OBSERVED SEVERE WEATHER EVENT(whether forecast or not)

IDENTIFICATION of the SEVERE WEATHER EVENT (Remark: ONE event form for each phenomenon type )
NMHS: / e.g. Solomon Islands Meteorological Service
Area/Islands affected: / e.g. Guadalcanal
Event Number: / 001, 002,….
Phenomenon Type: / Insert phenomenon type number from list below
1 = Heavy Precipitation
2 = Strong wind
3 = Damaging waves
4 =Tropical Cyclone (and related phenomena)
5 = Heavy precipitation & strong winds directly related to an active convective system
Size of Area / Insert 0 if phenomenon confined to a small area and 1, if widespread
Year / Month / Day / Hour / Minutes
Start of the event: / at / UTC
YY / MM / DD / HH / MM
End of the event: / at / UTC
YY / MM / DD / HH / MM
1st observation
Maximum value / Total precipitation (mm) or max gust (km/hr) or max wave height (m)
Where? / e.g. Munda on New Georgia
What date/time or period? / e.g. 0000 UTC on 20-Jan-2010 or 0600 UTC on 22-Jan-2010 to 0000 UTC on 24-Jan-2010
2nd observation
Maximum value
What date/time or period?
3rd observation
Maximum value
What date/time or period?
Information from the media, public or disaster managers
Give details about any impact and, if possible, any figures
(number of interactions, injuries, fatalities, damages, usefulness of the warning )
Definition of EVENT:
As a rule, create a new severe weather event number for each observedsevere weather phenomenon, or severe weather phenomenon deemed to have occurred through other evidence (e.g. from media, DMCPA or reliable eye witness reports). However, an event number may refer to more than one phenomenon when directly related to a tropical cyclone or an active convective system (e.g. combined heavy rain and strong winds).
A forecast for a severe weather event is considered to be a success or scored a "hit" if the severe weather phenomenon is observed (meets criteria for heavy rain, strong winds & large waves as categorised by individual PacificIsland countries) or there is evidence of a severe impact, or both…

USE when you issue a SEVERE WEATHER FORECAST or WARNING (Whether it happened or not)

TYPE of WARNING [wind, rain, waves, TC] / Wind or rain or waves or wind and rain etc, TC
Year / Month / Day / Hour / Minutes
What time did you issue the warning to DMCPA? / at / UTC
YY / MM / DD / HH / MM
What time do you expect the event to start? / at / UTC
YY / MM / DD / HH / MM
What time do you expect the event to end? / at / UTC
YY / MM / DD / HH / MM
Forecast details
Estimated maximum value / Total precipitation (mm) or max gust (km/hr) or max height swell/waves (m)
Where is it expected to occur?
What time is it expected to occur?
RSMC guidance / Insert either Wellington or Nadi
To help you fill the boxes below - refer to the Wellington's South Pacific Guidance charts to see what was forecast 4days/3days/2days/1day from the actual day the event occurred, as well as on the day of the actual event. Use the confidence indicators in the South Pacific Guidance charts to fill in the boxes. If you need to request copies of old South Pacific Guidance charts, click on the Archive button in MetConnect Pacific and follow instructions.
Insert a 'X' in the appropriate box.
Level of confidence / On the actual day
Nil Sig / Low / Mod / High
Level of confidence / 1 day before:
Nil Sig / Low / Mod. / High
Level of confidence / 2 days before:
Nil Sig / Low / Mod. / High
Level of confidence / 3 days before:
Nil Sig / Low / Mod. / High
Level of confidence / 4 days before:
Nil Sig / Low / Mod. / High
Mark how useful the RSMC guidance was / Insert 4, 3, 2 or 1
4 = Very useful (Triggered a warning)
3 = Useful (helpful in understanding the situation)
2 = Partly useful (in conflict with other information)
1 = Not Useful (Information ignored completely)
Please add any further comments about RSMC guidance if you wish: