End of the Year Letter to Parents

Hello Families!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Enjoy your day off Monday, May 30th

My, have we been busy at WPMS these past couple of weeks! We are winding down with lots of fun in Water World! Here are some of the moments we have captured during our fun:

Children explored the properties of Oobleck after having heard Dr. Suess’ story “Bartholomew and the Oobleck”, wove ribbon through our fence, worked with simple machines, using levers, pulleys and inclined planes, worked with the water tables exploring the properties of liquid, and practiced installation art like Suzan Shultan’s. You can see it displayed under the walkway. One of the highlights of Water World this week was hearing the musical talents of Mr. Seekford and his electric guitar. The children enjoyed listening to the way he expresses himself through his music.

Extended Day Kindergarten had a wonderful last day yesterday and had their end-of-the-year celebration. They had a very special guest stop by (Mrs. Thornton) and she was able to hear their songs from the presentation last week as well as spend the afternoon with them. They made little painted bird houses, played games, made crafts, participated in a “continental” scavenger hunt, decorated ice cream sundae’s and autographed a beautiful hand-made bird house replica of the WPMS building to leave their mark on the school! Look for it after it is installed somewhere on the grounds.

We look forward to seeing everyone at our Annual School Picnic/Graduation Ceremony at North Park next Friday June 3rd! Please remember to sign up for the item that you are bringing to the picnic through the sign-up genius that went out in an email from me. A reminder will go out this week. We will support Jackson Sadlowe, a Yellow PM student fighting Fanconi Anemia at the picnic this year. Our staff thought that it was a nice way to help lighten the burden of all of the medical costs that they will incur. We will have a donation jar at the sign-in table to receive donations and will give out bracelets with his name on them to help support his fight. Please donate whatever is in your heart. We will also have information on blood donation and Bone Marrow “Be the Match” opportunities.

Camp begins June 13th. There are still spaces available in various weeks especially in the PM session. Please feel free to invite age-eligible friends as well. Mrs. Lankes has a lot of fun planned this year!

The 2016-17 School Calendar is now complete and was distributed in yesterday’s Thursday folder. An electronic version is also attached in this email. Please plan accordingly.

If you find any miniture type “toys” among your children’s things please send them back to school as they may belong to work in the class. Minitures are a big part of Montessori materials as they serve as a point of interest to the children and sometimes get taken home. If you have an Extended Day Kindergarten student, please make sure that they bring back their green bags. Also, students should return any Readers back to school before next Thursday. Please encourage them to continue reading through the summer.

June 2nd is the last day for all half day programs.

Red Room in session until June 9th.

Thank you for sharing your children with us this year. We look forward to another great year in 2016-17! Have a safe and fun summer!