1. Publications in Journals and Conferences

1.1 Publications in Refereed Journals

1.Stevens, B., Lewis, F. and AL-Sunni, F.M., “Aircraft Flight Control Design Using Output Feedback,” Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 230-246, January 1992.

2.AL-Sunni, F.M., Stevens, B. and Lewis, F. “Negative State Weighting in the LQR for aircraft control,” Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 1879-1881, September 1992.

  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., and Lewis, F. “Gain Scheduling Simplification by Simultaneous Control Design,” Journal of Guidance Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 602-603, March, 1993.

4.Lewis, F., AL-Sunni, F.M., and Stevens, B. “Digital Tracker With Output Feedback: Application to Aircraft Controls,” International Journal of Systems and Science, Vol. 25, No. 12, pp. 2065-2077, Dec., 1994.

  1. Ezzine, J., AL-Sunni, F.M., and Ksouri, M. “A Glimpse of Systems and Control Education in the Arab World,” IEEE Control Systems Magazine, pp. 11-15, April 1996.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., and Al-Nemer, T.“A Smith Predictor FL-Based Controller for Processes With Long Dead Time,” International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 28, No. 12, pp.1251-1258, Dec., 1997.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., and Vaqar, A. “An improved Self Organizing Variable Structure Controller,” International J. of Science and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 74-82, Nov., 1998.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., and Lewis, F., “Simultaneous output-feedback stabilization for continuous systems,” Kybernetika, Vol.34, No. 2, pp. 199-202, Feb.,1998
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., and Lewis, F. “Optimal Output Tracker Using a Time Weighted Performance Index,” Journal of Optimal Control Applications & Methods, Vol. 19, pp.55-62, Jan.,1998.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., and Vaqar, A. “A Hybrid Self Organizing Variable Structure Controller”, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 2B, pp. 87-103, October 2000.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., and Al-Amer, S. “Robust Control of Sampled Data Systems,” IEE-Proc. Part D: Control Theory and Application, Vol.145, No.2, March 1998.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., “Control Education at KFUPM,”Accepted for publication inthe special issue of the Institute of Control, Automation, and Systems Engineers Magazine, 2000.
  1. Boukas, E. and AL-Sunni, F.M., “Optimal Tracker for Unreliable Manufacturing Systems,” International J. Systems Sciences, 1999.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M. and AL-Amer, S, “Parametric Uncertainty Bounds to Guarantee H-infinity Norm Specifications,” International Journal of robust and Non-Linear Control, Vol. 9, pp. 1157-1163, Aug.,1999.
  1. Ahmed, M.S., Bhati, U., AL-Sunni, F.M. and El-Shafie, M., “Design of a Fuzzy Servo-Controllers,” J. Fuzzy sets and Systems, 2000.
  1. Ahmed, M.S., Bhati, U., AL-Sunni, F.M. and El-Shafie, M. , “Optimal Fuzzy Regulator,” J. of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 8, pp. 159-172, 2000....
  1. AL-Marhoon, W.K., AL-Sunni, F.M, and Ahmed, M.S.,, “An RBF-based non-linear PID Controllers,” Accepted for publication in the special issue of the J. Systems Analysis, modeling and Simulation (SAMS) on Advances in Control and Computer Engineering, 2001.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., “Stabilization of Interval Plants with Diamond Parameters” Scientific Journal of the College of Engineering, Assiut University, pp. 1-4, January 2001.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M. and Mukkaram, S., “An Adaptive VSC for Linearizable Systems,” Accepted for publications in the J. King AA University-Engineering Science, 2001.

1.2 Submitted Journal Papers

1. Boukas, E. Z.K. Liu, and AL-Sunni, F.M. , “Guaranteed Cost Control of Markov Jump Uncertain Systems with Time-Multiplied Cost Function,” Submitted in revised form to Journal of Optimization: Theory and Applications, 2001.

  1. Al-Amer.,S. and AL-Sunni, F.M., “New formulas for approximation of Time-Delay Systems.” Submitted, 2001.
  1. AL-Amer, S.H., and AL-Sunni, F.M., “Infinity-Norm Error Bounds in Approximating Time-Delay Systems, “ Submitted, 2001.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., “A Discontinuous Differential Equation for the Solution of QPP’s: A Sliding Mode Approach” Submitted 2000.
  1. AL-Sunni, F., and AL-Amer, S., “A New Scheme for Identifying Hammerstine Systems,” Submitted 2001.

1.3 Publications in Refereed Conferences (Acceptance Criteria)

1. Lewis, F., AL-Sunni, F.M., and Stevens, B. “Structured Servo Controller Design Using Output Feedback,” Proceeding of the IEEE 24th Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2293-2299, December 1990, Honolulu, Hawaii. ( Based on Full Paper)

2. Lewis, F., Stevens, B., and AL-Sunni, F.M., “Digital Aircraft Flight Control Design Using Output Feedback,” Proceeding of the IEEE AES Conference, pp.1-6, March 1991, Atlanta, USA. (Based on Full Paper)

3. AL-Sunni, F.M., and Lewis, F. “Simultaneous Output-Feedback Stabilization for Continuous Systems,” Proceeding of the 2nd IFAC workshops on Systems and Structure, September 3-5, 1992, Prague, Czechoslovakia. (Extended Abstract)

4. AL-Sunni, F.M., “Simultaneous Stabilization of Discrete Systems,” Proceeding of the Symposium on Implicit and Non-Linear Systems SINS’92, pp. 126-138, December 1992, Texas, USA. (Based on Full Paper)

5. AL-Sunni, F.M., Dikko, M., and Lewis, F., “Optimal LQR output using Non-standard PI,” Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Automation, Robotics, and Computer Vision, pp. 227-281, November, 1994, Singapore. (Based on Full Paper)

6. AL-Sunni, F.M., and Al-Nemer, T. “Improving the robustness of the Smith Predictor Using Fuzzy Logic,” Proceeding of the 2nd Conference in Robust Control and Applications,” 2-3 December 1995, Tunisia. (Based on Full Paper)

7. AL-Sunni, F.M., and Al-Nemer, T., “A Gain Scheduling FL-Based Controller,” Proceeding of the International Conference on Robotics, Vision and Parallel Processing for Industrial Automation, Vol.-2, pp.679-698, 1996, Perak, Malaysia.(Extended Abstract)

8.AL-Sunni, F.M., and Vaqar, A. “A Fuzzy Logic Based Self Organizing Variable Structure controller”, Proceeding of the 4th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing , Aug. 19-22, 1996, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (Based on Full Paper)

9.AL-Sunni, F.M., and Al-Nemer, T., “A Fuzzy Logic Based PID Self Tuning Scheme for Process Control,” IFAC Conference in Control of Industrial Processes, May 20-22, 1996, Belfort, France. (Based on Full Paper)

10. AL-Sunni, F.M. , and Khalil, R., An Educational Tool For Generating The Frequency Responses,” IFAC Symposium on Education, ACE’97, July 14-16, pp. 351-356, 1997, Istanbul, Turkey. (Based on Full Paper)

11. AL-Sunni, F.M., and Al-Dajani, M. “Real Time Control Using MATLAB For Teaching Undergraduate Control Laboratory,” IFAC Symposium on Education, ACE’97, July 14-16, pp. 351-356, 1997, Istanbul, Turkey. (Based on Full Paper)

12. Al-Sunni, F.M., “Lyapunov Type Functions for the Solution of Quadratic Programming Problems: A Sliding Mode Approach,” The 5th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, December 11-13, 1998, Longboat Key, Florida, USA. (Based on Full Paper)

13. AL-Sunni, F.M. and Boukas, E., “Robustness Bounds for Sampled-Data Time Delay Systems,” IFAC world Congress, Part D, pp. 93-98, Beijing, China, 1999. (Based on Full Paper)

14. Boukas, E. and AL-Sunni, F.M., “Dynamic Tracking in Stochastic Manufacturing Systems,” IFAC- World Congress, Part A, pp. 234-248, Beijing, China ,1999. (Based on Full Paper)

15. AL-Sunni, F.M. and Mukkaram, S., “Adaptive Output Variable Structure Controller for Non-Linear Systems,” The 5th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV-98), pp. 553-558, Singapore, 9-11 December, 1998. (Based on Full Paper)

16. AL-Sunni, F.M. and Mukkaram, S., “Adaptive VSC of Non-Linear Systems,” European Control Conference 99, 1998. (Based on Full Paper)

17. AL-Sunni, F.M., and AL-Amer, S., “Parametric Uncertainty Bounds For Guaranteed H-Infinity Norm Specification,” The American Control Conference 99, San Diego, California, pp. 2723-2726, 1999. (Based on Full Paper)

18. Boukas, E. Z.K. Liu, and AL-Sunni, F.M. , “Guaranteed Cost Control of Markov Jump Uncertain Systems with Time-Multiplied Cost Function,” IEEE- Conference in Decision and Control 99, pp 4125-4130, Arizona, USA, 1999. (Based on Full Paper)

19. AL-Amer, S.H. and AL-Sunni, F.M., “Approximation of Time Delay Systems,” American Control Conference 2000, USA, September 1999. (Based on Full Paper)

20. Ahmed, M.S., AL-Marhoon, W.K., and AL-Sunni, F.M., “An RBF Based PID Controller,” Accepted for the AIDCA2000 Conference, Tunisia, March 22-24, pp. 66-72, 1999. (Based on Full Paper)

21. AL-Sunni, F.M.,” Stabilization of interval plants having diamond numerators and denominators,” The third International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, October 23-25, 2000, Casablanca, Morocco. (Based on Full Paper)

22. AL-Sunni, F. M., “An Optimization Approach for the Computation of the Minimum Destabilizing Uncertainty Volume”, American Control Conference, Chicago, USA,2000, (Based on Full Paper)

23. Shafiq,M., Vaqar, A., and AL-Sunni, F., “Adaptive Tracking of Non-Minimum Phase Discrete-Time Plants,” Accepted in the IASTED International conference on Control and Applications, 2001.(Extended Abstract)

24. AL-Amer, S.H., and AL-Sunni, F.M., “Error bounds in approximating time delay systems, “ Accepted in the IEEE Conference in Decision and Control CDC 2001. (Based on Full Paper).

1.4 Submitted Conference Papers

  1. AL-Sunni, F.M, and AL-Amer, S., “An Alternating Algorithm for the Identification of Hammerstine Systems,” Submitted IFAC 2002.

1.5 Invited Work

1. AL-Sunni, F.M., “Control Education at KFUPM,” 2nd Asian Control Conference, July 22-25, 1997, Seoul, Korea.(Abstract)

2. Technical Reports and Proposals

2.1 Technical reports in international centers

  1. AL-Sunni, F.M. and Boukas, A.K., Robustness Bounds for Sampled-Data Linear Time-Delay Systems, GERAD: Groupe d’etudes et de resherche en anlyse des decision, Montreal, Canada, Jan. 1999
  1. Boukas, A.K., and AL-Sunni, F.M.,Optimal Tracker for Unreliable Manufacturing Systems, GERAD: Groupe d’etudes et de resherche en anlyse des decision, Montreal, Canada, Jan. 1999.

2.2 Reports and proposals

  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., Optimal LQR Output Feedback Using Non-Standard PI, a proposal submitted to the British Council Research Program, 1993.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., Optimal LQR Output Feedback Using Non-Standard PI British Council Research Program research report, 1994.
  1. AL-Sunni, F.M., A comprehensive Plane for the upgrading of the Control Laboratories in the Systems Engineering Department, 1993.
  1. El-Shafei, M., Shuaib, A.R., AL-Sunni, F.M. and Merah, N., Retrofitting CNC Systems to Conventional Machines, A proposal submitted to the KFUPM Research Committee, 1996
  1. Sunar, M., Kabii, S., AL-Sunni, F.M., Substructural Control of Fuzzy Flexible Systems, a research proposal funded by KFUPM Research Committee, 1998.
  1. Sunar, M., Kabii, S., AL-Sunni, F.M., Sub structural Control of Fuzzy Flexible Systems, a research proposal funded by KFUPM Research Committee. Progress report I, 1999
  1. Sunar, M., Kabii, S., AL-Sunni, F.M., Sub structural Control of Fuzzy Flexible Systems, a research proposal funded by KFUPM Research Committee, progress report II, 2000.
  1. Toker, O. , AL-Sunni, F., “Java based control environment” Proposal accepted for fund by KACST, 2001