Have “Walk like an Egyptian” by The Bangles playing as hall fills up:

Scene 1

[Ra - Marifer is sitting under a blanket like an egg on the left side of the stage at the start before anything begins. He wears a sun as his hat.

Narrator - Isabella, takes two steps onto the stage, hands clasped and announces.]

Narrator: In the beginning, before there was any land of Egypt, all was darkness, and there was nothing but a great waste of water calledNun.

[Narrator sits back down. Nun - Soraya enters the stage, almost like a fairy fluttering around, carefree and happy looking at the wonders around her/him.

Nun walks to the left side of the stage and removes the blanket and Ra emerges from the egg. The Narrator - Dorothyis back on stasge. Nun continues to look at Ra as he rises in amazement and Narrator points towards Ra as he speaks.]

Narrator: All was dark, that is, until Nun created Ra, god of the sun. In the morning Ra was called Khepera, at noon Ra and in the evening Atum.

[Narrator sits back down. Nuns swap. Nun - Imogen looks at Ra as if s/he is thinking about something.]

Nun (Pleased): Hmmm, very interesting this sun I have created. I think I will add a sky to compliment it called Nut, Geb for some earth and Hapi for some water.

[As Nun names the sky 3 people step up with some blue material to make a Nut/sky. Others with brown material for Geb/earth and others with another shade of blue for Hapi/water. Meanwhile Ra is walking from one end of the stage to rise and set the sun.]

Nun (Amused): Now all I am missing are some creatures. I will call these ‘humans’ and they will live on Geb and build their amazing homes and places of worship.

[Ra characters swap. When Ra – Arastoohears this he stops what he is doing and shakes his head he approaches Nun and speaks for the first time.]

Ra: These humans, could they not worship me? I mean I am beautiful after all and I will provide them with light.

[Ra characters swap. Narrator - Aiza gets up to speak. As he speaks Ra – Dudleywalks around and people walk around him and admire him. As Narrator finishes Ra looks older and has difficulty walking. Then people stop and whisper and stare at him.]

Narrator: And so it was that Ra came to live amongst humans. At first he was revered for his beauty. Humans loved how powerful and magnificent Ra was as their Pharaoh. However, the years passed and Ra starting looking more and more human and not like a god anymore.

[Narrator off stage. People point and stare at Ra.]

Person 1 Oliver (Mocking): Look, look how weak he looks now! This is no god!

Person 2 Oscar (Laughing): He says he is our Pharaoh but what power could he have?

[People walk off stage laughing. Ra looks upset and calls out to Nun - Soukie, who walks on stage.]

Ra: Nun, where are you? I must speak with you?

Nun: What is the matter Ra?

Ra: Humans are mocking me. They say I do not look like a god anymore I have been here too long.

Nun: Well it is they who will suffer not us! Send them some evil. Prepare your daughter Sekhmet to sort it out.

[Nun off stage. Sekhmet – Grace enters.]

Ra: Sekhmet my daughter! I will send you on a quest. You must resolve to stop mankind from mocking me!

Sekhmet (Calmly and then forcefully): Yes father. You do not need to worry, I will avenge you!

[Ra and Sekhmet walk off stage.]

Scene 2

[There is a village scene set up with men and women working in the fields– Minnie, Malachy and Alex. They are talking in low voices to each other.

Sekhmet - Miyah arrives at the village and is walking very tall, strong and proud. People seem to admire her as they can tell she is a god.]

Sekhmet: Mock Ra? This is what will happen if you mock Ra!

[Gym mats on the floor for people to fall on. Sekhmet quickly and briefly puts her sword through the torso of each person. Each person lies on the ground briefly, then everyone off stage and a new village is set up on the other side of the stage. Sekhmet walks over to the new village and slays more people, Jacob, Jay and Ivo.]

Sekhmet - Fearghal: Mock Ra? This is what will happen if you mock Ra!

[Again, village lies for a while ‘dead’ on the floor and then leaves the stage. Sekhmet walks off stage after them.

Ra - Natalie walks onto the stage and talks to the audience.]

Ra (Worried): I hear Sekhmet is killing everyone. Is this true? Who can tell me?

[See if anyone in the audience replies and if not go up to a teacher and ask.]

Ra: This is not right. I did not mean for her to kill humans, I just meant for her to teach them a lesson. SEKHMEEEET!!!!

[Sekhmet - Fearghal walks back on stage.]

Sekhmet: Yes father?

Ra: How is your quest going?

Sekhmet (Confident and nodding at the end): Very well Father, I should have killed all humans in no time at all!

Ra (Very worried): Right…. MMMMMMmmmmmm. Thank you for the update Sekhment, I think?

[Sekhmet walks off stage. Ra turns to speak to the audience and shrugs his shoulders.]

Ra: What will I do?

Scene 3

Nubia - Jessica: [Thoughtful and hopeful] Ra has asked me to help! I know what I will do! I will write to Sekhmet pretending to be Ra and that way she will be sure to turn up. I will tell her to appear after the next rise of the River Nile, when the star Sarious is up in the sky. We will meet at the top of the pyramid Giza at midnight.

[Nubia exits the stage and it is now night time. Sekhmet - Sethenters the stage, walking in a powerful way, she looks around searching for Ra. Then Nubia walks on stage and Sekhmet looks shocked.]

Sekhmet: You are not Ra!

[She holds her sword and is about to draw it out.]

Sekhmet: Why did you trick me like this?

Nubia: I was worried you would not come. I have heard you are powerful and great, and I have a gift that I can give to only the greatest and mightiest god, this is my one purpose. Are you this god?

Sekhmet (Exclaims and looks proud): Why yes! I am so glad you knew it was me!

[Nubia gives a cunning grimace to the audience.]

Nubia: In order for me to give you this gift, you must first pass a test!

Sekhmet (Confused): Yes of course!

[Nubia’s and Sekhmet swap. Nubia-Shyla opens her hand has 3 grains of sand in her palm. She holds out her arm and hand to Sekhmet – De-Andre who looks closely at them.]

Nubia: Here I have 3 grains of sand, each one has been taken from a special place. My gift is a potion that will give you immeasurable strength when it is mixed with the grains of sand. But first, you must tell me why they have been taken from their locations. Are you ready? And are you sure you want this potion?

Sekhmet (Nodding head and looking doubtful): I am ready! Of course, I don’t neeeed this potion, but if you must give it to the best and most powerful goddess, then that is me!

[She puts away the grains of sand. Nubia’s and Sekhmet’s - Jack swap. Nubia – Farah shows her the green grain of sand in her hand.]

Nubia (Looking pleased): This grain of sand comes from the banks of the River Nile and will give you strength through love and kindness, can you tell me why?

Sekhmet (Thinking): Well…. The River Nile floods the land around it, helping humans to grow the best and most nutritious food, so it gives strength and therefore love.

Nubia (Looking pleased, nods): Yes you are right!

[Nubia puts the green grain of sand into the cup and takes out a yellow grain of sand and shows it to Sekhmet as she speaks.]

Nubia: Here is the second grain of sand. It was taken from the center of this pyramid, the very heart and will give you hope. Why is this?

Sekhmet (Worried look on her face): Is it because humans have hope? They like to believe in their heart that things can always be better? Personally, I think they should just accept the will of the gods! Why worry so much when they have someone like me to end all their worries for them!

[Sekhmet ends with a chuckle looking proud of herself.]

Nubia (Secretly worried but looks pleased): Ehem….yes you are right,… again! Well done Sekhmet… but, will you guess right for the final grain of sand?

[Nubia’s and Sekhmet - Grace swap. Nubia - Millie puts the yellow grain of sand into the cup and takes out a blue grain of sand.]

Nubia: This blue grain of sand was taken from the Mediterranean ocean, from the very bottom of the sea floor, at a pointsomewhere between Cyprus, the Jordan Valley and Egypt. The question is what would you need to swim to the centre of the sea and down to those depths?

Sekhmet (Looking proud): Well, nothing at all! I am so powerful I already have the strength and bravery to swim to those depths. Who needs courage?

Nubia (Very enthusiastic): Aha! But you might! If you want me to give you my gift you may need courage.

Sekhmet (Disbelieving): Very well, you would need courage and therefore I can only assume the last grain will provide courage!

Nubia (Calmly): Well done Sekhmet!

[Nubia carefully puts the final blue grain of sand into the cup, she stirs it and is about to give it to Sekhmet to drink, but she keeps her hand in midair and begins to speak.]

Nubia: Now, before I give you this potion I must warn you, you cannot fight the changes,however powerful you will becomeyou must accept them!

[Sekhmet looks excited and like she cannot contain herself but tries to keep her composure.]

Sekhmet: Yes, yes, of course Nubia, whatever you say. I doubt they will do me any harm.

[Nubia is holding the cup between both of her hands and she raises it now and gives it to Sekhmet - Miyah. Nubia’s - Jessica swap. Sekhmet takes the cup and raises it to the sky before bringing it to her lips to drink the contents.]

Sekhmet: Well thank you Nubia, you did say this was your purpose so I assume you do not need anything from me. I will wait for it to work whilst I continue to exalt my revenge on humans!

[Nubia puts her arm across her waist and bows towards Sekhmet pretending to honour her. To show her respect she walks backwards off stage so that she is always facing Sekhmet as she leaves.]

Nubia: May you prosper in your mission! Farewell goddess Sekhmet!

[Sekhmet looks very pleased with herself. She stands looking into the distance and checks her weapons.]

Sekhmet (Sarcastically): Yes, these weapons will do. I should be able to kill a few more hundred humans with these. Who knows? This potion could make it even easier?! I am quite tired now. I think I will go to sleep.

[Sekhmet stretches and lies down to sleep on the floor. Sekhmet crawls off stage and swaps with new Sekhmet-Fearghal who is already lying on the floor.]

Scene 4

[It is the next day and Sekhmet has been lying on the floor asleep.

She stands up to stretch and has no weapons on her. She walks to the next village and walks up to a group of people who look scared of her and she buys some bread.

Narrator - Isabella on stage.]

Narrator: And so it was that Sekhmet was tricked into being nice.

[Ra - Marifer walks on stage and looks at Sekhmet.]

Ra: So sweet and peaceful my daughter. You will now be called Hather and be full of love and sweetness.

[Ra and Sekhmet walk off stage.]

Narrator – Dorothy and Aiza: (Dorothy) In case you hadn’t realised. 3CD wrote their own ending to an Egyptian Myth called the Story of Ra. In the real story Sekhmet does a lot more killing. (Aiza) It is only stopped when she was tricked into getting drunk and became happy. Which we do not recommend. We didn’t know the real ending until we finished writing our own. We think ours is better and hope you liked it too!

[Narrators off stage. All stand up to sing the song.]