Energy Technology Partnership (ETP)
International Exchange Grants
Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Exchanges (PECRE)
Application Form & Notes
November 2016
One electronic copy of this application together with any supplementary material must be returned by the closing dateTuesday 31st Januaryto .
Key ETP objectives are to strengthen collaboration and cohesion in energy research, development and training across its partner institutions, maximise knowledge exchange with industry, and translate academic excellence into economic impact.
In order to increase the exposure of early career researchers (ECRs)and postgraduate students (PhDs) to international collaboration, ETP is offering, via the SFC PECRE grant scheme, awards for ECRsand PhDs working within one or more of ETP’s energy themes to participate in exchanges with companies or academic institutions abroad.
ETP is currently focussed on 11 energy themes: bioenergy; carbon capture and storage; energy conversion and storage; energy systems; energy utilisation in buildings; heat energy; marineenergy; oil & gas; power networks & grid technologies; solar energy; and wind energy.
Conditions of Award
The funding will be used to support early ECRsand PhDsacross ETP’s 12 partner universities with an exchange in Europe, North America, China and India only.Our aim will be to select at least one candidateper energy theme, up to a maximum of 3 in any one theme.
Note:For the purposes of this award, an early career researcheris defined as having up to and including 4years’ postdoctoral experience as a member of staff in a UK universityie who started after 31st December 2012.
- The research must fall within one or more of the ETP energy themes listed above.
- Each exchange must be for a minimum period of one month.
- The funding must not be used to attend conferences, training seminars and the like.
- Eligible costs are restricted to economy travel and subsistence (this includes accommodation) at the agreed institutional rate. The costs of research are not eligible.
Amount of Award
Each successful candidate may be the recipient of a single award only, up to a maximum value of £3,000. Each institution may choose to add additional funds to extend the duration of a visit or support more than one visit.
Reporting requirements
Information you will need to provide ETP:
- A list of the institutions/companies involved in your exchange and their locations, and supporting paperwork - this should be submitted with the application (see form).
- A brief scientific and personal report of the exchange, together with a list of outputs that have resulted from the exchange (2 sides A4) by Friday 29 September 2017.
- The researcher will be required to report their exchange at the ETP Annual Conference in Edinburgh on Tuesday 10thOctober 2017.
Failure to comply with these requirements may result in forfeiture of the final payment.
RESEARCHER DETAILSResearcher’s full name and title / Tel: No. (incl.
STD code)
Theme / Fax No.
E-mail address
Name and address of institution / Postcode
Please use the table below to provide details of the individual(s) and organisation(s) that will host your exchange(s). You will also need to provide a signed letter (as pdf) from each host with your application confirming that they are prepared to accept you to undertake the work proposed and for the stated duration.Failure to provide this information with your application will render it ineligible.
Exchange HostFull Name and Title / Position Held / Organisation / Email / Tel
(inc STD code)
Project title
Abstract to describe the proposed exchange to include the main objective, relevance to ETP and any intended outputs or deliverables.
This section of text should not exceed half a page of A4 at a minimum of font size 12. In the event that the application is successful, the abstract may be published on the ETP website and used in other ETP publicity material.
You should provide details of the following in the box below:
- Evidence of your ability such as: outputs/references; leadership; innovation.
- Likely benefits to the research to you such as: new skills; techniques likely to be acquired, as a result of the exchange.
- Likely benefits to your longer terms career as a result of the exchange.
- Evidence of wider benefits to the ETP as a consequence of the exchange
- Prospects of sustained collaboration as a result of the exchange.
Total cost to ETP (incl.VAT) / Date submitted to ETP
Duration / Proposed start date
Summary of total estimated costs (excluding VAT) This should include the costs of work/activity which will be funded by (a) ETP, (b) bodies other than ETP, (c) ‘in kind’ contributions as a value, as appropriate.
Funding Body / Cost/Contribution(a) ETP
(b) Other than ETP
(c) ‘In Kind’
Total Cost: / £