For:Training Course on Spatial Decision Support Systems

(Title of the Training Course)

Date and Venue:25-29November 2013; Karachi, Pakistan


a.Incomplete or partly-filled application form will NOT be entertained.

  1. ISNET will sponsor participants on the basis of evaluation of the course organising committee and also consider the criteria of first-come-first-served
  2. Sponsorship will depend on the availability of funds

1.Full NameProf □ Dr □Ms □Mr □


First Name Middle Name Last Name

2.GenderMale □Female □

3.Title of Present Official Designation/Position




5.Official Mailing Address



Tel (with area codes)______Cell.______

Fax (with area codes)______Email______

6.Personal and Passport Details

Date & Place of Birth______


Passport No.______Place of Issue______

Date of Issue______Date of Expiry______

7.Academic Background

a.Education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels:

Institution / City / Country /
/ Certificate / Degree Awarded / Field of Study

b.Language Proficiency

8.Your professional status and responsibilities in your organisation.




9.Kindly give details of your knowledge and experience of Satellite Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System as well as hands-on skills.





10.How is your country likely to benefit from your participation in this training course?


11.Financial Support for Return Air-Fare

I will require financial support for my return air ticket. □ Yes □ No


I hereby agree to confirm that neither the InterIslamic Network on Space Sciences Technology (ISNET) nor Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO), nor the host country (Pakistan) will be responsible for:

i Any costs incurred on visa, vaccination, health and travel insurance, medical treatment, hospitalization etc.

ii.Compensation in the event of death, disability or illness; and

iii. Loss or damage to personal property while attending the training course, during travelling or my period of stay in Pakistan.


I agree to refrain from engaging in political, commercial and/or any activities other than those governed by the programme scheduled for the duration of the training course.

Signature: ______




14.Head of the Nominating Agency/Organisation

Signature: ______



Important: Please complete this form in all respects and faxand e-mail (scanned copy of this page) along with copy of first two pages of your valid passport to the following address no later than 15October 2013:

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