NameDate Period


Using Pat Mora's "Legal Aliens", complete the TP-CASTT.
Follow the directions for each section. If you run out of space, attach a sheet of loose-leaf paper. Cite evidence; use parenthetical citations and cite the line numbers instead of page number.

Example: “Bi-lingual, Bi-cultural / able to slip from ‘How’s life?’ / to 'Me'stan volviendo loca,'" (1-3).

TITLE: Makeaprediction. What do you think the poemisabout?

PARAPHRASE: Translatethepoemintoyourownwords.
Lookat the poem linebyline, look forcompletethoughts,andlookupunfamiliarwords.
Include any words you look up (and their definitions) on the New Vocabulary worksheet.

CONNOTATION: Examinethepoemformeaningbeyondtheliteral.

What is the poet's attitude?
How does the poet feel about the speaker? About other characters? About the subject?
Also, noticethespeaker’stoneandattitude.(Are theyhumorous,sarcastic, sober..?)

SHIFTS: Lookforkeywords,time, place, andpunctuation. Noteanyshiftsorchangesin the poem,
in the attitude,inwho is speaking, in length, rhyme, sentence structure or stanza divisions.

TITLE: Reexaminethetitle. What do you think it means now in the context of the poem?

THEME: What did you learn from the poem? Be brief. State,inyourownwords,whatthepoemisabout(subject),thenwhatthepoetissayingaboutthesubject(theme).


Using Vince Vance's "I am New Orleans", complete the TP-CASTT.
Follow the directions for each section. If you run out of space, attach a sheet of loose-leaf paper. Cite evidence; use parenthetical citations and cite the line numbers instead of page number.

Example: “I'm a jambalaya of people seasoned with pralines." (23).

TITLE: Makeaprediction. What do you think the poemisabout?

PARAPHRASE: Translatethepoemintoyourownwords.
Lookat the poem linebyline, look forcompletethoughts,andlookupunfamiliarwords.
Include any words you look up (and their definitions) on the New Vocabulary worksheet.

CONNOTATION: Examinethepoemformeaningbeyondtheliteral.

What is the poet's attitude?
How does the poet feel about the speaker? About other characters? About the subject?
Also, noticethespeaker’stoneandattitude.(Are theyhumorous,sarcastic, sober..?)

SHIFTS: Lookforkeywords,time, place, andpunctuation. Noteanyshiftsorchangesin the poem,
in the attitude,inwho is speaking, in length, rhyme, sentence structure or stanza divisions.

TITLE: Reexaminethetitle. What do you think it means now in the context of the poem?

THEME: What did you learn from the poem? Be brief. State,inyourownwords,whatthepoemisabout(subject),thenwhatthepoetissayingaboutthesubject(theme).

Comparing Representations of Culture in Different Media
Art and Poetry:“Legal Alien” and "On the Borderline"

Revisit Pat Mora’s poem (page 32) and Frida Kahlo’s painting (page 29).
Focus on how each artist selects symbols to represent her cultural identity.

Compare and contrast the different choices the writer and the painter make.
What is emphasized in the visual art? What is emphasized in the poem?
What ideas/images/elements of culture are presentin both works?
What ideas/images/elements of cultureare present in only one of the works?
Using your OPTIC and TP-CASTT organizers as a guide, complete the chart shown below.
If you run out of space, attach a sheet of loose-leaf paper. Use parenthetical citations.

Different Characteristics of Pat Mora's Poem / Similar Characteristics
of Both the Poem & the Painting / Different Characteristics of
Frida Kahlo's Painting

New Vocabulary

new word / identify the part of speech and
paraphrase definition(s) / any remaining questions about how the word is used or about what its meaning

(Select One)

Creative Prompt 1: Culture Collage

Body Suit – a full body tattoo that covers the entire body, from the collarbone to the ankles

Imagine you are working with a tattoo artist on a plan for your body suit.

Like Frida Kahlo's self-portraits, you want your tattoos to represent your cultural identity.

What do you want your tattoos to communicate about your perspective on your own cultural identity?

Consider specific objects or images you can use to depict and/or symbolize your culture.
Are you the result of a culture collision? Do you want to highlight conflicts of various aspects of your culture?

Artwork, like literature, speaks to an audience.
Keep in mind the message you want your audienceto “read” as they view your tattoos.

You should select a minimum of five images. Describe the imaged and where they will be placed.
Explain your choice of imagery, the symbolism, and how the juxtaposition effects the meaning overall.

(Select One)

Creative Prompt 2: Imitation Poem

Write a poem emulating the style and form of either Pat Mora or Vince Vance.

The poem should explore your perspective, your unique point-of-view, and the poem should focus on a key component of your cultural identity. Your poem might zero in on specific culturally-based conflicts(possibly internal, external, or both). Your poem should include and highlight the juxtaposition of various elements of culture (minimum of five symbols).