FRQs and Critical Thinking.

Explain the main difference(s) between Dr. Sanders’ and Dr. Reibel’s approach to the causes of the industrial revolution.

Demographic Dividend

For the above diagram first explain/define what the demographic dividend is and then in the year 2014 what is happening to the demographic dividend for Ireland, East Asia/China, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Is there a relationship between population growth rate and growth of GDP per capita? Explain your answer.

Using the above data for Brazil explain its current position in regards to the Demographic Dividend (Has it peaked? Is it going to peak in the future, or has it passed its peak?). Provide a full explanation of your conclusion based on the data in the table.

For the above diagram explain the impact of labor migration from a low wage country to a high wage country. Specifically address issues of changing labor supplies and wage rates in each country (specifically how do the migration changes affect both supply and price). Finally, explain how this will affect the Quality of Life in both the origin and destination country and what theory enables you to make that conclusion. Also, how does this relate to the push-pull model of migration?

Brazilian vs Cuban Agriculture

Name at least two advantages and disadvantages of each style of agriculture. Which one of these two types of agriculture do you favor and why?

Could the Cuban style of agriculture benefit from introducing any ideas from the Neo Liberal –Washington Consensus school of development? On the other hand could the Brazilian type benefit from a Beijing Consensus approach?

What seem to be the modern consequences on Africa of the Slave Trade during and prior to the 19th century?

Explain why farm subsidy programs have led to greater surpluses, refer to the model presented in class.