2010 Aries Lunation – by Capt. Chaos
Hello there Planet Water humanoid land dwellers. When a planet has masters like you it doesn’t need any extra enemies. I note that your numbers have reached nearly 7 billion, with decreasing resources and increasing pollution. You know what that means don’t you. It’s not my job to rub your collective noses into the dodo. Or is it? Perhaps it’s too much fun to resist. Your religious fundamentalists insist that God told them to go forth and multiply. Perhaps he was just encouraging the study of arithmetic. If you refuse to be responsible for the nonsense in your heads, then no sacrifice will be sufficient to save you from your own narrow and ignorant enculturation. No matter how much you worship the past, everyone who constructed it is dead and doesn’t care. Waiting for a messiah to save you, as unconscious as this may be, just leaves you open mouthed, looking foolish and increasingly impoverished. This is not a call to do any-thing. Running your personal rat maze 24/7 just increases your angst and stress. Time for practising stillness, at least an hour a day! Any more could bring on the cold turkey experience of withdrawal, and then you’d leap back into your addictions. Well, enough of this ranting, and I hope it was cathartic for you too!
If you have a look at the attached chart of the current lunation, you will notice the dominant Saturn, Uranus and Pluto T-square. The only aspect the Lights make is an outgoing sextile to Neptune, which will somewhat dilute the urgency of Aries and turn a Ram into a Lamb. Much of the normal “wham, bam, thank you Ma’m” of this annual phase of human experience is muted if not absent. Soggy feelings of sympathy for others; along with the self pity of the athletically ruined hero pervades this month. Images of the apparent simplicities of youth haunt your dreaming, as age withers your muscles and wrinkles your brow. Nothing that a body transplant won’t fix! Each time you get your focus back, the pain of others intrudes. Perhaps the best you can do is meander vaguely in circles, trying to get up a sweat and failing. Your intellectually constructed goals may lie around like autumn leaves after a rain storm and exhaustion stretches to the horizon. It’s not the end of your world and you may even get to see where your motivation’s really lie.
On the 27th April, Saturn exactly opposes Uranus for the fourth time in the current series. As you may have observed in the world around you, this is a season of riots and rebellions, as societies polarise. Most noteworthy right now are Greece, Kyrgyzstan and Thailand; with more to follow as sovereign debt issues worsen, especially in Europe. Politics are starting to lurch to the right as the fear cloud of the ongoing Saturn, Uranus and Pluto T-square continues to strengthen. Humans seem to cling to their past more strongly when uncomfortable changes are imminent. Next month Uranus moves into Aries, unleashing a wave of anger in action towards those who benefit while the masses lose out economically. Uranus has been drowning in Pisces for the last few years and will be a different archetype when he has his feet on dry land. No more Mr. Nice Guy! The power elites are already mobilising politically, increasing numbers and armaments in the police, military and covert intelligence agencies. Fascism will reappear in countries where there is a great wealth divide, fundamentalist religious values and an easily bought political system. This includes the USA, the land of the paranoid and incarcerated, where civil rights have already been compromised in the so called “war against terrorism”. Those who have not understood the 1930’s are destined to repeat them.
On the 3rd May, Saturn exactly quincunx’s Neptune for the second time in the current series. (The first was on 13.9.09 and the final hit will be on 28.6.10). Expect the swine flu hysteria to be manifesting again with the pharmaceutical company puppets (Media) spruiking fear and governmental agencies falling in line, just to cover their sagging arses. This is a predictable piece of street theatre and I hope you all have a good laugh. For those who want to feel outraged because you don’t have enough drama in your life to fake fulfillment, have a gander at the following internet circulation:
Swine Flu Pandemic Hysteria Hoax Heads For Court
Those who suspected a money and greed driven conspiracy behind the 2009 swine flu outbreak, declared a pandemic by overzealous WHO officials and their advisers from within the industry are being proven right by recent revelations. The article Reconstruction of a Mass Hysteria - The Swine Flu Panic of 2009 in Spiegel Online of March 12, Germany's foremost investigative magazine, shows that three weeks before the swine flu was declared a pandemic, 30 senior representatives of pharmaceutical companies met with WHO Director-General Chan and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at WHO headquarters and were mainly interested in one question: the decision to declare Phase 6. Phase 6 acted as a switch that would allow bells on the industry's cash registers to ring, risk-free. That's because many pandemic vaccine contracts had already been signed. Germany signed an agreement with the British firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in 2007 to buy its pandemic vac cine as soon as Phase 6 was declared. This agreement could explain why Professor Roy Anderson, one key scientific advisor to the British government, declared the swine flu a pandemic on May 1. What he neglected to say was that GSK was paying him an annual salary of more than €130,000 ($177,000). This Der Spiegel article may serve as a guide to real evidence when a multitude of individuals and nations will soon take the companies and individuals to court.
R. C. Camphausen, Digital Journal
Related Links:
* Part 1, The Swine Flu Panic of 2009 & Part 2, The Swine Flu Panic of 2009 Reconstruction Of A Mass Hysteria Der Spiegel
* The men who made a killing out of swine flu while we wasted £1bn and were exposed to harmful drugs Special Investigation: Tom Rawstorne, Daily Mail
* UK Government Swine Flu Drug Dealers Forgot To Insert Cancel Clause In £200m Contract Victoria Fletcher, Daily Express
* Pharmaceutical Industry Cried Wolf Over Swine Flu For Profit Staff Writer, RT
The short term Mercury, Mars and Pluto configuration:
The Mercury square Mars aspect denotes heated debate and verbal attacks; at times somewhat sweetened by Mercury’s contact with Venus. The Mercury trine Pluto provides insight into the deeper instinctual motives of others, no matter how much they are concealed. Mars quincunx retrograde Pluto provides the unstoppable will to destroy what is seen as corrupt. Expect vicious verbal and written attacks on those perceived as wrongdoers. The Jupiter sesquisquare to Mars adds a further dimension of militaristic excess to this scenario. It might seem as is the catholic inquisition has been reborn. The Catholic Church will continue to be whipped for humanity’s sins; as is appropriate to its propaganda and beliefs. It will be dead within three centuries, as the world moves into the Great Age of the Water Pourer; and the big religious beliefs of the Age of the Fishes fades into obscurity.
Well, that’s enough for you and enough from me. Adieu.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Capt. Chaos.