Sampling of Letters Requesting Permission to Use Information

Found on FAS Web Pages at

March 26, 2003

Hello Teresa,
I came across your article "Broken Wings and Wobbly Wings" in a search for supplementary readings for our FAS course in the Chemical Dependency Worker Program at our College. We are interested in using it, however, need to follow copyright regulations by acquiring permission to do so. If we are granted permission we need to have the correct acknowledgement source. What is the procedure for getting permission to include this article in our coursepack of readings? I look forward to hearing from you.
Grace McLeod
Chemical Dependency Worker Program
Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, CANADA

March 11, 2003

Hi Teresa:

My name is Kim Fast andI am the office coordinator for the Saskatchewan Fetal Alcohol Support Network. Our Network is developing a parent package for our local diagnostic centre, the Alvin Buckwold Centre in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Part of our mandate with this package is to develop materials that are easily accessible to parents with lower literacy skill levels and levels of comprehension.

We are very interested in using SCREAMS as part of our package. However we would like to adapt the material as I have described above. The SCREAMS piece we are interested in is: "AAAIIIEEEEEEE! How to minimize screaming (yours, not theirs)". 1999. Please let me know if this is agreeable to you. All the best.

Kim F

Sask. Fetal Alcohol Support Network

March 10, 2003

I would like permission to use your fas assessment quiz in a continuing nursing education module I'm developing for South Dakota State University. It is called FAS 101 Information Assessment on the website that I found. I would credit you as the source. of the assessment. Thank you

Dianna Spies Sorenson, PhD, RN, CNS


College of Nursing

Box 2275


Brookings, SD 57007.

February 19, 2003

i am writing to you today because i have a fantastic opportunity on feb 28 and march 1st '2003 at carleton college [ "the harvard of the midwest" ] in northfield minnesota. i am staffing a table on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in the great hall during the middle period of each of the two days at the memorial gathering to paul and sheila wellstone. paul taught urban studies when i was at carleton and advised my use of a chicago inner city semester. i had also connected with sheila's causes thru teaching dance movement for battered women, children and shelter staffs after graduating carleton in dance.
later when i fostered and daycared for 30 in each category while a solo provider/dually licensed for daycare and fostercare- paul's senate office always responded to my queries within 24-48 hours with any medical or educational questions, legal rights issues for my foster kids and such. he and sheila championed many mighty causes- and if your agency could aide me in providing a wide variety of articles, brochures and posters specifically on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and related materials---i will see to it that they get into the best of all possible hands, a multitude of carleton grades in a wide scattering of positions and fields, all of whom shared a love for paul and sheila and who may even be looking for work to "carry on" in their names.
i will need everything to arrive by the27th of feb
as i leave for northfield around 5am on feb 28
call 1-507-523-2327 if questions
lindalee soderstrom
251 benson dr
Lewiston, MN 55952
ps- thank you so much in advance -or sharing materials.
ps- i am also on an 'improved pregnancy outcomes' task force with winona county public health nurses here in se mn and if any materials you send should arrive late for wellstones'days i can share them with the IPO- who will distribute clinically and thru their library of resources.

February 18, 2003

I am a clinical instructor with the Jordan Institute for Families at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Social Work. I am currently updating a curriculum on substance abuse for child welfare professionals. This course, which is sponsored by the state of North Carolina, is offered free of charge several times a year. The target audience consists of social workers from North Carolina's county departments of social services.
In the interest of providing participants with the most current and useful information available, I would like to include in the participant notebook for this course the information contained on the page "What are the Characteristics of FAS>?", which appears on the following page of your website <>.
If you grant us permission to include this material in our curriculum we would, of course, acknowledge your authorship of this information on the pages where this information would appear. One possible way we could do this is through the following cite: "Copyright © 2000 by Teresa Kellerman, FAS Community Resource Center, Tuscon, AZ < Reprinted with permission." If you grant us permission to use this material but would prefer we use some other acknowledgement, please let me know.
Thank you in advance for considering this request. I look forward to hearing from you about this matter.
John McMahon, Clinical Instructor
Jordan Institute for Families

January 29, 2003


My name is Cyndi and my daughter is Millie. I have been on this list for several years now, just don't normally have much to say, just read what everyone else has to say.For the last 10 years I have gone into the local schools and taught to the Home-Ec, anatomy, and biology classes concerning FAS. I teach from a mothers prospective and I hope it has been effective. This last year I wrote a grant for funding, (just trying my hand at it)and it is looking promising.My goal is to be able to teach at least 50 classes in the next year. I have used your statistics to inform the students. I need to know if that is okay, and if there are any new statistics available. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks,

Cyndi Johnston

January 22, 2003

Dear Teresa,
I would first like to start off by saying "thank you", your website is amazing. It took me over a week to read through all the material and I know more things now then I ever did. I am currently in the process of delivering a program on FAS to junior high and high school students at the local schools in my community. The pictures and poems contained on your site are so fitting.

I was writing to ask permission for use the of some of the material you have developed. I think these games, pictures and poems would have a huge impact on the youths and it would really help me get my point across. It would be very well appreciated and any way you wish to be recognized would be acceptable.

Thank You
Angie Piercy

December 9, 2002

I am a photo editor currently working on a college-level to be entitled, Human Anatomy and Physiology 6/e by Elaine N. Marieb for textbook to be for Benjamin Cummings Publishers in San Francisco ( In-house contact: Twan Nio). Copyright 2003 World Rights and Electronic Print Run: 110,000
For this project we are looking for the following color images to consider for possible use in this edition: 28.14 A photo of a baby or child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Would you be so kind as to direct me to a source for such images? Deadline: December 15 , 2002 (if at all possible) Electronic images preferred
Diane Austin
4140 N. Longview Avenue
Portland, OR 97217
Ph:503 528 9522 fax: 503 528 9544 email:
Thank you for your kind assistance on this project
Diane Austin, Image Researcher
503 528 9522

November 30, 2002

Hi Teresa, I was visiting the site and found a lot of useful information. I work with the Southeast Early Childhood Intervention Program in Saskatchewan. We are currently in the process of putting together a FAS prevention calendar and we were wondering if we could quote some information from this site and use some of the pictures. I'm not sure if you are the correct person to ask or if I need to contact someone else. Can you please respond ASAP as time is running out for this project. Thank you.

Cheryl Blezy

South East Early Childhood Intervention Program

November 8, 2002

Hi Teresa,
I am doing a presentation on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Fredericton, New Brunswick CANADA on Nov 19, 2002. I am volunteering my time and would like to have premission to use materials from your website in my presentation as well as for some handouts - WITH credit given to you for this information. we have just set up a FAS/E Support Network in New Brunswick and this is our first Provincial Conference on FAS/E.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Ellen Bubar

FAS/E Support Network

November 4, 2003

McMaster University Bookstore is offering a Custom CourseWare service for students and faculty. This service provides packages of educational materials from a variety of sources for classroom use. The material is reproduced in facilities on-campus and sold to the students on a cost recovery basis in the Bookstore. The instructor listed below wishes to use material copyrighted by your company. We are requesting permission toreproduce the following material for the academic term listed below.
Excerpt Title: How Much Do You Really Know About FAS & FAS Quiz
Excerpt Author: Kellerman, T.
Proper acknowledgment will be given for all work reprinted withpermission. Remittance of royalties will be annually. Since all materials are produced on-demand, we will remit for theactual number of units sold. Please fax if possible and include a copy of this letter in your reply. We would appreciatereceiving your confirmation by 11/11/2002.
Yours sincerely
Colleen Spence

October 10, 2003

I am working on some training materials for foster parents here in Alaska and am requesting permission to use the photo graphic of the baby with FAS facial features. I will give full credit to Theresa and cite the web site.
Aileen McInnis
Alaska Foster Parent Training Center

October 6, 2002

Here's a copy of the newsletter (September 2002) with your article in it.

Thanks so much for allowing us to reprint your article.


Mary, editor

September 18, 2002


My name is Barbara Zeithamel. I am a public health nurse in Buena Vista, CO. Last spring a mother of a child with FAS asked if I would go with her to the schools, day cares, parents, whoever would listen to talk about FAS/FAE. This fall we have some classes scheduled in middle and high school. I want to know if I have your permission to use some of your articles for handouts in those classes? Anything you think may be helpful, could be much appreciated.


Barb ()

September 17, 2002

Hi Teresa,

We offer an Applied Studies in FAS/Ecertificate program and are planning to do poster to advertise the program locally as well as across Canada to partner the program with other educational institutions and organizations.

We hadn't been able to find a suitable picture of an infant for the poster until we saw the Whose Baby is This? poster. Would it be possible for us to use this picture?

Thanks for your help.

Karen Klemchuk
Program Assistant, Community Service Programs
Continuing Education, Red River College, Winnipeg


September 13, 2002

Hi Teresa, it's Laura again. I have another request about an image on your's on thepage called FASand the Brain...... this one is the labeled "drawing" of the brain regions.... it has kind of a lavender background, and the six or so major areas of the brain are labeled. We're going to be doing one-on-one trainings with Family Resource and Youth Service Center staff through our schools, and I'm putting together a workbook for them to keep. If it's ok for me to use it, I'd certainly give you and your website the credit. Your website has been our first source of information for almost everything we're doing here --- thanks from all of us for all the work you put into it! Makes it easier for us to hit the ground running, not to have to research everything to death!! Anyway, just thought I'd check about that image......

thanks so much,

Laura Nagle

September 11, 2002

I visited your website. I think your program would benefit from an article in my newsletter. I enjoyed the prevention 123 article at I'd love to reprint it in my newletters and have an author bio with your website linked. Thank you.

Mary Paliescheskey, Birth Guide
Mothering the Mother Birth Services
Davis, CA

September 10, 2002

Dear Teresa
I work for a non-profitmaking initiative called the Scottish Centre for Biotechnology Education. We provide educational material for Scottish schools. Recently I have been working on some materials involving Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (Data interpretations, experiments and an information poster).
I was wondering if you would grant us permission to use your 'FAS Facial Characteristics' black and white photograph on the information poster. We would of course acknowledge your copyright on the picture.
I look forward to hearing from you and wish you all the best with your worthwhile work.
Jan Barfoot
Tel: 0131 650 7042
Scottish Centre for Biotechnology Education
The University of Edinburgh

July 30, 2002

Ms. Kellerman, I writing to you to request your permission to copy and distribute your article titled "What Works Best for Babies with FAS? I came across your article while doing research for a presentation I will be making to foster parents who may care for a child/ren with FAS. I found this article helpful in that you provide very specific suggestions for caregivers who are providing care.