RFP # 6554


Technical Specifications

Supply of Electric Utility 69kV and 138kV Instrument Transformers


The City of Denton is providing information that will allow prospective suppliers to prepare submissions to supply completely assembled and tested instrument transformers for use on the 69kV and 138kV transmission systems. The instrument transformers are to be priced FOB to the Spencer Utility Site, 1701C Spencer Road, in Denton, Texas or to other substation sites in or near Denton as directed at the time of shipment.


Site Location: The service location for these transformers will be in substations in the Denton, Texas area.

Service Elevation: Approximately 640 feet above sea level.

Temperature: -20o F to 120o F.

Fault Current Available at the High Voltage Terminals: 35,000 amps symmetrical (maximum available at the high voltage bushings).

Other Considerations: Moderately humid climate with 10 to 30 inches of rain per year; wind up to 90 mph; thunderstorms with severe lightning occurring in all months of the year with the greatest frequency during the warmer months.


Submissions shall be provided using the Exhibit 1, with supporting documentation as required. Additional information clarifying the supplier’s product may be attached to their submission. Pricing shall include all costs to deliver goods as specified in this specification. Any special fees or commissions, and all freight for delivery to the City of Denton must be included in the quoted price. Item pricing shall be mutually exclusive, thus the City of Denton reserves the right to choose the best valued item from different vendors.


The manufacturer shall be responsible for the quality control of the manufacturing processes to assure that all requirements of these specifications are met. However, the City reserves the right to observe, to inspect and to require additional quality control investigations, either by its personnel or an independently employed quality control investigator, at any or all stages of fabrication at the manufacturer’s facilities. Failure to adequately maintain fabrication and quality of fabrication until completion shall be grounds for cancellation of the order or any part thereof.

Field failure or field repairs required due to quality control failures or manufacturing procedures shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer.


Written guarantees shall include any limitations as to the nature of failure or time limitations. The guarantee shall begin upon receipt of the accepted units, not on the date of manufacture. Guarantees shall indicate whether or not it is made on a full replacement basis or a prorated basis and if prorated then what are the terms. Manufacturer/supplier guarantees that the goods furnished under this specification are of high quality and agrees to replace any goods found to be defective during inspection, installation, or service for a minimum period of 12 months from the date first energized in a substation. With the exception of units accepted for early shipment, instrument transformers will be first energized no later than six months after delivery. For any units accepted for early shipment, the manufacturer shall extend the warranty period such that the warranty as specified in in this paragraph shall begin on the date the transformer is first energized in its permanent location.

All replacements by the manufacturer/supplier shall be free of charge F.O.B. at the same delivery point called for in the original order. Replacements must be handled in a professional and timely manner and in no case shall a replacement unit take longer than 60 days to arrive in Denton after first being submitted for replacement.

Respondent guarantees that all products quoted and furnished under this agreement will be accepted at any normally used United States approved repair and warranty shop should one be available for the manufacturer’s product quoted. The City of Denton will not accept a manufacturer’s product that was rejected or substandard and then sold to a broker for either resale or scrap that would not be fully warranted by the original manufacturer.

The respondent must be an approved distributor by the manufacturer of these products, and is authorized to sell the products to the City of Denton. The respondent also guarantees that the City will be represented by the Manufacturer, should an issue arise, and that all manufacturer’s warranties will be in effect for the life of the contract.


1.  Shipment by open flatbed truck: Instrument transformers purchased under this agreement shall be shipped FOB Destination by open flatbed truck fully assembled and ready for installation. The owner will provide unloading and installation.

2.  Delivery location: Switches shall be delivered to the Spencer Utility Site, 1701C Spencer Road, Denton, Texas, 76205 or to other DME substations.

3.  Notice of factory shipments: The supplier shall provide notice when the products are shipped. The owner only has a forklift to unload the products. Contact Sam Bridges at (940) 390-6279 for notices of shipment. Secondary contact is Chuck Sears at (940)-349-7111. Delivery of the products will be accepted only between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

4.  Damaged or defective material or equipment: Freight that is obviously damaged on arrival will be refused. Any necessary action regarding replacement of materials or equipment delivered in unacceptable condition shall be the responsibility of the supplier. This includes concealed freight damage as well as items originally defective from the manufacturer. The supplier shall be fully responsible for detecting shipping damage as a part of field services and assembly and for initiating all action necessary for replacement or repair of such damage in a timely manner.


1.  Detail Design: Detailed structural and electrical design is the responsibility of the supplier. All clearances and spacings must conform to ANSI standards, and the National Electrical Safety Code, whichever is more stringent. Greater clearances shall apply where specified.

2.  Omissions: It is the intent of this specification to require the supplier to provide complete and fully functional instrument transformers that are equipped and featured appropriately to perform and operate as described herein. Further it is the intent of this specification to require that the instrument transformers be constructed, as a minimum, in accordance with all US standards that apply to instrument transformer manufacture and testing. Omission of any minor details from this specification, minor mistakes or typographical errors in text, or mistakes in attempting to reference standards or data in the standards shall not relieve the supplier from the responsibility to furnish complete and fully functional instrument transformers that comply with accepted national standards and meet the intents communicated herein.

3.  Delivery Schedule: The supplier shall submit a schedule with the proposal indicating the expected time (ARO) when final drawings and test reports will be provided for each instrument transformer ordered and the time (ARO) when the instrument transformers will be delivered assuming a reasonable time for shipping.

4.  Drawing Identification: All drawings shall be identified with unique drawing numbers, the date, and the manufacturer’s shop order number. If standard drawings or manuals, covering a range of equipment, are supplied, such drawings and manuals shall be clearly annotated to identify the information pertaining to the equipment supplied.

5.  Approval of Design: The owner shall have an opportunity to approve the design and features of the instrument transformers prior to manufacture. Approval drawings shall contain sufficient information to confirm all data that was included in the bid proposal and fully describe each unit. It is the intent of this specification to require only standard units normally constructed by the manufacturer and identified by standard catalog numbers. As such the information included with the bid proposal if sufficient, may be considered as approval drawings if the successful bidder wishes. After the approval submittal is accepted, the manufacturer shall not make any design changes that affect mounting dimensions or electrical performance of any instrument transformer unless approved in writing by the owner.

Review of drawings by the owner will be with respect to general design and functionality, but shall not be construed to relieve the supplier from any responsibility or liability for proper design, fabrication, compliance with the specifications, compliance with standards, or for any errors that may have been contained in the shop drawings.

The approval submittal shall provide information in sufficient detail to describe equipment function including at least nameplate data; dimensions; space needs for installation; mounting means; weights; shipping dimensions and weights; the locations of interconnection points for attachment of the customer’s wiring; etc. sufficient to allow verification of all ratings and specifications. This information will be used to complete the design of station components.

6.  Final Drawings, Instruction Books, and test Reports: No later than the scheduled first shipment, the supplier shall furnish final drawings and certified test reports for each type of instrument transformer being purchased and sent electronically to the owner. Drawings shall be provided in AUTOCAD “dwg” format along with a listing of all drawing titles and file names. Two copies of the certified test report will be furnished for each device manufactured. One copy of drawings, instruction books, and test reports shall be shipped with each instrument transformer to be retained at the service site.

7.  Materials and Workmanship: Only new materials shall be used in fabrication of these instrument transformers. Damaged or defective materials shall not be repaired and used. No peening, caulking, or filling shall be permitted in repairing cracks, pinholes, or other types of defects. Such defects in fabricated members shall be repaired by replacement.


All instrument transformers shall be manufactured to meet or exceed the requirements in the latest revision of all USA standards that are applicable to instrument transformer construction. Applicable standards shall include at least those of EEI, NEMA, IEEE, and ANSI. In the event that the owner, in this specification, has incorrectly referenced a standard or a requirement, test, or test value contained in a standard, such an error shall not relieve the manufacturer of the requirement to comply with the standard or to perform tests properly and in the manner prescribed in the applicable standards. The latest revisions of the following ANSI/IEEE and NEMA standards/specifications are incorporated herein by reference:

ANSI C93.1,

ANSI C93.2,

IEEE C57.13


1.  General Features and Requirements:

a)  Metallic parts: All exposed or exposable surfaces of all instrument transformers shall be maintenance free, not be painted, and shall not require painting for maintenance in the future. All metallic parts shall be constructed of corrosion resistant material, such as cast aluminum, hot dipped galvanized steel, or stainless steel.

b)  Electrical insulators: All electrical insulators shall be glazed porcelain, ANSI 70 sky gray in color.

c)  Nameplates: Each instrument transformer shall have a stainless steel nameplate that shows as a minimum: model number, BIL, serial number, year manufactured, all ratings, voltage information, accuracy, thermal burden, accuracy burden, weight, gallons of oil, electrical arrangement of all windings and their voltage information, and ANSI/IEEE compliance.

d)  Secondary windings for PT’s & CCVT’s: All PT’s and CCVT’s shall have at least two isolated secondary windings each capable of producing both 115 volts and 67 volts for use in metering or relaying.

e)  Accuracy: CT’s and PT’s shall be 0.3% or 0.15 with a minimum burden capability as shown in the tabulation later in this specification. CCVT’s shall have an accuracy of at least 0.6% for at least the main secondary winding with a minimum burden capability as shown in the tabulation later in this specification.

f)  Sealed Units: All instrument transformers shall be hermetically sealed and have provision for accommodating thermal expansion without compromising the sealed system.

g)  Oil level indicators: All oil filled instrument transformers shall have an oil level indicator. For CCVT’s, oil level indicators need only be on the base tank

h)  Primary voltage terminals: Primary voltage terminals for PT’s and CCVT’s shall be NEMA 2-hole or 4-hole single tang flat pads suitable for connection to either copper or aluminum fittings. Terminals for CT’s shall be NEMA 4-hole single tang flat pads suitable for connection to either copper or aluminum fittings.

i)  Grounding terminals: Each instrument transformer shall have at least one NEMA 2-hole grounding connection. The grounding connection shall be capable of grounding both the case of PT’s and CCVT’s and providing the ground for the H2 primary winding with the owner supplying only one grounding conductor. NEMA 2-hole compression copper lug for 19 strand 4/0 Soft Drawn Bare Copper (SDBC) and stainless steel bolts shall be provided and securely attached to each grounding terminal. The NEMA 2-hole compression copper grounding lug for 4/0 SDBC shall be similar to a Burndy YA28A5 or an Anderson VACL4012BN

j)  CT secondary terminal boards: The secondary terminal board in the CT secondary compartment shall be a shorting type terminal board or block such that the CT secondary winding can be shorted and the ratio changed without having to take the CT off line. A ground terminal must be included on the secondary terminal board that is permanently attached to the CT ground.

k)  Secondary connection compartments: Secondary connection compartments shall be sealed with gaskets to be weather tight. A gasketed plate in the bottom of the compartment that can be punched by the owner or threaded watertight entrances shall be provided for installation of field conduits.

l)  Factory Testing: The proposal must include a summary of the testing that the manufacturer will do to verify performance. At least all testing required by the ANSI/IEEE standards shall be done.

m)  CCVT protection: CCVT’s shall contain circuitry to operate to prevent overvoltage across the series reactance in the event that the thermal burden is exceeded.

n)  Frequency ratings: The frequency rating for all instrument transformers shall be 60 Hz.

o)  Oil sampling valves: All oil-filled instrument transformers shall have plugged and sealed oil-sampling valves.

2.  CCVT Electrical Requirements:

Rating Description / 138kV
Maximum System Voltage / 145kV
Continuous Overvoltage Rating / 1.2
Short Time Overvoltage – One Minute / 1.4
Rated Primary Voltage / 80,500
Minimum Creepage Distance / 145.3
Minimum Strike Distance / 47
BIL / 650
Minimum Accuracy (two secondary windings) / 0.3%
Burden (for above accuracy) / W,X,M,Y,Z,ZZ
Ratios (each secondary) / 700/1200:1
Minimum Thermal Burden (each secondary) / 1000 VA
Ferroresonance Suppression / Less than 10% of peak within 10 cycles at 110% of max rated voltage
Intermediate Voltage / 8.0kV
Maximum Horizontal Pull / 1079

3.  PT Electrical Requirements: