Modern Fiction

Vocabulary List #4

31) acrimonious: ac·ri·mo·ni·ous[ak-ruh-moh-nee-uhs]

Adjective-bitter and sharp in language or tone

Subways and buses ground to a halt early Tuesday morning following days of acrimonious labor talks about pay raises, pension and health benefits for new hires.

Synonyms: cutting, rancorous, spiteful Antonyms: civil, kind, sweet

32) approbation:ap·pro·ba·tion / Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ap-ruh-bey-shuhn]

Noun-an expression of warm approval; praise

The fallen movie star had a great need for public approbation.

Synonyms: admiration, endorsement, recognition Antonyms: condemnation, criticism

33) desolate:des·o·late / Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[des-uh-lit]

Adjective -devoid of inhabitants, deserted,

Once the floodwaters receded, only desolate streets remained.

Synonyms: abandoned, lonesome, unoccupied Antonyms: crowded, mobbed, populated

34) disdain:dis·dain / Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dis-deyn, di-steyn]

Noun-a feeling of contempt for anything regarded as unworthy

The businessman felt disdain for the bum who sat next to him on the subway.

Synonyms: dislike, hatredAntonyms: respect, reverence

35) misnomer:mis·no·mer[mis-noh-mer]

Noun-an error in naming a person or thing

“Occasional smoking" is a misnomer. You either smoke or you don't.

36) moratorium:mor·a·to·ri·um[mawr-uh-tawr-ee-uhm, -tohr-, mor-]

Noun-a suspension of activity; an authorized period of delay or waiting

He was also among four death row inmates whose executions were postponed in February, when Gov. Phil Bredesen placed a 90-day moratorium on the death penalty.

Synonyms: adjournment, reprieve

37) perfidious:per·fid·i·ous[per-fid-ee-uhs]

Adjective -deliberately faithless; treacherous

In Berlin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called the attacks "perfidious murders" that fill the country with "disgust and horror."

Synonyms: betraying, misleading, untrustworthy

38) renegade:ren·e·gade[ren-i-geyd]

Noun -one who rejects a religion, cause, allegiance, or group for another; a deserter

The renegade was finally captured after five years on the lam.

Synonyms: insurgent, traitorAntonyms: follower

39) superfluous:su·per·flu·ous[soo-pur-floo-uhs]

Adjective -being more than is required; unnecessary or needless

"There's an awful lot of superfluous news, the pervert of the day and someone that shot seven people at a fraternity party," Turner told a crowd gathered at a downtown hotel. "Who needs it all?"

Synonyms: redundant, unneededAntonyms: essential, necessary

40) watershed:wa·ter·shed[waw-ter-shed, wot-er-]

Adjective -constituting an important point of division or transition between two phases, conditions, etc.

The eyes of the music industry will be on Radiohead’s "In Rainbows" to see if this is the watershed moment that will change the music business.