Direct Instruction Model / Teacher: Mr. Peterson
School: Infinity Institute
Subject: AP US History
Date: September 10, 2014
Period 1 2 3 4
5 6
Marking Period: M1 M2
M3 M4 / Students will engage in:
independent activities pairing hubs
cooperative learning lecture
peer tutoring whole group instruction
visuals technology integration
simulations a project other:
Standards/Objectives (Limit 2) (What should students be able to do at the end of the lesson?)
After having read about preparing for the AP US Exam, and given instruction, the students will be able to identify the key political, economic and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans and Africans and how cultural diffusion and assimilation became key variables to the development of these peoples and how culture and civilization were heavily impacted by these variables by listing and describing at least two ways in which this change transformed western civilization and impacted the development of the Americas with 90% accuracy.
Essential Questions:
·  How did the political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts among them?
NJCCCS: 6.1.8.A.1.a; 6.1.8.D.1.b; 6.1.12.C.1.a / Objective(s): (check one)
Curriculum driven
Assessment driven
·  Name of Assessment:
·  Date of Assessment:
District Initiative:
Time / Procedures Followed: / Materials/Text References
Minutes / Opening Hook for Learning: (How will I gain students’ attention?)
DO NOW: Working in groups, students will discuss how landscape, climate, and resources influenced the development of Native American societies?
A student facilitator will be appointed to lead a brief discussion.
Student led. / Whole Classroom activity
Minutes / Review of Previously Learned Material/Lesson Connections:
Review homework assignment: America’s History for the AP Course, pp. 15-31 outlining the major points in Chapter 1: “Colliding Worlds, 1450-1600”.
Minutes / Statement of Objectives/Direct Instruction/Explanation: (How will I present new material and make learning relevant)
Teacher will have students read Document 1-1: Thomas Hariot, A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1588). / Whole Classroom Discussion and Instruction
Minutes / Guided Practice: (How will I get students to practice what has just been taught?)
Using a graphic organizer, students will list and describe how the Algonquin Indians’ religious beliefs.
A student facilitator will be appointed to lead a classwide discussion after students have finished pairing and sharing their ideas in groups. Thus a (Pair-Share) formative assessment will be utilized.
Additionally, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe students individually as they work in their groups. The teacher will engage students, as necessary, in a one-on-one conversation to check for understanding. Thus a (Student Conference) formative assessment will be utilized.
The teacher will walk around the classroom and observe. Thus, an (Observation) formative assessment will be utilized. / Whole Classroom Activity
Minutes / Independent Practice/Application: (How will I get students to practice what has just been taught?)
Working individually and then in small groups, students will discuss the answer to the following two comprehension questions based on having read Document 1-1: Thomas Hariot, A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1588):
1.  What attitude does Hariot seem to have toward the religion of the Algonquin Indians he encountered?
2.  What effect do you imagine Hariot’s account of the Algonquins had on his English readers?
After a few minutes of discussion in groups, a student facilitator will lead a brief discussion challenging the students to tease out the implications behind the answers to each of these questions.
While the students are discussing their responses, the teacher will walk around the classroom. Thus a (Classroom observation) formative assessment will be utilized.
The teacher will engage students in a one on one conversation to check individually for learning and understanding. Thus a (Student Conference) formative assessment will be utilized.
Utilizing an (exit card) formative assessment, students will be able to list and describe at least one way in which Hariot describes and explains how the Algonquin Indians’ religious beliefs impacted the culture and civilization of the Native American people. / Independent/Group Activity
Minutes / Closing/Synthesis: (How can I bring closure to summarize learning and enhance retention of the material?)
The teacher will assist students in identifying and describing how culture and civilization changed as a result of cultural diffusion and the impact of the Algonquin Indians on civilization and culture of the time. / Whole Classroom Activity
Homework Given: Students will read pp. 32-36 outlining the major points in Chapter 1: “Colliding Worlds, 1450-1600”. Outline will be collected next class period.
Teacher Notes:

Created by T. Dobson

Rev. 7/10/12