history of Israel within the wider context of the Ancient Near Eastern world. Attention is also given to see how the message of the OT is relevant to Asia today.
In the second year selected OT books are studied. This will help the student examine the text more closely and will help him or her acquire exegetical skills which are needed for ongoing study of the Bible.
Historical Books
The Writings
Genesis or Deuteronomy
Ezra/Nehemiah or one of the OT historical books
Isaiah or Jeremiah or Amos
Psalms or Job
New Testament
The first year is an introductory study of the New Testament, covering the Four Gospels, Acts, Pauline letters and General Letters. The student will learn about the life and teaching of Jesus Christ from the four Gospels, with attention given to the distinctive theological themes of each Gospel and the cultural, religious, political and social background of the first-century world. The student will also learn about the growth of the early church, examining the content of apostolic preaching and the missionary methods of Paul. A general survey of Pauline letters and General letters will examine various issues, which the early Christians faced.
In the second year various NT texts are selected for more in-depth exegesis. There will also be a study of Revelation.
Pauline Letters
General Letters
The Gospel of John
1 Corinthians or Galatians
Hebrews or Pastorals
Asian Studies
This section is designed to equip students to be aware of issues in Asia and to develop a biblical response to these issues. A perspective of the past is provided by the study of Asian Church History, which traces the work of God in Asia from Acts 2 to the present. Students will also learn to do theology from an Asian perspective.
Asian Church History I
Asian Church History II
Asian Religions I
Asian Religions II
Current Trends in Asia
Asian Theology
Introduction to Hermeneutics
Hermeneutics for Asia
This section of the course aims to give students a foundation in missiology and theology. Missiological topics are intended to give all students an understanding of the relationship between theology and culture. Topics also include the biblical and theological basis of mission and mission in non-Western contexts. The theological topics aim to give an overall introduction to major themes of Christian theology. The course concentrates on God, the person and the work of Christ, and the person and work of the Holy Spirit. A biblical-theological approach is used there.
Gospel and Culture I
Gospel and Culture II
Theology of Missions
Two-thirds World Missions
Holy Spirit
Issues in Mission
Pastoral Studies
These courses deal with the more practical aspects of Christian living and ministry. Students will learn more about themselves and how to relate to others, both in ministry situations and in a group. They will also learn to develop a biblical basis to address contemporary ethical issues.
Pastoral Studies I
Pastoral Studies II
Issues in Counselling
Group Dynamics
Family Life
Christian Ethics I
Christian Ethics II
Ministry Skills
These courses will enable students to communicate their Christian faith to others in a way that is both acceptable and appropriate to the age, culture, background and ability of the target group. They will include methods of evangelism, preaching, teaching, leading Bible studies and church planting.
Study Skills
Inductive Bible Study
Christian Education
Church Planting
NT Greek – In addition MCM students have the option of taking New Testament Greek. This course is an introduction to basis New Testament Greek, which will enable students to begin to read, and exegete simple NT Greek passages with the help of appropriate exegetical tools.
Note: Some of the subjects listed here are taught in alternate years.
Interdisciplinary Paper – This is for MCM students only. This is a guided research paper in an approved topic of their own choice. Here the student must bring together under one theme reflection from a range of studies. This research will be supervised by a member of the faculty.
Field Education
In addition all Diploma and MCM students are required to do Field Education. There are two components to this. The first is the weekly slot in which students are expected to be engaged in some form of Christian ministry. This is to enable the student to learn and develop skills in a number of different areas. The second is a two to four-week full-time placement in which the student is involved in some kind of Christian ministry in a cross-cultural situation. These usually take place during the November-December break. On alternate years, the student will be involved in a team ministry.