Title: This Is My Home Trailer
Duration: 1.00 minutes
Home is where the heart is. After being away for many years, Arthur returned to Malaysian shores stronger and wiser. Now a Shell retailer, Arthur’s passion in customer servicing shines through the station’s big smiles and big hearts.
This is his story.
Welcome to Shell.
This Is My Home Trailer Transcript
[Background music plays]
Ambient, textured music
[Text displays]
Kajang, Malaysia
[Transition, Video Footage]
Fades in to Arthur attending to a customer. Arthur doing the WTS bow.
I come from a small town in Sarawak.
[Video Footage]
Arthur wiping the nozzle. A customer walks across the Select Store, camera tracks.
I left Malaysia when I was 17.
[Text displays]
A Story About Home
[Video Footage]
Arthur mans the cashier machine. A customer waves goodbye as he drives off. Silhouette of staff waving goodbye. Mid shot of Selangor and Malaysia flag.
After spending so many years overseas, I felt it is time to come home.
[Text Diplays]
This Is Arthur’s Story
[Background music]
Music hits a high and climaxes.
Before, Malaysia was not as busy as it is now.
[Video Footage]
Timelapse of KLCC crowd. Timelapse of KL city skyline fades to timelapse of sun rising above Shell station.
It is normal to take things for granted.
[Video Footage]
Staff interacting with one another. Close up shot of hand over heart.
Especially the small small things.
[Video Footage]
Staff interacting with one another. Close up shot of hand over heart.
Now that I’m back In Malaysia I know that Malaysia has the best of everything to offer.
[Video Footage]
Staff opens the door for a customer to walk in. Camera pans from customer to Arthur who is filling up the customer’s car. Staff doing WTS to say goodbye. Customer and staff doing thumbs up.
[Transition/Video Footage]
Arthur waves at customers, camera tracks. Fade to white.
Interview with Arthur Dunggat
One day, we had this lady who was not coming out from her vehicle, she did not come out from her car.
[Video Footage]
Car turns into the station. Marshal waving his baton to lead customers in. Child in the car gazing out the window with staff’s reflection on the window.
So we told her, “No worries, we’ll take care of you”
[Transition/Video Footage]
Staff checking pipe. Fades to white.
[Text displays]
[Background music]
Music fades
[Animation Sequence]
Shell logo GFX and jingle.