Present:CllrI. Durrant (Chairman) Cllr P. Benton, Cllr Mrs P. Harris, Cllr Mrs D. James,

Cllr H. Williams and Cllr P. Vicary (from 9.25pm)

Apologies:Cllr P. Cooke, Cllr M. Cottrell and Cllr J. Glendinning

In attendance: Mrs L. Kleinschmidt (Clerk) and District Cllr Mrs Cook (until 8.20pm)

Open Session

Report by District Cllr Mrs Alison Cook

District Cllr Mrs Cook reported that there are 20 new members at the District Council, which is a huge number to get up to speed. It’s an exciting time, and the Localism Bill will make a big difference to communities. The changes to the NHS will have an impact on local authorities, who will have greater responsibility. District Cllr Mrs Cook said that she will be supporting the new village hall in Chiddingstone Causeway, and mentioned that the interactive sign by The Little Brown Jug seems to work only intermittently.

Closed Session

  1. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Cooke, Cllr Cottrell and Cllr Glendinning and their reasons for absence were accepted by members of the Parish Council.
  1. Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of matters to be discussed

Cllr Mrs James declared a personal interest in item 28(iii), the grant application for Chiddingstone Cricket Club as her husband is a member of the Sports Association, and also in item 28(iv), the request for a letter of support from Chiddingstone Causeway Village Hall, as she is a member of the Management Committee.

  1. To agree Appointment of Committees and representatives to other bodies

The following appointments were agreed at the May Parish Council Meeting, and the members who were absent at that meeting gave their approval to the following:

Planning Committee:Cllrs Williams, Durrant, Cottrell, Benton and Mrs James

Allotment Committee:Cllrs Durrant, Williams and Mrs Harris

Members also agreed the following representatives to other bodies:

Kent Association of Parish Councils, Sevenoaks Area Committee:Cllr Williams

Chiddingstone Tennis Club: Cllr Glendinning

Slaters: Cllr Cooke

Margaret Hyde Almshouses: Cllr Cooke and Mr David Forbes

Chiddingstone Village Hall Management Committee: Cllr Cooke and Cllr Mrs Harris

Chiddingstone Causeway Village Hall Management Committee: Cllr Mrs James

CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England): Cllr Cottrell

Chiddingstone Ramblers: Ms Jenny Chettle

Chiddingstone Tree Warden: Mr Steve Haysom

Chiddingstone Pond Warden: Cllr Penny Harris

  1. The Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 18th May 2011 were approved and duly signed. Proposed by Cllr Durrant, seconded by Cllr Williams and all were in favour.
  1. To report on Matters Arising from the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 18th May 2011

i.Item 12: to consider St. Mary’s Church Quinquennial Inspection Report. The Clerk reported that she has received an email from Nigel Lucas suggesting a meeting with the Parish Council to agree once and for all where the responsibility lies for various aspects of the closed churchyard. It was agreed that Cllr Durrant, Cllr Mrs James and the Clerk would attend.

ii.Item 13: action required regarding traffic calming and speeds on Ide Hill Road – the Clerk reported that she has made a formal request for a temporary speed limit whilst works are being undertaken at the Surrey and East Sussex Water Works at Bough Beech Reservoir. She has again spoken to Aziz who said that it will be difficult to impose a temporary speed limit as the road is de-restricted. He will look at the crash history on the road and will consult the police for their view.

  1. Planning - to consider planning applications received

The Clerk reported that there were no planning applications this month to consider. However, the following items have been received from SDC:

  1. Local List of buildings of historical and/or architectural interest or value. These are buildings that tend to fall short of the strict standards required by English Heritage for them to designate for national listing. Asks the Parish Council to suggest possible suitable buildings in the parish, and encloses a list of listed buildings and official guidance in identifying suitable buildings for the new local list.

ii.Local Development Framework consultation documents with closing date for comments 4th August 2011. Consultation events: Edenbridge Rickards Hall – 16th June 13.30-16.00, Swanley 17th June 10.00-13.00, and SDC offices 20th June 15.00-18.30

The Clerk reported the following notification of planning refusal:

SE/11/00673/FUL – Watstock, Wellers Town Road – renewal of existing barn roof covering and installation of solar photovoltaic modules. Reason: would be highly intrusive and have adverse effect on the setting of adj. listed building.

The Clerk reported the following information regarding the appeal at Land at Puckden Wood:

SE/10/03135/LDCEX Land South of Puckden Wood, Chiddingstone Hoath – agricultural feed and equipment store. The appeal will be heard at The Hollybush Indoor Bowls Centre, Sevenoaks TN13 3UX on 26th July 2011 at 10am.

  1. To report on correspondence received

The Clerk reported that lists of correspondence received have been circulated, and drew members’ attention to the following items:

i.Item 11: Email from Daniel Washington, KHS, in response to my email asking for the Parish Council to be consulted on the request by the school for a coach parking space to be painted on the road in Chiddingstone. Daniel has agreed to invite members and the Clerk to a site meeting they hope to have in the near future.

ii.Item 19: Email from Christian Everett, SDC, re the return of completed expenses declaration forms. The expiry date for return was 3rd June 2011 in respect of those councillors elected or elected unopposed at the May 2011 local elections. Please ensure all councillors complete the expenses declaration even if they are declaring a 'NIL' return.

  1. To hear update on Family Fun Summer Play Scheme for Chiddingstone and surrounding villages

The Clerk reported that the banners have now been ordered, and the events will be advertised widely to all local villages.

  1. To consider refurbishment of War Memorial in Chiddingstone

The Clerk reported that she has spoken again to Burslems regarding the engraving of the letters on the War Memorial, but is awaiting a quote for the engraving work.

  1. To consider safety measures required at Blacksmiths Corner

The Clerk reported the following: in September 2007, a site meeting was held at Blacksmiths Corner with Cllr Barratt, Cllr Williams, Mr Bryan Fitzgerald from KHS and local residents to look at what could be done to improve the safety of this junction. Mr Fitzgerald was sympathetic and has agreed that a 'Junction ahead' warning sign and 'Slow' painted in the carriageway is necessary and will be implemented once funding has been identified. In January 2010, the toad warning signs appeared, which KHS said were erected at public request. The Clerk stated that she visited the site today: approaching the junction from Stonewall Park, there is a SLOW painted on the road, and a post with a missing junction warning sign. Grove Road – there are two toad warning signs, a give way sign and a junction warning sign.

Members agreed to request a junction warning sign for the post approaching the junction from Stonewall Park, and to request that the toad warning signs are removed as there is no evidence of toads in the area.

  1. To consider how the following Parish Projects are progressed, including funding and comparative quotes where appropriate:
  1. Chiddingstone Car Park

Members discussed the two possible sites and considered their availability. It was agreed that a meeting should be arranged as soon as possible with the interested parties.

  1. Allotments

The Clerk reported that notification has been received from SDC that they have had no objections to the Parish Council’s notice for tree works at the allotment site in Chiddingstone Hoath. The works can, therefore, be undertaken within two years from 27.05.11. Cllr Durrant said that he believed that Mr and Mrs Streatfeild had agreed to pay for this work. Cllr Mrs Harris undertook to speak to her brother, Brodie, to see if he would be willing to do the work. The Clerk to speak to Mrs Streafeild.

The Clerk stated that the agreement was altered to show that the land belonged to Richard Streatfeild alone. Richard is now very happy with the agreement, and he has said that he will mark out the extent of the allotment at the weekend. The allotments will have pedestrian access from the Rock end gate but there will be a new fence line marking the path up to the Holly tree on the South side of the field as previously discussed. Cllr Mrs James proposed that the tenancy agreement be formally signed, this was seconded by Cllr Benton and all were in favour. Cllr Durrant signed the agreement, witnessed by the Clerk, who will send it off to Mr and Mrs Steatfeild.

  1. Community Garden

The Clerk reported that the Village Hall Management Committee has given their approval to contribute one third of the cost of the steps and gate to the rear of the garden. Confirmation from the school is still awaited, and Clerk to chase.

  1. Play Area

Cllr Mrs James stated that the project has been on hold pending full support from the Parish Council. Members were very happy to proceed, and would be willing to spend £21,750 in Earmarked Reserves on the project, providing that funding could be obtained for the remaining £22,250 approx. This takes into account a £6-7,000 discount from the play equipment supplier. Proposed by Cllr Williams, seconded by Cllr Mrs Harris and all were in favour. The Parish Council will need to obtain three comparable quotes, and Cllr Mrs James and the Clerk agreed to work together to progress the project.

  1. Finance
  1. To consider Internal Auditor’s Report

Members considered the Internal Auditor’s report and approved the comments made.

  1. To consider Clerk’s Annual Review and possible increase in working hours

The Clerk left the room whilst members considered the matter. It was agreed that the Clerk would receive a 2.5% increase in her salary and will work an additional 2 hours per week, which will be reviewed at the January Parish Council meeting. This is due to the increased hours the Clerk is working on projects and devolved functions from the District and County Councils.

  1. To consider application for grant from Chiddingstone Cricket Club for refurbishment of Chiddingstone Sports Pavilion

Cllr Mrs James took no part in the vote. The Clerk reported that the project cost is £9,360 + VAT. Cllr Mrs Harris proposed that the Parish Council gives a grant of £1,000 to Chiddingstone Cricket Club towards this project. This was seconded by Cllr Durrant and all were in favour.

(Cllr Vicary joined the meeting at 9.25pm)

  1. To consider letter of support for rebuild and renovation of Chiddingstone Causeway Village Hall including confirmation of amount that the Parish Council has set aside as a contribution

Cllr Mrs James took no part in the vote. The Clerk reported that there is an amount in Earmarked Reserves of £10,000 for this project. Cllr Williams proposed that the Parish Council write a letter of support with confirmation that a contribution of £10,000 will be made towards this project. This was seconded by Cllr Benton and all were in favour.

  1. To approve payment of cheques

Cllr Williams proposed that the list of cheques be approved. This was seconded by Cllr Vicary and all were in favour.

29.Items for reporting or inclusion in future agenda

  1. Cllr Mrs Harris reported that there are overgrown hedges on Hampkins Hill and Wellers Town Road. Cllr Vicary added that the hedge at Puckden Wood is also overgrown. Clerk to contact the landowners and ask for the hedges to be cut.
  2. Cllr Mrs James reported that she has received complaints from residents about cars parking on the road by The Little Brown Jug, especially during their festival weekends. Cllr Mrs James undertook to speak to the landlord and ask him to ensure that vehicles are parking considerately and to use the church carpark if necessary.
  3. Cllr Benton reported that KHS has advised that Hampkins Hill Road will not be resurfaced this year, as promised, due to funding cuts, but the road will be patched.
  1. Cllr Williams reported that SDC is compiling a Local List of buildings of historical and/or architectural interest or value. These are buildings that tend to fall short of the strict standards required by English Heritage for them to designate for national listing. Cllr Williams asks that if anyone knows of any buildings that could be added to the list to please let him know.

The meeting closed at 9.50pm

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