Faversham RUFC Committee Meeting - Wednesday 20th May 2015

Meeting Started: 7.35

Present: Tracey Hamilton, David Evans, Ross Chipperton, Cathy Evans, Matt Fitzgerald, Nick Kingdon, Dan Hall, Pete Ehmann, Matt Suter, Dave Suter, Kate Scotland, Jack Williams, Martyn Potts, Nobby Gore, Jo Cole-Biroth, Trevor Cox, Claire Boucher, Luke Garnham,

Apologies: Stacey Woolf, Chris Hopkins, Eddie Stott, Laura Charter, Alex Delamain

Approval of Notice convening Meeting

Proposed: Matt Fitzgerald

Seconded: Nick Kingdon


Minutes of previous AGM

Proposed – Tracey Hamilton

Seconded – Dan Hall

Minutes agreed

Chairman’s Report

It’s been another cracking season in terms of how the season has gone. The team have had some good results and finished higher in the league than expected. The introduction of a coach and access to physio has been positive.

Ladies team is a successful and welcome addition to the club. Well done to Laura and her squad. Hopefully they will get some games next year.

Thank you to Cathy and Dave for their volunteering at the club.

A main focus for the next season will be securing a coach and driving recruitment for playing members.

Secretary’s Report

Main success stories for the year are finally getting the showers fixed, as well as some repairs to the clubhouse, including graffiti removal. The problems with the drains, and the latest graffiti, will be followed up next.

Thank you to Alex and Gail who will be attending the Kent Rugby Dinner on Thursday 21st May on behalf of the club.

Treasurer’s Report

Dave ran through the financial report for the year. Bar sales are up substantially since last season – some of this has been due to increased social events.

No clothing was purchased in the last year, but will need to be purchased over the coming year. Shirts and socks have been purchased, and there should be shirts (with sponsors’ logo) for the beginning of the next season.

Charity money still needs to be allocated.

Match tax and fines and training money coming in has remained the same, but the outgoings for training have gone up due to the costs of the pitch fees (Abbey School), physio and expenses for the coach.

A new gas company is now supplying the club at a reduced tariff compared to previous.

The balance for the end of the year is up from last year.

Membership is reduced this year compared to previous years.

Accounts Adopted:

Proposed: David Evans

Seconded: Matt Fitzgerald


Approval of Subscription and Match Tax for the coming year

Proposed that membership is raised to £120 for the year with match tax remaining £5.

Dave Suter suggests that all membership is paid for by the 1st September. If someone is unable to pay upfront, a direct debit of £10 per month, due on the 1st of the month, needs to be set up. This arrangement MUST be negotiated with Dave Suter or Stacey Woolf prior to September 1st.

If payment is late, or direct debit is not agreed, the membership will increase to £150 per year. If somebody joins the club new after 1st September, there will be a pro-rata payment agreed.

There will still be a 50% concession for students and unemployed.

Membership covers the member, their partner and children under the age of 18. The “third visit” rule applies for children aged 18 or over.

There has been a request that there is a separate ladies’ members’ secretary to assist in the collection of membership fees for the ladies’.

Proposed: Ross Chipperton

Seconded: Nick Kingdon


Team Captains’ Reports:

Ist Team It was a difficult and slow start to the season, which picked up in the second half of the season. The team is developing and is looking like developing further. The physio was a positive addition to keeping players on the pitch and returning from injury sooner. The addition of a coach was necessary and has benefited the team over the course of the season. Hopefully, we will be able to find a coach willing to train the squad for the coming season. Over all, it has been a good and promising year. Hopefully, we’ll get a good number into the squad for pre-season training.

2nd Team Still a desire to strengthen the number of matches played during the season.

Ladies All going well. Looking forward to strengthening.

Election of Officers:

Continuing unopposed:

Chairman – Martyn Potts

Secretary – Tracey Hamilton

Treasurer – Dave Suter

President – Trevor Cox

Club Captain – Stacey Woolf

Membership Secretary – Stacey Woolf

Fixtures Secretary – Ross Chipperton

1st Team Captain Elected: Matt Suter

Proposed: Nick Kingdon

Seconded: Ross Chipperton

2nd Team Captain: Stacey Woolf

Ladies’ Team Captain Elected: Laura Charter

Proposed: Jo Cole-Biroth

Seconded: Claire Boucher

Social Secretaries Elected: Dave and Cathy Evans

Proposed: Dave Suter

Seconded: Martyn Potts

General Committee Members:

Dan Hall

Matt Fitzgerald

Jo Cole-Biroth

Nick Kingdon

Alex Delamain

Dan Hodges

Eddie Stott

Matt Balans

Jack Williams

Bob Hector


·  Jo requested funding for Ladies’ Team t-shirts.

·  The Ladies’ team are looking at organising a Caribbean themed fund-raising evening for their kit. Possibly in July.

·  Ross questioned whether we are entering the Kent Vase. This is likely to be on a Sunday, probably after a league game on the previous day. The consensus is not to enter.

·  Dave Evans requested that the music system is looked into as it currently trips out later into the evening.

·  Dave suggested that a garden tidy up and minor maintenance day needs to be organised (to be discussed at committee)

·  The Dave White Memorial Golf Day is being organised for Saturday 8th August at Boughton Golf Club.

·  Cathy on behalf of Chris Hopkins who is raising money for Help for Heroes and is asking for support of the club. Cathy has handed out some information, which is also available in the Club House. He is also keen for people to train with him, or to join him.

·  Cathy has requested that people come up with ideas for using the club over the summer.

·  Dave Suter – suggested that Cathy and Dave should be Social Secretaries of the Club.

·  Dave also suggested that roles need to be clarified at the next committee meeting.

·  General thank you from Martyn for the contribution everyone has made to the club.

Meeting closed: 8.32