Level 6 / Level 7 / Level 8 / Level 9 / Level 10
Reading & Comprehension / ü  I can identify the key ideas in my novel and film. / ü  I can identify the key ideas in my novel and film.
ü  I can make judgments about ideas and issues in the text. / ü  I can identify the key ideas in my novel and film.
ü  I can make judgments about ideas and issues in the text.
ü  I can use evidence from the text to explain the author’s point of view. / ü  I can make judgments about ideas and issues in the text.
ü  I can use evidence from the text to explain the author’s point of view.
ü  I can compare and evaluate how events, issues or characters are represented in the novel and the film. / ü  I can compare and evaluate how events, issues or characters are represented in the novel and the film.
ü  I can identify the perspectives in the texts and analyse how they affect the key ideas or issues raised in the texts.
Analysis / ü  I can find the similarities and differences between certain topics, themes or characters in my novel. / ü  I can think about opinions of characters, settings and events in my novel and form my own opinion.
ü  I can use evidence to support my opinion. / ü  I can think about opinions of characters, settings and events in my novel and form my own opinion.
ü  I can use evidence to support my opinion.
ü  I can evaluate other people’s opinions. / ü  I can form an overall opinion about my novel based on the analysis of characters, settings and events.
ü  I can express this opinion using evidence from the novel. / ü  I can form an overall opinion about my novel based on the analysis of characters, settings and events.
ü  I can express this opinion using evidence from the novel.
ü  I can extend, agree with or disagree with other people’s interpretation of the novel.
Writing / ü  I can plan, draft and publish a well structured and persuasive essay. / ü  I can plan, draft and publish a well structured and persuasive essay.
ü  I can select appropriate content from the text to help explain my ideas. / ü  I can plan, draft and publish a well structured and very persuasive essay.
ü  I can select appropriate content from the text to help explain and support my ideas. / ü  I can plan, draft and publish a well structured and very persuasive essay.
ü  I can select appropriate content from the text to help explain and support my ideas.
ü  I can use evidence from the text to support my argument. / ü  I can plan, draft and publish a well structured and very persuasive essay that discusses complex ideas and issues.
ü  I can select appropriate content from the text to help explain and support my ideas.
ü  I can use evidence from the text to support my argument.
Speaking and presenting / ü  I can plan, rehearse and deliver an effective oral presentation that contains appropriate content.
ü  I can deliver a multimodal presentation. / ü  I can plan, rehearse and deliver an effective oral presentation that contains appropriate content and presents a point of view.
ü  I can deliver a multimodal presentation. / ü  I can plan, rehearse and deliver an effective oral presentation that contains appropriate content and presents more than one point of view.
ü  I can deliver a multimodal presentation. / ü  I can plan, rehearse and deliver an effective oral presentation that contains appropriate content and presents more than one point of view.
ü  I can deliver a multimodal presentation that is visually interesting and entertaining. / ü  I can plan, rehearse and deliver an effective oral presentation that contains appropriate content and presents more than one point of view and calls to action.
ü  I can deliver a multimodal presentation that is visually interesting and entertaining.

Skills I will be developing:

(Highlight one box from each row- these will be your learning goals for the unit)