Wellsville Middle School

Student Handbook

Code of Conduct




Superintendent: Ms. Mueller...... 596-2170

Principal:Ms. O’Connell...... 596-2143

Assistant Principal: Ms. Sinski...... 596-2182

Secretary/Attendance: Mrs. Riley...... 596-2143

Social Worker/Counselor: Mrs.Scholes...... 596-2149

Social Worker – Ms.Shannon Kentner.…………………………….……………596-2163

Guidance Secretary: Mrs. Braunscheidel...... 596-2160

Health Office: Mrs. Holla...... 596-2147

Transportation Supervisor: Mr. Ballard...... 593-5450

Custodial Supervisor: Mr. Potter...... 596-2140

School Psychologist: Mrs.Ewing ...... 596-2164


Athletics: Mr. Miles...... 596-2106

Bus Schedule: Mr. Ballard...... 593-5450

Cafeteria: Mr. Meyers...... 596-2111

Schedule/Counseling: Guidance Department.. 596-2160

Special Services Issues: Mrs. VanEtten...... 596-2185


Regular Board of Education Meetings are scheduled at 6:30 p.m. on the first Monday of each month. All Meetings take place in MS/HS in room 212A.

Board Members:

Mr. Alan Mosher – President

Mrs. Carol EnglishMr. Clinton GilkeyMr. Gary Goetschius

Mr. Mark HallMr. Dan MartelleJeff LeBenne

Mr. Rex OlsonMr. Steven PettenatiMrs. Constance Synakowski


JUMP CLUB...... Ms. Miller

Student Activity Council.....Mrs. Riley

Intramural Director...... Mr. Agnello

OM Director...... Mrs. Barrie Fanton


Principal’s High-Honor-Merit Rolls

Merit Honor Roll85.5 to 89.4

Honor Roll89.5 to 94.4

High Honor Roll 94.5 or higher

Marking Period awards distributed each marking period. Mid-year awards and End of Year awards distributed annually.


Homeworkprovidesexcellent opportunitiesfor developing good studyhabits and to reinforce and review content.

Parentsand the schoolshare the responsibility for studentlearning. Parents canassisttheir children withhomeworkby:

 ProvidingProvidinga consistent studyarea free of distractionsandwith good lighting.

 Askingquestionsaboutthe contentofthe homework

 Givingrequested assistance,butlettingthestudentdo hisor her own work

 Avoidingundue pressure

 Helpingyour student create productive a"homework habits".at the same time each day.

The WellsvilleMiddleSchool believesthatparentalinvolvementin students' homeworkisessentialtomaking homeworkanintegralpartofthe educational program. Parentsshould encourage andmonitor homework assignments.

For current information on How to find hHomework Assignments:

AGENDA: iPad Notes section or Paper agendas must be kept current by all students. This is a great home-school communication tool for daily use.:

ONLINE: Visit the District Website – MS Main Page – Grade Level Homework Pages & Homework Calendar for past assignments

BY PHONE: Call the Homework Hotline— 596— 596-2144 Option#3 – will provide you with a recording of the day’s homework.


MiddleSchoolstudentswillreceive reportcardsevery6weeks. stuStudents withaverage above a 94.5 are placedonthePrincipal'sHighHonor Roll. Students withaveragesbetween89.5 and 94.4 are placed onthe Principal'sHonor Rolland studentswithaverage between85.5 and 89.4 are placedonthe Principal'sMerit Roll.Studentsare recognized at the end ofeach markingperiod as wellasatamid-yearand end oftheyear awards ceremony. Grading in individual classrooms is at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Allstudentsare expected tocomplete assignedclasswork andhomework to the best of their ability.

AcademicIntervention Services

The schoolwillprovide academicinterventionservicesto studentswho havebeenidentified asbeingatrisk of fallingbelowstate learning standardsin ELA,mathematics, social studies,ad science. Suchservicesare mandated and mayinclude additionalinstructionservicesand/or studentsupportservicessuchascounselingand studyskills.

Summer School:

Students failingtwo ormoreacademicsubjectsmaybe requiredtoattendsummer schoolor those studentsrecommended byteachers.Summer schoolwill runfor six weeksbeginningthe firstweekofJulyand endinginAugust.Stu- dentsattendingsummer schoolare expected toattendeverysessionand completethe assignedwork.Failuretocomplete summer schoolmayresultinretention.

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to conduct themselves honestly and with integrity in their work. All forms of cheating and plagiarism are prohibited. Behavior that is unacceptable includes, but is not limited to:

  1. copying another student’s homework;
  2. working with others on projects that are meant to be done individually;
  3. looking at or copying another student’s test or quiz answers;
  4. allowing another student to look at or copy answers from a test, quiz, or homework;
  5. using any other method to get/give test or quiz answers;
  6. taking a test or quiz in part or in whole to use or to give others;
  7. copying information from a source without proper attributionacknowledgment;
  8. taking papers from other students, publications or the Internet.

Violators of this policy will be disciplined on a case-by-case basis depending on the seriousness of the violation, prior violations, and other factors. Disciplinary measures could include, but are not limited to, redoing assignment/retaking test, receiving a zero on the project/test.

All violators will serve a Saturday detention.

Extracurricular Activity Eligibility Policy

Policy Rationale:

  1. to maintain high academic standards for all students involved in extracurricular activities
  2. to provide a system of academic support for students involved in extracurricular activities

c.to increase communication between the classroom teacher, coach/advisor, administration, and parents of students who are not maintaining the set academic standard.

Students who meet the following criteria will be on a three (3) week/15 school day probationary period.

The eligibility for fall activities will be determined using the following criteria:

A student, based on the previous final marking periodof school year, has:

  1. failed 2 or more classes;

2.had an overall failing average (<65%);

TThe eligibility for activities that take place during the 2nd through 6th marking periods – or the marking period that best aligns with the start of the season/activity.

  1. A student is failing two (2) or more subjects for a 6-week marking period.

Description of the Probationary Period:(3 weeks from Date to Date)

The Assistant Principal will meet with each student who meets the criteria for academic probation to discuss the issue. Parents and Guardians will receive an official letter stating that their child is on Academic-Extracurricular Probation. The letter will include a copy of the Policy and the start and end dates of probation. The Assistant Principal will directly notify by email advisors, coaches and teachers of all students on probation. Advisors or coaches may require the student to provide them with a weekly academic report. Grades and progress should be reviewed over the probationary period by the student, their parents, and advisor or coach. Students should provide weekly progress information to their parents and advisors or coaches to keep them aware of their classroom status and enable them to lend assistance and encouragement when necessary. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they are aware of their class performance and what is needed to be successful and become eligible at the end of the Probationary Period.

Requirements to become eligible at the end of the Probationary Period:

At the end of the 3-week probationary period, the student’s current grades based on a Pass/Fail, will be directly reported to the Assistant Principal by the tTeachers. If the student is in a science class, he/she must be current in, and have submitted all assigned labs and reports for the school year. Grades and results will be reported on: Date and Time. In turn, the Assistant Principal will directly report by email and official letter the student’s final status of probation; a phone call will also be made to the Advisor or Coach if he/she is ineligible. A copy of the letter will be mailed to the parent/guardian.

  • If the student is failing two (2) or more subjects at the end of the probation period, he/she will be ineligible and excluded from extracurricular participation for the remainder of the 10 6- week marking period. This pertains to ALL extracurricular activities; a student cannot participate in a new extracurricular activity during the ineligible period.
  • If the student is failing no more than one (1) subject at the end of the probation period, he/she will be allowed to participate fully in the extracurricular activity.until the end of the marking period.

At the beginning of the next marking period, the student is eligible to participate in an extracurricular activity. If he/she is failing two or more classes at that time, he/she will repeat the process as outlined above.

Academic Assistance

For students requiring academic assistance, the following resources are available:

  1. Grade level web site – homework calendar, information for classes
  2. Student Portal e-School – access to gradebook and other important course information
  3. Guidance Counselor/Social Worker
  4. All teachers are available from 2:30- 3:00 p.m.
  5. Study halls with Tutors/Peer Tutors
  6. Academic Intervention Blocks (ATT/SAGE)
  7. On-line Resources and organizational tools ( and
  8. Learning Management Systems (Moodle, My Big Campus, Etc)


Student support services consist of the school counselors, special educators, school psychologists, social worker, speech therapists, occupational therapists, adaptive physical education teacher, and nurses.

Guidance programs are available for all student to ensure effective participation in their current and future educational programs. The guidance department provides services such as these:

  1. an annual review of each student's educational progress and career plans;
  2. instruction to help students learn about curriculum options and careers;
  3. individual and/or group counseling assistance to help students develop and implement post-secondary education and career plans; and
  4. individual or group counseling assistance to help students who exhibit any attendance, academic, behavioral or adjustment problems.

Students with disabilities who are unable to participate safely and/or successfully in physical education are afforded the opportunity to receive the service of adapted physical education. Adapted physical education is a specially designed program of developmental activities, exercises, games, sports, rhythms, and lifetime physical activities suited to the interests, capabilities and limitations of students with disabilities.

Alternative Instruction

Homebound instruction is a service provided to students who are unable to attend school due to medical, emotional or disciplinary problems. Students receive instruction for two hours per day and receive credit for their work while on homebound instruction. Students under the age of sixteen (16) may receive homebound instruction as a result of a Superintendent’s hearing for disciplinary reasons. If the inability to attend school is due to a medical or emotional reason, the child’s parent should obtain, from the child’s physician, a written request for homebound instruction and contact the school’s Director of Special Services at 596-2185.


Parentconferences are animportantelementinreportingstudentprogress. Conferencesare scheduledforthe endofthe secondmarkingperiod.(December) Reports concerninga student's lackofprogress are mailed home atthe three weekmarkofeach period.Parents shouldfeelfree torequesta conference atanytime. This can be donebycallingoremailingyourchild’s teachers,counselororprincipal.


1.Parents or visitors with appointments or official school business are to report to the main office without exception. Those with permission to be at school will be issued a visitors pass and sign in and out of the main office at the conclusion of the visit.

1.2.Parents and guardians are encouraged to make appointments to are encouraged to visitmeet with teachers, guidance counselors, the school nurse, the school psychologist, and/or school administrators, and other support personnel by appointment, in order to discuss any problems or concerns atopics parent may have rregarding their child.

3.The guidance office is a resource for coordinating may schedule visitsmeetings or conferences.

2.Only for prospective students with parental and administrative approval may visit school during the day. Guidance will make the specific arrangements and notifications as a part of the enrollment process.and their parents as part of the enrollment process.

3.4.In order to provide a safe and secure learning environment and to encourage the transition to middle school by fostering student independence visitors are not permitted on campus during the academic day.

4.5.Any unauthorized person on school property will be reported to the principal or his/her designee.

5.All authorized visitors attending to official school visits or to attend a scheduled appointment must report to the main office, sign in, and obtain a visitor's pass which must be displayed at all times. The visitor pass must be returned to the main office and the visitor must sign out at the conclusion of the visit.


The nurse’s office is intended for medical needs only. Students are only permitted to visit the nurse with a pass. Students who are ill or injured while in school should must report to the nurse’s office immediately. If the school nurse is unavailable, the student should report to the high school nurse for assistance. Injuries occurring during a school activity after school hours (i.e. athletic contests, dances, concerts) must be reported to the nurse the following school morning.

Students who are ill will only be released to go home after the nurse has contacted the parents and has received parental consent. Parents must make arrangements to provide transportation home for the child. Students must sign out in the nurse’s office before leaving school.

Under New York State Law, the school nurse is permitted to give first aid treatment only to injuries received in school activities and to give medication on the written order of the family physician.

Medication in School – including over the counter medication

The New York State Education Department regulations for all medications are:

  1. Medication must be delivered to the Health Office by a parent.
  2. Written instructions from a physician must accompany the medication.
  3. Written instructions from the parent must accompany the medication.
  4. Medication must be in its original container with student’s name and instructions on the label.

Students are not permitted to carry medication in school, including over the counter medications. Parents are responsible for dropping off and picking up medication directly with the school nurse. Students are NOT allowed to carry ANY medication on school property unless specifically ordered and authorized by the school physician and school nurse.


If you do not feel well ask to go to the nurse/health office. The nurse will assess your situation and determine if a parent needs to be called or if further medical treatment is necessary. Students MAY not carry any medications while on school property (unless approved by a Physician/School Nurse and School Administration).

Students with HIV-Related Illness

It is the policy of the Board of Education that no student shall be denied the opportunity to attend school, continue his/her education, or take part in school-related activities solely on the basis of being diagnosed as having AIDS or HIV infection.

Any interested individual may review district regulations regarding HIV-related illness at the District Office, located in the High School at 126 West State Street, Wellsville, NY 14895.

AutomatedExternalDefibrillators (AED)

The Wellsville Central Schooldistrictmaintains onsite,in eachinstructionalbuilding, multiple functionalAEDfor useduring emergencies. Whenever public school facilities are usedforschoolsponsoredorschoolapprovedcurricular orextracurricular events or activities orathletic contestis heldatanylocation,schooladministrators willensure the presence ofatleast one staffpersonwhoistrainedin theoperation anduseofthe AED. AEDLocations in MS-AcrossfromMSelevator 1st,2nd, 3rdfloorelevator,HealthOffice, MSGymHallway.


Whenroadsare potentiallyhazardousdue toinclementweather, the WellsvilleCentralSchoolDistrictwilleither close or operateona delayedschedule. All school closingand delaydayinformation willbe broadcast over localradio stations WLSVand WJQZ.The GlobalConnectphone system willbe usedto call or text to communicatethe delayor closure.


Students are permitted to use the telephone located in the classrooms only for

Students may use classroom phones with adult school-related business or emergency purposes only. Students must have permission to use the phone. Studentspermission. Studentsshoulduse the phone betweenclassesor at lunchtime. There are isalsoaphones for student use located near the lobby (limited to local calls) or the main office.Cellphone callsor otherlongdistance callsmaybe madefrom any classroom or office phone. in the event of an emergency. The main office has phones that can accommodate such calls.


The BuildingPrincipalisresponsiblefor conductingfire drillsinorder toinstructstudentsand staffinsafety procedures. Fire drills will be conducted to practice exitingthe schoolbuildinginanemergencyinthe shortest time possible. Students are to remain silent on the exit. and without confusion and panic.Fire drills shall include instruction on fire drill exits and fire alarm boxes, as well as fire drill procedures. All students are expected to cooperate with staff members during fire drills and to leave the building in a quiet and orderly manner. The exitrouteisposted in eachroom. Studentsmuststay withtheir teacher.Distractingor disruptive behaviorwillbe subjecttodisciplinaryaction. Other drills will be conducted throughout the school year to test our ability to Lock Down the building or to Shelter-in-Place should circumstances deem this necessary. All students are expected to cooperate with staff members during all emergency drills.


The first class begins at 7:53am with the building open for students at 7:30am. The official school day endsat3:00pm. Students may stay with a teacher from 2:30-3:00 by signing in with that teacher. Other school activities also take place between 2:30-3:00pm. Students may not loiter in the hallways after school hours. Only approved supervised activities are allowed before or after school hours.

Late Bus: Students staying for the activity period must sign in with a teacher or advisor before 2:30pm to obtain permission to stay from 2:30pm – 3:00pm. All students must remain under the supervision of a teacher of advisor for the entire activity period. The late bus requires a pass which is picked up in the office at 3:00. The late bus transports students to the elementary school where the student transfers to the elementary bus run.


Inthe interestofprotectingstudents’propertyand lockers, the followingrules will be strictly enforced.

1.Anyintentionaldamage tothelockor lockerwillresultindisciplinary actionand replacement fees.

2.Nevershare combinationsor lockerswithothers.

3.Neverpre-setcombinations;after the locker isclosed, spinthe dial.

4.Memorize combinations and then destroy written records. Leave valuable items at home.

5.If your locker istamperedwithor brokeninto, reportittothe office immediately.

6.Reportmechanicalproblemsto the office.

7.No stickydecorationsallowed- magnetsare allowed to hold appropriate items inplace.

8.Keeplocker cleanand organized.Be sure nothing interferes with the proper closing of the locker.

9.Lockersare expected tobe keptlockedatalltimes. Intentionally altering the lock or locker mechanism could result in the use of a locker.