E*Vanced Calendar training
NOTE: information for regular library events will be posted to the mylibrary calendar by the Public Information Office. Follow the steps below to create a “Private” event, an event in which we participate but is not open to the public. Private events include things such as school visits, book talks, presentations to the Kiwanis Club, preschool storytimes, or tours within the library.
To Begin:
Go to: to log in to All branches.
Your password is: programcal
When you log in, you will be taken to the “Event System Maintenance” page.
Under “Event Maintenance” on the left-hand side, click on “Add/Edit/Archive.” Click on “Add New Event” to create a new event. A form will appear. The starred* entries require input.
The fields you need to fill in are:
Branch: From the drop-down menu, enter the name of the library “owning” the event, regardless of whether the event occurs in the library or in the community.
Event Date: You may enter a Private event on the calendar before or after it occurs.
Event Time: Please note that the default time is 1:00 p.m. After you enter the start time, indicated the length of the program in the next line. You do not need to worry about set up or take down time – we do not use that feature of the Calendar.
Location: set to “offsite” if the event is outside of the library; otherwise, leave this field blank.
Event Type: Important field to fill in! This is where you mark the event Private. From the drop-down menu, choose “WLD Events (P).” Only fill in Primary information.
Age Group:Choose Adult, Children, or YA from the drop-down menu. This information will be used in running statistical reports. If the event is for more than one age group, list the primary targeted audience in the first box.
Event Title: Enter the type of event – School visit; Library Tour; presentation; etc. – first, followed by a dash and then the organization – the name and grade of the school, community organization, etc.
Example: School Visit – FranklinMiddle School, 7th grade
Event Description: Be succinct but descriptive, 30-50 words.
Presenter: This is the name of the staff person in charge of the event. If you do not know who will own the event, leave this line blank. When you send the request to PIO, they will fill in this information.
Contact Name: This is the name of the person who requested the event (inside the library) or in charge of organizing the event (in the community). List any contact information you have for this person, including email or phone number.
Internal Notes: put any details here that will help other staff know the nature of the event and would help in recreating the event in the future. This is also a good place to input information after the event to note things that went well and/or did not go well.
Registration: check the “no registration required” box.
Save and send to Public Information: click “save” once you have entered the necessary information. You will need to search/recall your event and hit “edit single.” Once your event is open select “File,” “send page by email.” Enter .
Adding statistics to the e*Vanced Calendar
Go to:
- Login to “All Branches”.
- The password is programcal
- Under “registration & attendance,” click on “Event Attendance”
- This will take you to a calendar view.
- Click on the event for which you need to record attendance
- Under Statistics Entry, fill in the number for “Total Number of Attendees.”
- Be sure to click on “Save attendance” before you go “back to the maintenance page” or “view another attendance sheet.”
- When you have entered the data, “logoff” through the navigation bar at the top of the page.
Statistical reporting
Use the same login as above to login to “All Branches”
Your password is: programcal
On the right hand side, under “Reports,” click on “Detailed Event Report.” The form below will appear. You can use the defined field to create the desired report. Reports may be viewed in HTML, Word, or Excel.