(January Report)

Deadline: Wednesday January 31, 2018 – 8pm (Eastern time)

Fill out the January report items using the link posted on the website (phideltachi.org).
Please email the completed report (this word doc or exported online submission) to the following contacts:
Your Regional Correspondent (contact info available on the National website www.phideltachi.org)
Your Chapter Advisor
Save a copy of this form for the Chapter files. You may need to refer to this form at a later time. It may be useful to have a copy available when completing forms in the future.
If you have questions about this report, please contact the Grand Vice President for Student Affairs
at or call (800) PDC-1883.
Report Contents
22. Chapter E-Mail Correspondence and Presence on Internet (1 Point)
23. Chapter Calendar - Spring Semester (1 Point)
24. Formal Meeting with Regalia (1 Point)
25. Brothers Planning to attend Phi Delta Chi Regional Conference (1 Point)
26. Outstanding Alumnus Report (4 Points)
Chapter Information
Chapter Name:
Brother Filling out Report:
E-mail Address:

Have your Chapter Officers changed since the beginning of the school year? If so please use the Chapter Officers Update form found at www.phideltachi.org to update your Chapter Officers and email form to .

ITEM #22: Chapter E-Mail Correspondence and Presence on Internet (1 Point)
Communication is key to any organization and the Internet is a significant tool available for communication. The National Office Broadcast e-mail tool distributes messages to the Fraternity’s membership regarding National Events and other news of interest.
The e-mail addresses for each Brother are collected using various means: Information on Initiation Forms, corrections made on the Chapter Roster, and individual updates made at the National Office and online by logging directly into the National Website. Any Brother may update the information on his/her personal record at any time via www.phideltachi.org.
Some Universities block the Broadcast messages sent through University e-mail servers as a way to protect their network from what appears to be unwanted and potentially harmful (i.e. “spam”) e-mail messages. It is because of this that the National Office recommends that all Brothers use a non-“.edu” e-mail address on record with the National Office to ensure receipt of National Broadcasts.
Please share this with the Brothers of your Chapter and encourage those who are not receiving the Broadcasts to contact the National Office.
All Chapters should maintain and distribute a local listing of their Brothers’ contact information, including e-mail addresses.
Chapter’s Homepage Address: / None
Chapter’s E-mail Address: / None
Does your chapter have a Chapter Specific Facebook page: / Yes No
Describe below the way your Chapter communicates information to Brothers, group text, group email, Facebook posts, etc.
If your Chapter does not currently use any of the above forms of web communication please explain why below including a statement of how you plan to implement these forms of communication in the future? Full credit will be given if thisexplanation iscompleted.
ITEM #23: Chapter Calendar – Spring Semester (1 Point)
The National Office would like to share your Chapter’s Calendar with all Brothers of Phi Delta Chi on the fraternity’s website and through the E-Communicator. Please list below all activities your Chapter has planned for the spring semester, including activity, date, time, location, etc. Activities should include social gatherings, fundraisers, initiations, Professional Projects, etc. Please list activities below. Do not include as a separate attachment. You may however share a link to a website below where you chapter calendar might be accessible. If using Google to share please make sure you provide a link that can be accessed by anyone, not only specific email addresses.
Spring Semester Calendar:
ITEM #24: Formal Meeting with Regalia (1 Point)
According to Chapter IV, Number 12 of the Constitution and Bylaws of Phi Delta Chi Fraternity, "Each Chapter shall have at least one formal meeting each month." Formal meetings require use of the complete Ritual opening and closing, as well as Officer's Robes, Regalia, and devices as outlined in the Ritual Book. Please note here the date of your Chapter's Formal Meeting for this month:
Formal Meeting held? / Yes No
Date of meeting: / (Only meetings that occurred in January 2018 will be given credit.)
ITEM #25: Brothers Planning to Attend Phi Delta Chi Regional Conference (1 Point)
Get together with your Region to discuss Phi Delta Chi policy, to enjoy workshops which help develop your Chapter, and to have an all-around good time with your Brothers. Each Chapter is required to send a delegate to its Regional Conference. Please list the Brothers who are planning on attending the Phi Delta Chi Regional Conference. For more information on when and where your regional conference will be held, visit the national web site at www.phideltachi.org or contact your Regional Correspondent.
Name / Email address
ITEM #26: Outstanding Alumnus Report (4 points)
The Outstanding Alumnus report (formally known as the Distinguished Alumnus report) was established to give special recognition to outstanding Alumni Brothers from each Chapter. One report from each Chapter is printed in The Communicator to encourage further support and participation from alumni Brothers. The specific procedure for selecting your Chapter's Outstanding Alumnus is left to your discretion. The alumnus should be someone who has made significant contributions to the betterment of fraternity in terms of time or monetarily. The alumnus should be someone who is actively involved in your Chapter and who has demonstrated leadership within the Chapter.
This is not intended as an award competition. Your response is simply to be a report of the professional or fraternal involvement of one of your special alumni. It may not necessarily be the Chapter’s most active alumnus. Chapters should not choose a Brother more than ONCE for the Outstanding Alumnus report. Your Chapter will not receive credit for this item if the same alumnus is chosen two years in a row. A list of your Chapter’s past recipients can be found by going to the National Website under the Awards section. Each Chapter should have enough alumni to have new candidates every year. Think about starting a tradition by inviting the outstanding alumnus to attend your Chapter’s banquet or another event to speak. The Chapter can formally recognize the alumnus for his/her accomplishments and it gives the alumnus a reason to come back to campus.
Including a high resolution digital photograph of the Chapter’s Outstanding Alumnus will be helpful if one is available.
Please send the highest resolution photo possible. For print publication, it is best to send the new, unedited file directly off the camera. Try not to save the photo using an image handling program such as iPhoto, Facebook or others as they reduce the file size and quality. Any photo file format will be accepted. Please upload it when submitting the completed report electronically.
Refer to the past issues of The Communicator for examples of good reports. Be specific regarding the honored Brother's accomplishments. If your Chapter has been chartered or reactivated within the last five years, you are not required to select an Outstanding Alumnus. If you qualify for this exception rule, please indicate that on this form. Please do not attach a separate report, only write the report in the space provided below.
Primary Author of this Report:
Alumnus Name:
No Alumnus has been selected this year because we have been chartered or reactivated in the last 5 years; we will ONLY receive full credit for this item without turning in a report if this is accurate.
Chapters Not required to participate in 2018:
Beta Theta,
Gamma Tau-Delta Zeta,
Please check if a photograph was submitted electronically.

Looking ahead: It’s not too early to begin working on the remaining Thurston items this year: the Professional and Service Projects Report, the Brotherhood Report, and the Chapter Publication. Also, be sure you are keeping track of your St. Jude Fundraising Efforts for the April Report.


Phi Delta Chi Achievement Award Program

January Report

Revised December 2017