University Student Affairs Committee Meeting
October 3rd, 2016
Senate Chambers 5:30 PM
Chairwoman: Ania Cajuste
I. Call to Order
a. Meeting was called to order at 5:34 PM
II. Roll Call- Vice Chair Dallas Burke
a. Quorum was established with 7 voting members.
III. Approval of Minutes
a. Senator Peele: motion to approve the minutes of August 29th. Second. All in favor. Approved.
b. Senator Ogbugo: motion to approve the minutes of September 16th. Second. All in favor. Approved.
IV. Approval of Agenda
a. Senator Peele: motion to approve the agenda. Second. All in favor. Approved.
V. Chairman Report and Remarks-
a. Reminded Senators to be brave and speak up when appropriate.
b. Reviewed the responsibilities and goals of the USA committee.
c. Explained Osprey Voice Analysis Reports and Osprey Voice questions.
d. Asked Senators to scrutinize OV questions and make them as unbiased as possible.
e. Requested USA committee to push Osprey Voices through social media to yield more student responses.
f. Asked for Senators to sign up for What Do You Want Wednesdays? and for a University Wide Committee.
VI. Student Advocate’s Report - Cole Poppell
a. Described the previous Parking Advisory Council committee meeting as well as the topics for the next meeting.
b. Asked Senators to submit any recommendations to himself or any other member of the committee.
c. Reviewed Food Service ITN, reminding Senators that he could not go into detail because of state law.
VII. Guest Speakers
a. Senate President Dallas Burke
i. Senators, new and old, have the ability to make USA as powerful as it should be.
ii. Asked members to participate in OV, Market Wednesdays, and initiatives.
VIII. Student Remarks
a. None.
IX. University Wide Committee Reports
a. Sami Mims
i. Alumni Association Board of Directors – described the Alumni Engagement Committee and the Young Alumni and Student Engagement Committee.
X. Osprey Voice Analysis Reports
a. Senator Chance
i. Summer 2015 OV
ii. Scale of 1-10 rate your summer experience at UNF. Average 7 or 8 out of 10.
iii. What would have made your experience a 10/10? Majority said more events on campus. Have more events on campus.
b. Senator Peele
i. September 2016’s OV – Specific to Dining Dollars
ii. If you currently had Dining Dollars, would you like to use them as a payment method in vending machines? Majority yes. Contact companies to make this possible.
iii. Quality of food in Boathouse and Café. Most students unhappy with options/choices. Potentially draft JR to offer a third party food supply.
c. Chaiwoman Cajuste: assigned OV Analysis to Senators Ogbugo and Keefe for October 17th.
Chairwoman Cajuste: requested the agenda be opened to be amended.
Senator Chance: motion to reopen the agenda. Second. All in favor. Passed.
Senator Chance: motion to add Senate President Burke’s OV Proposal to the agenda. Second. All in favor. Passed.
Senator Keefe: motion to close tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Passed.
XI. Unfinished Business
a. Osprey Voice Proposal – Sabrina Sorrentino
i. Senator Miller: motion to approve question 1. Second. Discussion. All in favor. Passed.
XII. New Business
a) Osprey Voice Proposal – Ania Cajuste
i. Senator Baker: motion to approve question 2. Second. All in favor. Passed.
b) Osprey Voice Proposal – Ania Cajuste
i. Senator Peele: motion to amend question 2a to read “14-16 minutes.” Second. All in favor. Amendment passed.
ii. Senator Keefe: motion to approve question 2a as amended. Second. All in favor. Passed.
II. Osprey Voice Proposal – Ania Cajuste
i. Senator Ogbugo: motion to approve question 3. Second. All in favor. Passed.
b) Osprey Voice Proposal – Caleb Grantham
i. Senator Peele: motion to approve question 4a. Second. All in favor. Denied. Roll call vote. 2-0-6. Motion dies.
ii. Senator Lee: motion to table question 4a and 4b for roundtable. Second. All in favor. Passed.
c) Osprey Voice Proposal – Caleb Grantham
i. Senator: motion to amend question 5 to add “If yes,” and insert a text box to follow. Second. All in favor. Passed.
ii. Senator Keefe: motion to strike “The UNF Boathouse located in the Student Union.” Second. All in favor. Passed.
iii. Senator Baker: motion to approve question 5 as amended. Second. All in favor. Passed.
d) Osprey Voice Proposal – Caleb Grantham
i. Senator Peele: motion to amend question 6 to read “would you like to see the condition improved?” Second. All in favor. Passed.
ii. Senator Chance: Motion to approve question 6 as amended. Second. All in favor. Passed.
e) Osprey Voice Proposal – Caleb Grantham
i. Senator Peele: motion to approve question 7. Second. All in favor. Passed.
f) Osprey Voice Proposal – Dallas Burke
i. Senator Lee: motion to amend question 8 to read “most agree.” Second. All in favor. Passed.
ii. Senator Lee: motion to amend question to place “These statements are not applicable to me” in between the positive and negative responses. Second. All in favor. Passed.
iii. Senator Keefe: motion to approve question as amended. Second. All in favor. Passed.
XIII. Announcements
a. Advisor Shore: presentation on Robert’s Rules in B&A.
XIV. Final Roll Call- Vice Chair Dallas Burke
a. Quorum has been reestablished with 8 voting members.
XV. Adjournment
a. Meeting was adjourned at 6:31 PM.
Minutes taken by Nina Lee, Vice Chair