This form is to be used to submit a proposal for a revised undergraduate or graduate major, minor, concentration, or option. Every item on this form must be completed prior to submission to A2C2 for the proposal to be considered for approval. The department proposing a new program must include a Financial and Staffing Data Sheetand theNew and Revised Course and Program Approval Form with department chairperson’s and dean’s signatures. Refer to Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing the Curriculum, for complete information on submitting proposals for curricular changes
Note: Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing the Curriculum, allows a department, with its dean’s approval, to change up to two courses per year within an existing major, minor, concentration, option, etc., without seeking review of A2C2 and/or graduate Council, provided that (1) the total credits do not increase or decrease for the major, minor, concentration, option, etc., and (2) the change does not affect other departments or the University Studies or General Education Programs. Please use the Notification form for these changes instead of this Proposal for a Revised Program.
Department:EDUCATION Date FEB 12, 2013
Title of Program: Elementary Education
This is a revised __X__ Major______Minor______Concentration______Option______Other
Major/Minor Code of this program__ELED
Total SemesterHours ELED70s.h.
Please provide all of the following information:
(Note: Other documentation may not substitute for this. All information must be on this form)
A.A statement of major focus and objectives of the revised program (Include this even if it has not changed)
The Elementary Education program’s major focus is to prepare teacher candidates to design, implement, and evaluate developmentally appropriate learning experiences in a variety of settings for young children from Kindergarten through grade 6. This program revision reflects program changes related to the General Education Program and a new course added to the curriculum.B.New Catalog Content (Include these even if they have not changed)
1. Provide a list of program content as it would appear in the catalog including required courses, electives, etc., by number and
name. Include the number and name for each prerequisite, and all prerequisites of proposed prerequisites. All such
prerequisites should be included in the total credit hour calculations for the revised program.
2. New catalog narrative, if any.
2010-2012 Catalog Content / New Catalog Content(Note: No listing of program content for the Elementary Education Program is listed in the 2010-2012 Catalog other than “Note: When this catalog went to print, these licensures were being redesigned to reflect new licensure requirements from the Minnesota Board of Teaching. For current information about licensure course requirements, contact the Education Department.”
What follows is the listing of program as it might have been listed at that point if it had listed similar to the listing for the Early Childhood Education Program:
Elementary Education (Kindergarten-Grade 6)
120-131 S.H.
ENG 111 College Reading and Writing (4)
CMST 191 Introduction to Public Speaking (3)
MATH 100 Survey of Math (3) or higher math course
HERS 204 Personal and Community Health (3)
Humanities: HIST 150 OR HIST 151 recommended and one elective (6) Natural Science: SCIE 201 and SCIE 401
Social Science: SPED 400 and SOC 150 (6)
Fine and Performing Arts: MUS 320 (3)
MTED 201 Technology-Based Geometry and Probability for Elementary Teachers (4)
Science and Social Policies Elective (3)
Contemporary Citizenship Elective (3)
EDUC 321 Children’s Literature (3)
EDUC 352 Integrating Microcomputers into the Classroom (3) (test-out option available)
MTED 125 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (4)
PESS 200 Teaching Elementary Physical Education (3)
HERS 320 Health Education in Elementary Schools (3)
1. These courses require formal admission to the teacher education program. (See page 91, “Admission to the WSU Teacher Education Program.”)
2. The College of Education plans to restructure some program offerings in 2007-2008. As a result, the content, numbering, and/ or credit hours for Professional Education Sequence courses will likely be revised after this catalog goes to print. To obtain the latest course requirements, please refer to the current program sheets, which are available from the department office or online at
EDUC 304 Human Development & Learning: Elementary Education with Early Childhood Emphasis (4)
EDUC 308 Human Relations and Student Diversity (3) (EDUC 308 satisfies the University Studies
Multicultural Perspectives Category.)
# EDUC 311 Instructional Planning & Assessment: Elementary Education (3)
#EDUC 459 The Professional Educator (3)
# EDST 464 Student Teaching - Elementary Education (1-16)
Note: These courses require formal admission to the teacher education program. (See page 91, “Admission to the WSU Teacher Education Program.”)
ART 300 Elementary Art Education (3)
EDUC 328 Teaching Reading and Language Arts I (3)
EDUC 329 Teaching Reading and Language Arts II (3)
EDUC 333 Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School (3)
EDUC 334 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School (3)
EDUC 335 Teaching of Science & Environmental Studies in the Elementary School (3)
# EDST 464 Student Teaching – K-6 Middle Level (16)
* EDUC 308 satisfies the University Studies Multicultural Perspectives category. / Elementary Education (K-Grade 6): A teacher elementary education is authorized to design, implement, and evaluate developmentally appropriate learning experiences for children from kindergarten through grade 6 in a variety of public school K-6 settings. The elementary teacher collaborates with families, colleagues, and related service personnel to enhance the learning of all children. Students in this program will be eligible for Elementary Education Licensure (K-6).
120S.H. Kindergarten to Grade 6
Goal Area 1: (7 credit hours) (Indicates both Required Courses and relevant Recommended Courses to help with Double Listing to reduce credit hours)
ENG 111 College Reading and Writing (4) (Required)
CMST 191 Introduction to Public Speaking (3) OR
CMST 192 Introduction to Speech Communication (3)
(Required: 191 or 192)
GOAL AREA 3: (7 credit hours)
BIOL 180 or GEOS 180 or PHYS 180 or CHEM 180
BIOL 185 or GEOS 185 or PHYS 185 or CHEM 185
GOAL AREA 4: (3 credit hours)
MATH 202: Elements of Mathematics (3) (Required)
GOAL AREA 5: (9 credit hours)Recommended for
Double-Listing (DL):
POLS 120: Introduction to American Politics (3) DL with 9
HIST 120: Western Civilization to 1500 (3) with DL with 6
HIST 121: Western Civilization 1500 to 1815 (3) DL with
HIST 122: Western Civilization 1815 to Present (3) DL
with 6
HIST 150: US History to 1865 (3) DL with 6
GOAL AREA 6: (9 credit hours)
Recommended for Double-Listing:
HIST 120: Western Civilization to 1500 (3) with DL with 5
HIST 121: Western Civilization 1500 to 1815 (3) DL with
HIST 122: Western Civilization 1815 to Present (3) DL
with 5
HIST 150: US History to 1865 (3) DL with 5
ENG 220: Multicultural American Literature (3) DL with 7
MUS 120: Introduction Theory (3) (Required)
GOAL AREA 7: (3 credit hours)
ENG 220: Multicultural American Literature (3) DL with 6
GOAL AREA 8: (3 credit hours)
CAST 302: Global Child Advocacy Issues (3)
GOAL AREA 9: (3 credit hours)
POLS 120: Introduction to American Politics (3) DL with 5
GOAL AREA 10: (3 credit hours)
BIOL 104: The Environment, Society, and Conservation
(3) (Recommendedand Required for WI Licensure)
EDUC 221 Children’s Literature (3)
EDUC 352 Integrating Microcomputers into the Classroom
(2) (test-out option available)
PESS 200 Teaching Elementary Physical Education (2)
HERS 320 Health Education in Elementary Schools (2)
MATH 203: Number and Number Systems (3)
MATH 204: Technology-based Geometry (3)
1. These courses require formal admission to the teacher education program. (See page 91, “Admission to the WSU Teacher Education Program.”)
2. The College of Education may restructure some program
offerings. As a result, the content, numbering, and/ or credit hours for Professional Education Sequence courses could revised. To obtain the latest course requirements, please refer to the current online catalog.
EFRT 400 Human Development and Learning: Early
Childhood and Elementary Education (2)
EFRT 483 Multicultural Youth, Children and Families:
Part I (2)
EFRT 440 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (3)
EFRT 420 Classroom Management: Early Childhood and
Elementary Education (1)
EFRT 459 Professional Educator (3)
EFRT 484 Multicultural Youth, Children and Families:
Part II (1)
EDST 464 Student Teaching – K-6 Elementary Level (12)
HERS 204 Personal and Community Health (3)
SPED 300: Children and Youth with Exceptionalities (3)
Note: These courses require formal admission to the teacher education program. (See page 91, “Admission to the WSU Teacher Education Program.”)
ART 302 Elementary Art Education (2)
MUS 320 Music for Elementary Teachers (2)
EDUC 328 Teaching Reading and Language Arts I (3)
EDUC 329 Teaching Reading and Language Arts II (3)
EDUC 333 Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School
EDUC 334 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School
EDUC 335 Teaching Science & Environmental Studies in the
Elementary School (3)
EDRD 450/550 Differentiated Reading Instruction (3)
C.Description of Revisions
1. Provide both the current and the revised program requirements.
Place these in two columns, side by side with categories aligned, for easy comparison and a clear identification of each change.
2. For each required and elective course being added to the program, provide the course number, name, catalog description,
and a brief statement explaining why the course should be included inthe program.
C1) EDRD 450/550 This course examines the use of assessment data to plan differentiated reading instruction for a range of learners with diverse cognitive, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds. Emphasis is placed upon differentiation of instruction within classrooms and collaboration with other professionals for the design of data-based interventions for struggling readers, advanced readers and English language learners. Graduate project required if taken at graduate level. Offered as needed. (3 cr.) Prerequisites: EDUC 328 & EDUC 329The course has been added to the program to provide the increased depth of preparation required to address several recent changes in reading-related standards for the preparation of Early Childhood and K-6 Elementary Teachers. The course is being offered at a 400 / 500 level because it addresses licensing standards from the MN K-6 Elementary Teaching License (undergraduate level) and also lays the foundation for several licensing standards for the MN Teacher of Reading license (graduate level).
D. Impact of this Program Revision
1. Clearly state the impact of this revised program on other departments, programs, minors, or majors.
2. It is the responsibility of the department submitting a program proposal to send written notification to the department(s) or program(s) affected. Attach letter(s) of understanding from any impacted department(s).
D1) The course does not duplicate content of other courses; rather the course is being created in order to address recent changes in reading-related licensing requirements which are beyond the scope of pre-requisite courses. The course is part of a larger overall redesign of the program for the Early Childhood and Elementary Education majors. Music, Art, Physical Education, and Health will be impacted to some extent. Each department has been in extended discussion with the Education Department over the program redesign, and agreements have been reached with each department on shifting of and/or reduction of required credit hours to bring them into closer alignment with the number of teaching standards addressed.E. Attach to this proposal a completed
1. Financial and Staffing Data Sheet
2. New and Revised Course and Program Approval Form for this course
You may also need to fill out the MNSCU Program Redesign Applicationand submit this directly to the VPAA.
This program revision will be implemented in the fall semester following completion of the approval process.
F. Department Contact Person for this Proposal
Name (please print)Phonee-mail address
F. Review by Department A2C2 Representative
I have reviewed this proposal and certify that it is complete ______
Signature of A2C2 representative
Course or Program_EDRD 450/550 Differentiated Reading Instruction
Include a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet with any proposal for a new course, new program, or revised program.
Please answer the following questions completely. Provide supporting data.
1.Would this course or program be taught with existing staff or with new or additional staff? If this course would be taught by adjunct faculty, include a rationale.
This course would be taught with existing staff. There have been four sections of that course offered each semester, two of them taught by tenure track faculty. Thus, existing staff is available to be reassigned for teaching of this course in place of the discontinued course.2.What impact would approval of this course/program have on current course offerings? Please discuss number of sections of current offerings, dropping of courses, etc.
This course would have no impact on current course offerings for education majors. EDUC 120, a university studies course, has recently been discontinued from university studies/general education program. There have been four sections of that course offered each semester, two of them taught by tenure track faculty. Faculty would be reassigned.3.What effect would approval of this course/program have on the department supplies? Include data to support expenditures for staffing, equipment, supplies, instructional resources, etc.
This course would have minimal financial impact on department supplies. The course does not involve any unusual support staffing or new purchasing of equipment. Minimal costs for printing and clerical support would be more than offset by the discontinued university studies/general education program course (EDUC 120).WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY
Routing form for new and revised courses and programs.Course or Program EDRD 450/550
Department Recommendation______
Department Chair Datee-mail address
Dean’s Recommendation_____ Yes_____ No*
Dean of College Date
*The dean shall forward their recommendation to the chair of the department, the chair of A2C2, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
A2C2 Recommendation_____ Approved_____ Disapproved
Chair of A2C2 Date
Graduate Council Recommendation_____ Approved_____ Disapproved
(if applicable)
Chair of Graduate CouncilDate
Director of Graduate StudiesDate
Faculty Senate Recommendation_____ Approved_____ Disapproved
President of Faculty Senate Date
Academic Vice President Recommendation_____ Approved_____ Disapproved
Academic Vice President Date
Decision of President_____ Approved_____ Disapproved
President Date
Please forward to Registrar.
Registrar ______Please notify department chair via e-mail that curricular change has been recorded.
Date entered
[Revised 9-1-10]