/ School of Bible Theology Seminary & University
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 517, San Jacinto, California92581
Voice: (951) 927-3410 / Fax: (951) 927-0264
Student Application for Enrollment
Date / Telephone / Fax Number /
Last Name / First Name / M.I.
Mailing Address / City / State / Zip
Street Address (for UPS delivery) / Email
Birth Date / SexMale
Female / Nationality
Name and Address of Your Home Church/Pastorate
  1. Are you born again? Yes No When?
/ Are you spirit filled according to Acts 2:4? Yes No
  1. In any form, do you use narcotics? Yes No Alcohol? Yes No Tobacco? Yes No
If Yes, please explain
  1. Are you called to the ministry? Yes No Are you currently engaged in the ministry? Yes No If yes, please provide a resume of all ministerial work to date on a separate sheet.

  1. Provide a resume of your secular education to date on a separate sheet.

  1. Provide a resume of your Bible education to date on a separate sheet.

  1. Will you furnish sets of transcripts, records, and other evidences of previous study?

  1. Do you understand the credit/value transfer values of SBTSUcourses are determined by the admitting authorities of the institution you may transfer to? Yes No Do you agree with this? Yes No

  1. Do you intend your studies to prepare you as a minister? Yes No Lay Person? Yes No

  1. Do you understand that although SBTSUcourses have been designed to prepare you theologically for the ministry, as well as other church related work, SBTS does not grant or issue ministerial credentials, and/or guarantee job/position placement? Yes No

  1. Do you understand that SBTSU offers instruction in theology and doctrine only? SBTSU further requires adherence to the doctrines and principles of faith, of the Faith Tabernacle Ministries, Inc.? Yes No

  1. Will you honor our student financial agreement and agree that no earned grades, certificates, degrees be assigned you until all financial terms/agreements are met? Yes No

  1. On approval of your application, do you understand that a student financial agreement must be completed, signed and returned with payment in full or down payment before any study materials will be shipped? Yes No

  1. Will you accept the grading and judgment of the SBTSU faculty/dean in evaluating the quality of all work done through SBTSU? Yes No

  1. Do you understand that each student shall purchase the necessary textbooks and materials according to the list provided with each course?
Yes No
  1. To insure satisfaction to the student, SBTSU will allow a period of thirty (30 days from the date of course mailing for the student to return course for refund of monies paid, with the exception of a $50.00 (FIFTY DOLLARS) non-refundable fee for file set-up, shipping, and office fees. SBTSU further reserves the right to charge for damages to all returned course materials. Do you agree to this refund policy? Yes No

On completion, mail this application for enrollment to:
Registrar, SBTSU
P.O. Box 517
San Jacinto, CA92581USA / Application for Degree Course:
Associate of Theology
Associate of Christian Education
Bachelor of Theology
Bachelor of Christian Education / Master of Theology
Master of Christian Education
Doctor of Ministry
Doctor of Theology

School of Bible Theology, Inc.02/05