FAQs for Evening Reception

What are my core tasks each evening, in order of priority?

  1. To meet and greet clients: welcome clients with a smile, check the name of their counsellor (not saying the client’s name out loud to protect confidentiality where possible),and if they are new clients, give them the relevant Counselling Service Agreement to read and sign, explaining where the facilities are and where drinking water is available then directing them to the waiting room where their counsellor will meet them at the allotted time.
  2. To answer the telephone: The most common call is from a client who may need help with directions to the UCS or may be phoning to confirm they are running late/unable to attend.
  3. To monitor the waiting room: ensure counsellors collect their clients; keep the room tidy with up to date leaflets and a new quote on the board each week.
  4. General tasks such as shredding, photocopying, website maintenance

If someone calls/drops in wanting counselling, what do I do?

If someone requests an appointment, refer them to the UCS website where they can register online. It may be helpful to talk them through the process, so ensure you are familiar with the options. Alternatively take a message for Trudy, the Secretary who can respond to their query.

If someone arrives in a distressed state, show them to the waiting room, try to calm them down using counselling skills. Ask them to wait whilst you seek guidance from one of the counselling team.

What do I do if I have a query?

If the ‘do not disturb’ sign is showing, the counsellors are in session and cannot be interrupted. However, if the door is closed but the green sign is showing, do knock and enter. If any counsellors’ doors are open, they are available to answer questions. If no-one is available, it may be possible to email your query and the counsellor will get back to you. If it is a query for a client then take a message and politely let them know you (or the Secretary) will get back to them ASAP, taking their contact details.

What do I do if someone comes in and asks for directions to somewhere on campus?

This happens often, especially at the beginning of the academic year. Do acquaint yourself with the layout of Westwood campus (have a walk around) so you can confidently direct people. There is a map beneath the reception window which you can hand out as required. The common locations people are seeking include: IT services, Gatehouse, Music Room, Dance Studio, post room. Most of these buildings can be located by crossing over the road, following the path between the halls of residence towards the Westwood café where a full signpost is evident. NB Occasionally people want directions to a building known as WT1 (or similar) – this is the Warwick Teaching Centre.

What do I need toknow about shredding?

Materials needing to be shredded are in Store Cupboard 1 in the store room in white sacks marked ‘confidential waste’. Check FDD (file destroy dates) dates before shredding. The shredder machineis kept in the locked store room but can be used in the office (be mindful of noise if counselling sessions are taking place in the adjacent room). Once the machine is plugged in there is a flip switch which has three functions: on, off and reverse.Reverse can be useful if any paper gets caught. The machine will alert you if it has over heated or become full. The shredder door is stiff so may need a good tug; shredded material must be placed into the allotted recycling bags which are kept in the store room. NB be careful of any dangling jewellery or hair whilst using the shredder for health and safety reasons.

What do I need to know about photocopying?

The photocopying machine is also in the store room. There is no code needed for its use. Please switch off the when machine when it is not in use and ensure no papers are left in the machine copier.

What do I do if the students working in DARO (Development Alumni Relations Office) are noisy or using the UCS waiting room?

Occasionally staff in DARO may need reminding about the nature of the work taking place in the building and should be politely requested to be reasonably quiet around the building. They may also need reminding that before 8pm the waiting room is not available to them. If they are using the facilities at the kitchen end of the building, it is important that they are quiet.

What do I need to know about taking a break?

Firstly make sure there are no clients due to arrive. The office door will need to be locked and if possible alert a member of staff as to your whereabouts. Listen out for the reception bell. Take regular screen breaks.

When and how would I need to contact the University security team?

There is a panic button allocated in the office as well as the counselling rooms. In case of emergency or threat to safety then the panic button can be activated. This will directly alert the security staff on duty who will attend promptly. The Security office is situated in the Gatehouse on the entrance to central campus.

What do I do if the blue light starts flashing in the office room?

The blue light will be activated if a panic button is pressed within one of the counselling rooms; it won’t make any noise but will flash within the office. Security should arrive promptly. If there is a counsellor available, alert them to the situation. Check the relevant counsellor room but there is no requirement to intervene. NB This is very rare.

What do I need to do to close the building at the close of the evening service?

Close down the waiting room (shut down the computer, switch off all the lighting and log out and shutdown the office computer), return equipment to the store room, file paperwork and lock away in the office. Once all keys are in the key press and locked away the key press key should be placed into a brown envelope labelled KP, the envelope is stored in the top of the stack of black trays near the office telephone, along with another envelope labelled OK, this is for the office key once the office is locked. Before locking the office all lights should be switched off (including the reception window spotlights)and the office reception window needs locking. The office can be locked placing the key into the OK envelope which shall be placed in the ‘safe place’. Check all Counsellors’ rooms and the external meeting room door are locked. Lights in the kitchen, toilet and waiting room need to be switched off.If there is no one in DARO then the hallway lights can be switched off too.