Bank-Netherlands Partnership Program (BNPP)

Progress Report Format for Projects under the Global and Regional Initiatives Component

Date of this Report January 17, 2001

I.Basic Project Information

1. Name of Activity: Shrimp Farming and the Environment

2.Trust Fund Number: TF021733

3.Closing Date: December 31, 2000

4. When Approved?/mark with X/ 6/98 3/99 X 6/00_____Other_____

5. BNPP Sector to which Project is Attached (specified in the name of the Trust Fund): /mark with X/


Health (incl. WSP)___Poverty___Rural/Dev.___Urban/Dev.___Water/Res./Mngm.___

Other /specify/ e.g. WTO, InfoDev, WDR______

Exception (TF022934 and TF023172)______

6. Amount allocated:At approval (US$): 270,000 Increase (US$)______

Total Grant Amount (US$) 270,000

7. Actual Disbursements: CY98 (US$)______CY99 (US$)______CY00 (US$)168,902.2

8. Expected disbursements: CY01 (US$) 269, 857.17 CY02 (US$)______CY03 (US$)______

9. Total amount (US$) committed up to 12/31/00 (SAP data): 269,857.17

10. Executed by:Bank X Recipient (specify)______

11.Task Manager: Ronald D. Zweig

Contact Point if TM is not available: Carl G. Lundin

Resource Management Staff______

12. Contact in Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in NL (if any):______


13. Objective(s): The study was initiated to collect the most current information and advancements in environmentally sound and socially acceptable sustainable shrimp farming and its suitability as an employment option to alleviate rural poverty in coastal areas.

14. Project Activities: The activities include the conduct of a number of case studies in East and South Asia, Africa and Latin America. In addition, reviews are being conducted of related laws, regulatory and enforcement frameworks, management and technical advances, disease control, and codes of conduct. These activities are being conducted as part of a collaborative program with the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific (NACA), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The total program budget from all is US$598,000, including the US$270,000 from the BNPP. The specific case studies under taken are the following:

List of case studies under the World Bank, NACA, WWF and FAO Consortium Program on Shrimp Farming and the Environment.

Country / Title of case study
1 / Thailand / Institutional aspects of shrimp aquaculture in Thailand
Prepared by: Ayut Nissapa and Somsak Boramthanarat (CORIN, Hat Yai, Thailand)
2 / Thailand / Study on implementation of the Thai Code of Conduct for Responsible Shrimp Aquaculture
Prepared by:Siri Tookwinas (DOF, Thailand)
3 / Australia / Study on farm level best management practices and institutional arrangements for shrimp aquaculture in Australia
Prepared by:Nigel Preston (CSIRO, Brisbane)
4 / Vietnam / Coastal shrimp aquaculture: searching for better management practices: some cases from north and north central Vietnam.
Prepared by:Tran Van Nhuong (RIA-1, Hanoi)
5 / Vietnam / Mixed shrimp farming-mangrove models in the Mekong delta: socio-economic studies
Prepared by: Sunil S. Pednekar (NACA, Bangkok), Nguyen Huu Thien, Pham Le Thong, Truong Hoang Dan (Can Tho University, Vietnam)
6 / Vietnam / Studies on impacts on livelihoods and management practices for shrimp disease outbreaks in Hue Lagoon, central Vietnam
Prepared by: Melba Reantaso (NACA) and colleagues at Hue University
7 / Vietnam / Studies on mixed rice-shrimp aquaculturre systems in the Mekong delta
Prepared by: Nigel Preston (CSIRO, Australia) and colleagues at Can Tho University(Vietnam)
8 / Bangladesh / Case studies in shrimp aquaculture management in Bangladesh
Prepared by: Masudur Rahman, Swapan Paul (DOF, Dhaka) and Sunil Siriwardene (NARA)
9 / Bangladesh / Case studies on the social aspects of shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh
Prepared by:Anwara Begum and S.M. Nazmul (CARITAS, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
10 / China / Shrimp culture renovation in Rushan, Shandong province, China
Prepared by:Huang Jie (YSFRI, China) and Anantha Duriappah (IVM, the Netherlands)
11 / Philippines / Shrimp aquaculture and mangrove forests in the Philippines
Prepared by: Dick Melana (CRMP, Cebu, the Philippines)
12 / Indonesia / Good practice for community-based planning and management of shrimp farming in Sumatra, Indonesia
Prepared by: Jim Tobey (URI, USA) and Hermawati Poespitasari (Proyek Pesisir, Indonesia)
13 / India / Studies on small-scale shrimp aquaculture and farmers associations in selected coastal areas.
Prepared by: Narayan Kutty (private consultant) and Ravichandran (CIBA, Chennai, India)
14 / Sri Lanka / Development of a “Code of Best Practice” for shrimp aquaculture in Sri Lanka
Prepared by: Sunil Siriwardene (National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), Colombo, Sri Lanka)
15 / Honduras / Science and society in the Gulf of Fonseca: the changing history of mariculture in Honduras”
Prepared by: Denise Stanley, Carolina Alduvin and Amanda Cruz
16 / Honduras / Water quality monitoring in coastal areas with shrimp farming using Honduras as an example.
Prepared by: Claude E. Boyd and Bart Green (University of Auburn, USA)
17 / Belize / Evaluation of Belize Aquaculture, Ltd.: a super-intensive shrimp aquaculture system in Belize
Prepared by: Claude E. Boyd (University of Auburn, USA) and Jason Clay (WWF,US)
18 / Colombia / Mangrove planting and effluent treatment on a shrimp farm.
Prepared by:
19 / Colombia / Best Management Practices for shrimp aquaculture in Colombia.
Prepared by:
20 / Colombia/
Australia / Certification of Shrimp Aquaculture— comparative studies of Colombia and Australia
Prepared by: Jason Clay (WWF US)
21 / Mexico / Shrimp aquaculture, people and the environment in coastal Mexico
Prepared by: Billie De Walt (University of Pittsburgh), Lorena Noriega (Sonora), Ramirez Zavala (Sinaloa) and Rosa Esthela Gonzalez (Nayarit)
22 / Ecuador / Case studies on shrimp aquaculture management in Ecuador covering: (1) Shrimp production in mangrove areas; (2) Use of wild shrimp post-larvae; (3) Composition of shrimp pond soil in mangroves areas versus non mangrove areas; (4) Shrimp farm management and concentrations of potential pollutants in effluents; and (5) Water exchange practices.
Prepared by:Jorge Calderon and Stannislaus Sonennholzner (CENAIM, Ecuador)
23 / Brazil / Camanor Brazil case
24 / Brazil / Brazil overview case
25 / Brazil / Investment screen
26 / Peru / Relationship among shrimp farm size, management level, production and profits
Prepared by:Victor Talavera Ramos
27 / Africa & Middle East / Egypt, S.Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar, Tanzania, Iran cases. Prepared by: Rafael Rafael (SEACAM, Madagasgar)
28 / Global / Thematic review on management strategies for major disease in shrimp aquaculture
Prepared by: Rohana Subasinghe (FAO), Dan Fegan (BIOTEC, Thailand), Richard Arthur (Canada) and Melba Reantaso and Michael Phillips (NACA)
29 / Global / Codes of practice for marine shrimp aquaculture
Prepared by: Claude Boyd (Auburn University, USA) and John Hargreaves, and Jason Clay
30 / Global / Thematic review on social BMPs for aquaculture in Latin America and Asia
Prepared by: Billie De Walt (University of Pittsburgh), Jason Clay (WWF US) and Conner Bailey (Auburn University, USA)
31 / Global / Thematic review on better management practices for shrimp aquaculture
Prepared by: Consortium – Michael Phillips (NACA) Jason Clay (WWF US), Rohana Subasingjhe (FAO) and Ron Zweig (World Bank)+others
32 / Global / Thematic review on coastal wetland habitats and shrimp aquaculture
Prepared by: Donald Macintosh (Aarhus University, Denmark), Robin Lewis (USA), Barry Clough (AIMS, Australia) and Michael Phillips (NACA)
Additional case studies under discussion
33 / Global / Legal review – including FAO’s work and Barnhizer review
34 / Global / Conflicts costs and management case
35 / Asia / Nucleus estates – aquastart and dipasena
(for incorporation into the social BMPs case)

15. Expected output: Based on the information collected under the above studies for which a report exists for each, the program will produce a comprehensive summary report that will include good management practices, guidelines, and general information on related shrimp farming initiatives from around the world. It will also define whether shrimp farming can be used for coastal poverty reduction and what the best technical options would be to assure, to the degree possible, financial, environmental, and social sustainability. The document will be of value to policy makers, national and international development agencies, and the private sector. The final report will be available by mid March 2001.

II.Progress report (for ongoing projects)

1. Reporting period: March 1, 2000 to January 15, 2001

2. Expected date of completion: March 31, 2001

3. Progress made during reporting period: A majority of the above listed case studies have been completed with many reports in final draft form. In addition, this activity has supported in part local and international meetings, conferences, and other forums that have included discussions on this topic. Attachment 1 contains a preliminary list of the consultations conducted.

4. Problems encountered/causes for delays: After the initial organization coordination at the beginning of the program that involved collaboration with WWF, NACA, and FAO, no particular significant issues have arisen during the reporting period.

5. Changes in project design made or considered: The only change made was to link up with the NACA, WWF, and FAO that broadened the scope while achieving the original objectives and others do to the broader interests that are now being pursued under the program.

6. Assessment of expected results/impact: The study should provide guidance for and comprehensive information of shrimp farming for many development considerations whether for small or large farmers with a wide range of production intensities and models documented. It will also provide up to date information.

7. Other relevant information: Many of the studies relevant in particular to Latin America will be translated into Spanish and Portuguese.

Filled in by: Ronald D, Zweig, EASRD Date: January 17, 2001

Attachment 1. Preliminary List of Meetings and Consultations Conducted under the Shrimp Farming and Environment Activity

Being Undertaken by the World Bank, Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia,

World Wildlife Fund, and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Location / Main Points Discussed with Stakeholders
NACA () and WWF (x) responsibility. / Participants / Producers / Govt officials / Mult-lateral orgs. / Bi-lateral orgs. / NGO’s / Researchers/universities / Community groups / Investors/
funders / Buyers / Certifiers / Trade associationConsults / Consultants
Vinh, Nghe Anh, Vietnam / Provincial level stakeholders workshop on shrimp aquaculture management in Nghe An province, Vietnam
(NGOs in the Vietnam context = Women’s union, Youth Union and non-aquaculture farming and community groups) (one day workshop, March 2000) / 30 /  /  /  /  / 
District and Villages in Nghe Anh, Hai Phong and Quangh Binh provinces, Vietnam / Stakeholder workshops in districts of Quynh Luu, Quang Thuan, Bang La, Quang Thuan, Quynh Bang, Quang Binh and Do Son, covering livelihood analyses, wealth ranking, social impacts of shrimp aquaculture and poverty. (7 workshops in total, in March-April 2000) / 140 /  /  /  /  / 
Hanoi, Vietnam / Scoping workshop on “Sustainable Aquaculture for Poverty Alleviation” (“SAPA”). National level workshop to present findings of research and broadly discuss the role of aquaculture in poverty alleviation in Vietnam. (23rd-25th May 2000). / 60 /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Hanoi, Vietnam / Follow up workshop to approve a government policy document on “Sustainable Aquaculture for Poverty Alleviation” (“SAPA”) (14th September 2000). / 40 /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Polder-23, Khulna district, Bangladesh / Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) with shrimp fry
collectors (landless, women) on social aspect of coastal shrimp aquaculture (10th February 2000) / 31 /  /  /  / 
Polder 23, Khulna district, Bangladesh / PRA with shrimp farmers on social aspects of coastal
shrimp aquaculture (11th February 2000) / 33 /  /  /  /  /  / 
Polder 22, Khulna district, Bangladesh / PRA with shrimp farmers, agriculture farmers, businessmen on
social aspect of coastal shrimp aquaculture
(22nd February 2000) / 53 /  /  /  /  /  / 
Polder 33, Khulna district, Bangladesh / PRA with shrimp farmers on social aspect of coastal
shrimp aquaculture (24th February 2000) / 30 /  /  /  /  /  / 
Polder 33, Khulna district, Bangladesh / PRA with shrimp fry collectors (landless, women) on social aspects of coastal shrimp aquaculture (25th February 2000) / 35 /  /  /  /  / 
Dacope (upazilla), Khulna district, Bangaldesh / Workshop on review of PRA findings with local officials (Upazilla) officials and NGOs in Dacope (27th March 2000) (Upazilla = local adminstrative unit) / 23
Paikegacha (upazilla), Khulna district, Bangaldesh / Workshop on review of PRA findings with local (Upazilla) officials in Paikegacha (29th March 2000) / 20
Khulna district, Bangladesh / Workshop on field findings of two upazilla with district/divisional officials (30th February 2000) / 45
Bangladesh / Workshop on shrimp aquaculture case studies in Bangladesh to present findings of case study to policy makers (3rd July 2000) / 51 /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Nice, France / World Aquaculture Society meeting / 2,500 / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Thailand / Local workshops on the Thai Code of Conduct for Responsible Shrimp Aquaculture (Rayong and Hat Yai) (June/July 2000) / 15 /  /  / 
Bangkok, Thailand / Workshop to prepare the thematic review on coastal wetland habitats and shrimp aquaculture (14th-16th February 2000) / 25 / x / x / x / x / x
Bangkok, Thailand / NACA/FAO/Government of Thailand Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millenium. (20th-25th February 2000) / 550 / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Thoduwawe, Welihena,, NW province, Sri Lanka / Small-scale farmer consultation – NARA (National Aquatic Resources Agency) researchers and farmers
/ 225 /  / 
Pinkatiya, Mundal, NW Province, Sri Lanka / Consultation on shrimp farm management practices – farmers, NW Province provincial govt officials, central govt officers, and researchers / 25 /  /  / 
Chilaw, NW Province, Sri Lanka / Consultation among Sri Lanka stakeholder on future development of shrimp aquaculture in Sri Lanka - NARA researchers, govt officials, feed suppliers, farmers and exporters / 25 /  /  /  /  /  / 
Chilaw, NW Province, Sri Lanka / Consultation with shrimp hatchery operators on hatchery best practice NARA researchers, govt officials, consultants. / 20 /  /  /  /  / 
Cebu, Philippines / Interviews on Community-based project for Badian, Alegria, Cebu. (July 26-28, 2000) / 10 /  /  /  /  / 
Mahanay Island, Bohol Philippines / General membership meeting of MAPCODA, a people’s organization involved in coastal resource management at Mahanay Island, Bohol. / 25 /  /  /  /  / 
Mahanay Island, Bohol Philippines / Interviews on Community-based project for Mahanay Island, Bohol (August 10-11, 2000 / 16 /  /  /  /  / 
?? / China – more details awaited
Cebu, Philippines / Management strategies for major diseases in shrimp aquaculture. (28th-30th November 1999) / 40 / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico / Trans-boundary aquatic animal pathogen transfer and the development of harmonized standards on aquaculture aquaculture health management (joint APEC/FAO/NACA consultation) (24th-28th July 2000) / 49 /  /  /  /  / 
Brisbane, Australia / FAO/Australia consultation on management practice and institutional and legal arrangements for shrimp aquaculture
(4th-7th December 2000) / 65 / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Beijing, China / Final workshop on Asia Regional Health Management for the Responsible Transboundary movement of live aquatic animals (27th-30th June 2000) / 45 /  /  / 
Dhaka, Bangladesh / Regional workshop on “Primary aquatic animal health care in rural, small-scale, aquaculture development” (27th-30th September 1999) (participants from 12 countries) / 48 /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Hanoi, Vietnam / Meeting on a potential Code of Practice for shrimp aquaculture in Vietnam (December 2000) / 17 /  /  /  /  / 
Vietnam / Workshop for drafting of EIA guidelines for government on coastal aquaculture developments in Vietnam (13th December 2000) / 10 /  /  /  /  / 
Guayaquil, Ecuador / Annual meeting of ISANet. December 1998 / 30 / x / x / x / x
Guayaquil, Ecuador / Meeting with the Ecuadorian Shrimp Industry. January 1999 / 20 / x / x / x / x / x / x
Washington, DC / Meeting with Oceanographic Institute and World Bank, 24 May 1999 / 5
Washington, DC / Meeting with US-based NGOs on Shrimp Aquaculture, 25 May 1999 / 5 / x / x
Washsington, DC / Meeting on Economic Analysis of Shrimp BMPs / 3 / x / x
Caracas, Venezuela / Meeting with WWF Latin American Marine Program staff to discuss shrimp aquaculture. May 1999 / 20 / x / x
Auburn University, USA / Presentation to Auburn U. Aquaculture Staff. June 2, 1999. / 26 / x / x
Los Altos, CA, USA / Met with Packard Foundation to advise on the priorities for their expanded marine program / 15 / x / x / x
San Diego, CA, USA / Spoke about consortium’s work at Coastal 99 meeting sponsored by Sustainable Resources Division of NOAA in light of US goal to increase aquaculture output 5-fold in 20 years. July 1999 / 125 / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Washington, DC, USA / NOAA meeting to discuss implications of reaching goal of increasing aquaculture production 5-fold in 20 years. August 1999. / 250 / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Salzburg, Austria / Salzburg Seminar on sustainable development in the humid tropics. Aquaculture featured. Clay gave keynote. August 1999. / 90 / x / x / x / x / x / x
Guayaquil, Ecuador / Bi-Annual Meeting of the National Shrimp Producers Association. October 26-31. / 500 / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
San Francisco, CA, USA / Meeting of the Marine Program of the Packard Foundation on fisheries (including shrimp) market chain analysis. November 18-19, 1999. / 10 / x / x / x / x
Belize / Met with Belize Aquaculture and other producers to tour operations and discuss BMPs for shrimp aquaculture. December 12-15, 1999. / 12 / x / x / x / x
Bangkok, Thailand / NACA/WWF/WB/FAO meeting to discuss BMP work and the role of the consortium. April 20-23, 1999. / 40 / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Sydney, Australia / World Aquaculture Society Meetings. Session on shrimp aquaculture and the environment. April 27-30, 1999. / 150 / X / x / x / x / x
Maputo, Mozambique / Meeting on Threats to the East African Marine Ecoregion. Discussion on shrimp aquaculture. January 14-21, 2000. / 25 / x / x / x / x / x
New Orleans, LA, USA / Aquaculture America 2000. Talk on NGOs and Aquaculture and the identification and use of BMPs to improve performance. Febraury 4, 2000. / 125 / X / x / x / x / x / x
New Orleans, LA, USA / Aquaculture America 2000. Session on Environmentally Sound Aquaculture. February 3, 2000. / 150 / X / x / x / x / x
San Francisco, CA, USA / Marine Working Group, Consultative Group on Biodiversity. Talk on Promoting Sustainability through Certification, Marketing and Consumer Awareness. February 10, 2000. / 45 / x / x / x / x / x
San Francisco, CA, USA / Marine Working Group, Consultative Group on Biodiversity. Talk on the Consortium’s work on BMPs for shrimp aquaculture. February 10, 2000. / 50 / x / x / x / x / x
Bangkok, Thailand / ISANet Annual Meeting. February 19, 2000. / 40 / x / x / x / x / x
Bangkok, Thailand / Meeting with ISANet to discuss the work of the consortium. February 20, 2000. / 12 / x / x / x / x
Bangkok, Thailand / Meeting on Organic Shrimp Certification with Agro-Eco. February 24, 2000. / 7 / x / x / x / x / x
Bangkok, Thailand / Expert consultation on the Proposed Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the Committee of Fisheries to advise the FAO on the mandate of an aquaculture subcommittee. February 28-29, 2000. / 35 / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Washington, DC, USA / Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery modeling session. March 4-5, 2000. / 20 / x / x / x / x
London, UK / Chatham House session on Business and Biodiversity. Discussed BMPs and shrimp aquaculture. April 3, 2000. / 140 / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Mohonk, NY, USA / Social Venture Network Meeting on sustainability. Discussed BMPs using shrimp aquaculture as an example. April 13-16, 2000. / 350 / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Monterey, CA, USA / SeaWeb/Packard Foundation Seafood Consumer Initiative Workshop. April 26-27, 2000. / 55 / x / x / x / x / x / x
Recife, Brazil / Meeting at Instituto Josue de Castro on shrimp aquaculture. May 22, 2000. / 60 / x / x / x / x / x / x
Recife, Brazil / Mangrove 2000 Conference. University of Pernambuco. Talk on the work of the consortium. May 23, 2000. / 250 / x / x / x / x / x / x
Recife, Brazil / Mangrove 2000 Conference. University of Pernambuco. Talk on BMPs and shrimp aquaculture development in Brazil. May 24, 2000. / 200 / x / x / x / x / x / x
Recife, Brazil / Mangrove 2000 Conference. University of Pernambuco. Talk on the Mexican case study of the consortium. May 24, 2000. / 150 / x / x / x / x / x / x
New London, NH, USA. / Second International Industrial Ecology Conference: Engineering Global Systems. Gordon Conference. Talk comparing the environmental impacts of aquaculture and fisheries. June 11-16, 2000. / 130 / x / x / x / x
Washington DC, USA / World Wildlife Fund staff meeting. Presented the work of the consortium. July 14, 2000. / 75 / x / x / x
Georgetown, Guyana / Addressed the President and Members of Parliament regarding natural resource management, BMPs and marketing. September 11, 2000. / 150 / x / x / x / x / x