Maths Quest 9 for New South Wales 5.3 pathway

Knowledge and skills grid


Rational numbers

NS5.1.1 Applies index laws to simplify and evaluate arithmetic expressions and uses scientific notation to write large and small numbers

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
  • describing numbers written in index form using terms such as base, power, index, exponent
/ 1F Index notation and higher order roots
2B Powers and bases
  • evaluating numbers expressed as powers of positive whole numbers
/ 1F Index notation and higher order roots
2A What are indices?
2B Powers and bases
  • establishing the meaning of the zero index and negative indices e.g. by patterns
/ 2E Zero index
2G Negative indices
  • writing reciprocals of powers using negative indices
/ 2G Negative indices
  • translating numbers to index form (integral indices) and vice versa
/ 2A What are indices?
2B Powers and bases
  • developing index laws arithmetically by expressing each term in expanded form
/ 2C Multiplication using indices
2D Division using indices
2G Negative indices
  • using index laws to simplify expressions
/ 2C Multiplication using indices
2D Division using indices
2E Zero index
2F Raising a power to a power
2G Negative indices
  • using index laws to define fractional indices for square and cube roots
/ 2H Square roots and cube roots
  • writing square roots and cube roots in index form
/ 2H Square roots and cube roots
  • recognising the need for a notation to express very large or very small numbers
/ 2I Scientific notation
  • expressing numbers in scientific notation
/ 2I Scientific notation
  • entering and reading scientific notation on a calculator
/ 2I Scientific notation
  • using index laws to make order of magnitude checks for numbers in scientific notation
/ 2I Scientific notation
  • converting numbers expressed in scientific notation to decimal form
/ 1F Index notation and higher order roots
2I Scientific notation
  • ordering numbers expressed in scientific notation
/ 2I Scientific notation

Rational numbers

NS5.2.1 Rounds decimals to a specified number of significant figures, expresses recurring decimals in fraction form and converts rates from one set of units to another

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
  • identifying significant figures
/ 1B Estimating and rounding
  • rounding numbers to a specified number of significant figures
/ 1B Estimating and rounding
1G Further estimation and calculator use
  • using the language of estimation appropriately, including: rounding, approximate, level of accuracy
/ 1B Estimating and rounding
1G Further estimation and calculator use
  • using symbols for approximation e.g. 
/ 1B Estimating and rounding
1G Further estimation and calculator use
  • determining the effect of truncating or rounding during calculations on the accuracy of the results
/ 1G Further estimation and calculator use
  • writing recurring decimals in fraction form using calculator and non-calculator methods
/ 6A Rational numbers
  • converting rates from one set of units to another
/ 1I Rates

Real numbers

NS5.3.1 Performs operations with surds and indices

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
  • defining a rational number
/ 6A Rational numbers
  • distinguishing between rational and irrational numbers
/ 6B Irrational numbers
  • using a pair of compasses and a straight edge to construct simple rationals and surds on the number line
/ Irrationalnumbersonthenumberline
  • defining real numbers
/ 6B Irrational numbers
  • demonstrating that is undefined for x < 0, = 0 for x = 0, and is the positive square root of x when x > 0
/ Plottingagraphofy=
  • using the following results for x, y > 0:
    , ,
/ 6C Simplifying surds
  • using the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to simplify expressions involving surds
/ 6D Addition and subtraction of surds
6E Multiplication and division of surds
  • expanding expressions involving surds
/ 6E Multiplication and division of surds
  • rationalising the denominator of surds of the form
/ 6F Writing surd fractions with a rational denominator
  • using the index laws to demonstrate the reasonableness of the definitions for fractional indices
  • translating expressions in surd form to expressions in index form and vice versa
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • evaluating numerical expressions involving fractional indices
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • using the key on a calculator
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • evaluating a fraction raised to the power of –1, leading to
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
Consumer arithmetic

NS5.1.2 Solves consumer arithmetic problems involving earning and spending money

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
  • calculating earnings for various time periods from different sources, including:
wage, salary, commission, piecework, overtime, bonuses, holiday loadings, interest on investments / 11A Wages and salaries
11C Commission and royalties
11E Loadings and bonuses
  • calculating income earned in casual and part-time jobs, considering agreed rates and special rates for Sundays and public holidays
/ 11B Working overtime
  • calculating weekly, fortnightly, monthly and yearly incomes
/ 11A Wages and salaries
  • calculating net earnings considering deductions such as taxation and superannuation
/ 11F Net earnings
  • calculating simple interest using the formula
    I=PRT where
    where I is the interest, P the principal, R the annual interest rate and T the number of years
/ 11G Simple interest
  • applying the simple interest formula to problems related to investing money at simple interest rates
/ 11G Simple interest
  • calculating compound interest for two or three years by repeated multiplication using a calculator e.g. a rate of 5% per annum leads to repeated multiplication by 1.05
/ 11H Compound interest
  • calculating compound interest on investments using a table
/ 11H Compound interest
  • calculating and comparing the cost of purchasing goods using:
cash, credit card, lay-by, deferred payment, buying on terms, loans / MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • calculating a ‘best buy’
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
Consumer arithmetic

NS5.2.2 Solves consumer arithmetic problems involving compound interest, depreciation, and successive discounts

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
  • calculating the result of successive discounts
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • calculating compound interest on investments and loans using repetition of the formula for simple interest
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • determining and using the formula for compound interest, A = P (1 + R)n, where A is the total amount, P is the principal, R is the interest rate per period as a decimal and n is the number of periods
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • using the compound interest formula to calculate depreciation
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • comparing the cost of loans using flat and reducible interest for a small number of repayment periods
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway

NS5.1.3 Determines relative frequencies and theoretical probabilities

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
  • repeating an experiment a number of times to determine the relative frequency of an event
  • estimating the probability of an event from experimental data using relative frequencies
/ Probabilityexperiments
14C Experimental probability
14E Estimating probability
  • expressing the probability of an event from experimental data using relative frequencies
/ 14B Relative frequencies and expected values
  • expressing the probability of an event A given a finite number of equally likely outcomes as

    where n is the total number of outcomes in the sample space
/ 14D Theoretical probability of an event
  • using the formula to calculate probabilities for simple events
/ 14B Relative frequencies and expected values
14C Experimental probability
14D Theoretical probability of an event
  • simulating probability experiments using random number generators
/ 14E Estimating probability

NS5.3.2 Solves probability problems involving compound events

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
  • distinguishing informally between dependent and independent events
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • sampling with and without replacement in two-stage experiments
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • analysing two-stage events through constructing organised lists, tables and/or tree diagrams
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • solving two-stage probability problems including instances of sampling with and without replacement
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • finding probability of compound events using organised lists, tables or diagrams
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway


Algebraic techniques

PAS5.1.1 Applies the index laws to simplify algebraic expressions

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
  • using the index laws previously established for numbers to develop the index laws in algebraic form
/ 2C Multiplication using indices
2D Division using indices
2F Raising a power to another power
  • establishing that a0 = 1 using the index laws
/ 2E Zero index
  • simplifying algebraic expressions that include index notation
/ 2C Multiplication using indices
2D Division using indices
2E Zero index
2F Raising a power to another power
2G Negative indices

Algebraic techniques

PAS5.2.1 Simplifies, expands and factorises algebraic expressions involving fractions and negative and fractional indices

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
  • simplifying algebraic expressions involving fractions
/ 4B Simplifying algebraic expressions
4E Algebraic fractions
  • applying the index laws to simplify expressions involving pronumerals
/ 2C Multiplication using indices
2D Division using indices
2E Zero index
2F Raising a power to another power
2G Negative indices
  • establishing that
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • using index laws to assist with the definition of the fractional index for square root given and then
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • using index laws to assist with the definition of the fractional index for cube root
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • using index notation and the index laws to establish that
, , , … / 2G Negative indices
  • applying the index laws to simplify algebraic expressions such as
/ 2C Multiplication using indices
2D Division using indices
2E Zero index
2F Raising a power to another power
2G Negative indices
  • expanding, by removing grouping symbols, and collecting like terms where possible, algebraic expressions such as
/ 4D Simplifying expressions with grouping symbols
15C More complicated expansions
  • factorising, by determining common factors, algebraic expressions such as
/ 15E The highest common factor

Algebraic techniques

PAS5.2.2 Solves linear and simple quadratic equations, solves linear inequalities and solves simultaneous equations using graphical and analytical methods

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
  • solving linear equations
/ 5B Solving simple equations
5C Solving equations with pronumerals on both sides
5D Solving linear equations with grouping symbols
  • solving word problems that result in equations
/ 5E Solving problems with linear equations
  • exploring the number of solutions that satisfy simple quadratic equations of the form x2 = c
/ 16B Solving quadratic equations by using factors
  • solving simple quadratic equations of the form ax2 = c
/ 16B Solving quadratic equations by using factors
  • solving equations arising from substitution into formulae
/ 5F Solving more complex equations
  • solving inequalities
/ 5G Solving linear inequalities
  • solving simultaneous equations using non-algebraic methods, such as ‘guess and check’, setting up tables of values or looking for patterns
/ Solvingsimultaneousequationsusingtablesofvalues
Solvingsimultaneousequationsusingguess, checkandimprove
  • solving linear simultaneous equations by finding the point of intersection of their graphs
/ 17A Graphical solution of simultaneous equations
  • solving simple linear simultaneous equations using an analytical method
/ 17B Algebraic solutions of simultaneous equations — substitution method
17C Algebraic solutions of simultaneous equations — elimination method 1
17D Algebraic solutions of simultaneous equations — elimination method 2
  • generating simultaneous equations from simple word problems
/ 17E Problem solving using simultaneous equations

Algebraic techniques

PAS5.3.1 Uses algebraic techniques to simplify expressions, expand binomial products and factorise quadratic expressions

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
  • simplifying algebraic expressions, including those involving fractions
/ 4A Generalised arithmetic
4B Simplifying algebraic expressions
4C Using grouping symbols
4D Simplifying expressions with grouping symbols
4E Algebraic fractions
15A Binomial products
15D Applications
  • expanding binomial products by finding the area of rectangles
/ 15A Binomial products
  • using algebraic methods to expand a variety of binomial products
/ 15A Binomial products
15C More complicated expansions
15D Applications
  • recognising and applying the special products
(a + b)(ab) = a2 – b2
(a ± b)2 = a ± 2ab + b2 / 15B Special products
15C More complicated expansions
  • factorising expressions:
common factors
difference of two squares
perfect squares
grouping in pairs for four-term expressions / 15E The highest common factor
15F More factorising using the highest common factor
15G Factorising using the difference of two squares rule
15H Quadratic trinomials


15I More quadratic trinomials
15J Mixed factorising practice
15K Simplifying algebraic fractions  multiplication and division
15L Simplifying algebraic fractions  addition and subtraction
  • using a variety of methods, including combinations of the above, to factorise expressions
/ 15I More quadratic trinomials
15J Mixed factorising practice
  • factorising and simplifying a variety of more complex algebraic expressions
/ 15K Simplifying algebraic fractions  multiplication and division


15L Simplifying algebraic fractions  addition and subtraction

Algebraic techniques

PAS5.3.2 Solves linear, quadratic and simultaneous equations, solves and graphs inequalities, and rearranges literal equations

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
Linear, quadraticandsimultaneousequations
  • using analytical and graphical methods to solve a range of linear equations, including equations that involve brackets and fractions
/ 5B Solving simple equations
5C Solving equations with pronumerals on both sides
5D Solving linear equations with grouping symbols
5F Solving more complex equations
  • solving problems involving linear equations
/ 5E Solving problems with linear equations



  • developing the quadratic formula
/ 16D Solving quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula
  • solving equations of the form ax2 + bx+c = 0 using:
completing the square
the quadratic formula / 16B Solving quadratic equations by using factors
16C Solving quadratic equations by completing the square
16D Solving quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula
16E Problems and applications using quadratic equations
  • solving a variety of quadratic equations
/ 16E Problems and applications using quadratic equations
  • identifying whether a given quadratic equation has no solution, one solution or two solutions
/ 16F Using the discriminant
  • checking the solutions of quadratic equations
/ 16F Using the discriminant
  • generating quadratic equations from problems


16E Problems and applications using quadratic equations
  • solving problems involving quadratic equations
/ Isthepriceright?
16E Problems and applications using quadratic equations
  • solving quadratic equations resulting from substitution into formulae
/ 16E Problems and applications using quadratic equations
  • using analytical methods to solve a variety of simultaneous equations, including those that involve a first degree equation and a second degree equation
/ Simultaneousequationsin3unknowns
  • using <, >, , ,  to generate linear inequalities from problems
/ 17G Solving simultaneous inequalities
  • solving linear inequalities analytically, including changing the direction of the inequality when multiplying or dividing by a negative number in inequalities
/ 5G Solving linear inequalities
  • solving problems involving inequalities
/ 5G Solving linear inequalities
17G Solving simultaneous inequalities
  • changing the subject of a formula, using examples from other strands and other subjects
/ 5H Rearranging formulas
  • determining restrictions on the values of variables implicit in the original formula and after rearrangement of the formula
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • replacing variables with other expressions
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • using variable substitution to simplify expressions and equations so that specific cases can be seen to belong to general categories
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • interpreting expressions and equations given additional information
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway

Coordinate geometry

PAS5.1.2 Determines the midpoint, length and gradient of an interval joining two points on the number plane and graphs linear and simple non-linear relationships from equations

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
Midpoint, lengthandgradient
  • determining the midpoint of an interval from a diagram
/ 10I Midpoint of a line segment
  • graphing two points to form an interval on the number plane and forming a right-angled triangle by drawing a vertical side from the higher point and a horizontal side from the lower point
/ 10H Distance between two points
  • using the right-angled triangle drawn between two points on the number plane and Pythagoras’ theorem to determine the length of the interval joining the two points
/ 10H Distance between two points
  • using the right-angled triangle drawn between two points on the number plane and the relationship
    gradient =
    to find the gradient of the interval joining two points
/ 10B Gradient and y-intercept


  • determining whether a line has a positive or negative slope by following the line from left to right – if the line goes up it has a positive slope and if it goes down it has a negative slope
/ 10B Gradient and y-intercept
  • finding the gradient of a straight line from the graph by drawing a right-angled triangle after joining two points on the line
/ 10B Gradient and y-intercept
  • constructing tables of values and using coordinates to graph vertical and horizontal lines
/ 10A Plotting linear graphs
  • identifying the x- and y-intercepts of graphs
/ 10B Gradient and y-intercept
10D Sketching straight line graphs
  • identifying the x-axis as the line y = 0
/ 10A Plotting linear graphs
10D Sketching straight line graphs
  • identifying the x-axis as the line x = 0
/ 10A Plotting linear graphs
10D Sketching straight line graphs
  • graphing a variety of linear relationships on the number plane by constructing a table of values and plotting coordinates using an appropriate scale
/ 10A Plotting linear graphs
  • graphing simple non-linear relationships
/ MQ10forNSW5.3pathway
  • determining whether a point lies on a line by substituting into the equation of the line
/ 10F Parallel lines

Coordinate geometry

PAS5.2.3 Uses formulae to find midpoint, distance and gradient and applies the gradient/intercept form to interpret and graph straight lines

Knowledge and skills

Students learn about

/ MQ 9 NSW 5.3 pathway
Exercise / Investigation
Midpoint, distanceandgradientformulae
  • using the average concept to establish the formula for the midpoint, M, of the interval joining two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) on the number plane
/ 10I Midpoint of a line segment
  • using the formula to find the midpoint of the interval joining two points on the number plane
/ 10I Midpoint of a line segment
  • using Pythagoras’ theorem to establish the formula for the distance, d, between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) on the number plane
/ 10H Distance between two points
  • using the formula to find the distance between two points on the number plane
/ 10H Distance between two points
10I Midpoint of a line segment
  • using the relationship
    gradient =
    to establish the formula for the gradient, m, of an interval joining two points (x1, y1) and (x2,y2) on the number plane
/ 10B Gradient and y-intercept
  • using the formula to find the gradient of an interval joining two points on the number plane
/ 10B Gradient and y-intercept
