Book 1 Unit 3 Word List (A)

1. birthday party (cn.) 生日派對

David is nine years old. He and his family are at his birthday party. Wow! A

birthday cake, a birthday card, and a lot of gifts! It’s a great birthday party.

2. parents (cn.) 雙親

Jane: Look! Your parents are over there.

Jeff: No, they are my mother and my uncle. My dad is in the USA now.

Jane: Oh, your uncle is very handsome.

Jeff: Yes. He is like my father.

3. for (prep) 為了

Peter: Jack, what’s this?

Jack: It’s a ruler.

Peter: Very special.

Jack: It’s for you.

Peter: Thanks. I’m very happy.

4. costume (cn.) 道具服

Today is my grandma’s birthday. It’s a gift for her. What is it? Guess!

You’re right. It’s a costume! She has ten costumes!

5. very much (adv.) 非常

Henry: What’s that in the box?

Peter: Guess!

Henry: Are they books?

Peter: They are comic books for you.

Henry: Thank you very much.

6. mask (cn.) 面具;口罩

Mary: Is it a mask?

John: No, it’s not.

Mary: Is it a hat?

John: No, it’s not.

Mary: What is it?

John: Ha! It’s a mask!

Mary: John, that’s not funny!

John: Sorry!

7. How about…? 那…呢?

Bill: Nice to meet you. My name is Bill.

Vicky: Nice to meet you, too. I’m Vicky.

Bill: I’m in Class 704. How about you?

Vicky: I’m in Class 704, too. We are classmates.

Bill: You’re beautiful! I’m so lucky!

8. gift (cn) 禮物

Amy: What’s your gift for mother?

Emily: A dress. How about your gift?

Amy: A cookbook.

(five minutes later)

Amy & Emily: Mom, these are for you!

Mother: Wow! They are very good gifts.

9. guess (v.) 猜測

Lucy: What’s that in your hand?

Peter: Guess!

Lucy: Money?

Peter: Come on!

Lucy: A picture?

Peter: Bingo! It’s a picture of my family.

10. notebook (cn.) 筆記本

Jane: The notebook is very pretty. It’s light, too.

Judy: No, it’s not a notebook. It’s a laptop.

Jane: I see. I see. It’s a notebook. It’s a “laptop”, too.

11. That’s right. 沒錯

Monica: Look! Who are they?

Dennis: They are Vincent and Doris. Vincent is Doris’ “Mr. Right”.

Monica: That’s right.

12. marker (cn.) 彩色筆

Mark: Wow! These are markers – red, yellow, blue, and green.

William: Whose are they?

Mark: They are Jack’s markers.

William: Can I have the green marker?

Mark: I don’t know.

13. brush (cn.) (brushes is the plural form of brush) 毛筆;刷子

There are three big brushes and one small brush on the table.

14. workbook (cn.) 作業本

Alice: What are those?

Vicky: They are workbooks – two English workbook, and one
Chinese workbook.

15. pencil case (pencil box) (cn.) 鉛筆盒

Class, good morning. Look at these. This is a dog. That is a cat. Those are monkeys. They are new pencil cases (boxes) for good boys and girls.

16. today (n.) (adv) 今天

Today is August 8. It is Father’s Day. It’s my father’s birthday, too.
Today is a good day.

17. cake (cn.) (un.) 蛋糕

Today is my sister’s birthday. This is an apple cake for my sister.

It is her favorite cake.

18. yummy (adj.) 好吃的

The cookies and cake are very yummy. I like them very much.

19. cookie (cn.) 餅乾

Are they cookies? Are they cookies? Yes, they are. Yes, they are.

Is it a cake? Is it a cake? No, it’s a cookie. It’s a cookie.

20. candle (cn.) 蠟燭

Meg: A cake and one candle! How old is your mother? Here are thirty


May: No. One is her favorite number!

Meg: Oh, I see.

21. hat (cn.) 帽子

Jane: What’s that?

Judy: It’s a hat for the magic contest.

Jane: Good luck!

Related terms: cap鴨舌帽