FEBRUARY 12, 2012, 9:30 A.M.

“The church is the church only when it exists for others.”

~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Instead of talking about ‘the church for others’, we should rather speak of ‘the church with others’.”

~David Bosch



Prelude“WieSchonLeuchtet der Mongenstern”Dietrich Buxtehude

Grace Schulz, organ


Lumina, Chancel Choir

Greeting & Call to WorshipPastor Josh Rowley

* Hymn“Come Sing, O Church, in Joy!

Prayer of ConfessionPastorJosh Rowley

O God, our Father, you give us mercy to make us tender toward others: We acknowledge that all too often we let mercy wither to justice, justice to vengeance, which makes us brittle and hard toward other persons. Forgive us our misuse of such treasure. Help us to receive mercy and to be more and more merciful to others, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness

* Response“Take My Life and Let It Be”Praise Team

*The Peace

Introduction of New Members and the Celebration of Baptism

NasimTavakoliFarsani, Mark and Julia Gabhart, Joel and JeneeCandee Van Hofwegen,

Keira McKenzieGabhart, Preston Joel Van Hofwegen, GiannaSyon Van Hofwegen

(Please pass the Get Acquainted Pads; children are excused to Children’s Church and Phish Phood.)

Sermon “Worship That Doesn’t Cut It”Pastor Josh Rowley

Isaiah 58

* Response“God of Justice”Tim Hughes

Praise Team

OfferingPastor Mary Graves

Offertory“Al Shlosha”Naplan

Lumina, Chancel Choir; Camille Fassett, Soloist

* Response#625“Doxology”

Prayers of the PeoplePastor Mary Graves

* Benediction & Sending

Postlude“God of Justice”Tim Hughes

Praise Team

*Congregation stands. Songs printed with permission, CCLI #437799. Assisted hearing devices available in the narthex.

Next Sunday Pastor Mary will preach on Malachi 1:1-14.

The flowers in the sanctuary today are given by Lou and Ellen Hoppeto the glory of God and “in loving memory of our son Scott”.


A warm welcome to those of you who are new to our community or new to our church. Before you leave, please let us know your contact information, and introduce yourself at the door. We’re glad you’re here!

To join our mailing list and receive our weekly email blasts, go to our website,


Those grieving: The Wienands family, for the death of Sylvia’s father

Those in need of healing:Wade Odum

Those in our presbytery:St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Berkeley,

Burlingame First Presbyterian Church, Burlingame

Supported ministries:International Students Christian Outreach (ISCO), Stanford


Pastor Josh Rowley and the new discipleship community in Redwood City.

For prayer needs, please call the church office, (650) 593-8226, or Pam Tenn, (650)591-7007 on the prayer chain. You may also use the ‘Prayer Request’ cards in the pew racks.


Meeting Over
Brunch /
After worship we will assemble downstairs in Fellowship Hall, and as soon as brunch is served we will begin our meeting. I have been working harder than usual on this meeting for several reasons.Many wonder "Where is Trinity headed?" and I want to answer that question.We also have had two large bequests come to us in 2011, and the way we are investing these gifts from Tasand Gwen Hofer and Karland Kay Frahm is shaping what we do in the years ahead.Pastor Josh will update us on his work in Redwood City as well.Please plan to stick around until at least noon!
Karen Gernand
As a candidate
For Elder / Karen Gernand has said yes to serving as an elder on Trinity’s new session, and she will be presented to you for a vote at our Congregational Meeting on Sunday. Many of you know Karen, but for those who don’t, here is a little information about her. Karen grew up in the Presbyterian Church and has served generously at Trinity over the years as a deacon, elder on session, bible study leader, choir member, baker, prayer warrior, retreat organizer, member of The Discernment Team and Tithe Team – you name it! Her prayerful wisdom is a blessing in so many ways. She is married to Jim and has two high school students, Steffen and Elsa.
Fiesta Auction Donation
Sign Ups
continue today! / The Fiesta Auction is coming March 11 from 6:00 to 9:00p.m. with Early Bird bidding starting March 4after worship. We still need your donations to make it a success! Sign-up downstairs after worship. How about a stay at your vacation home, or tickets to a concert, play or sports event? Can you give music lessons or cater a dinner? Your support will help send 45 students to Mexico to build houses. Contact Ann Williams if you have questions, , (650)591-1844.
SOX for Street Church / We will be collecting new or gently used socks to hand out to those who need them.
Just drop them in the box in Fellowship Hall!
Last Sunday
SUBS and
SKETCHES / This is another last Sunday of the month opportunity to connect with other families for a casual social event. Join us in the Fireside room after Family Worship at 11:00 on Sunday, February 26. We will be making our own sub sandwiches and playing a modified game of Pictionary where the kids get the parents guessing! All this for $10/family – that’s a better deal than a $5 foot long! Please RSVP so we can purchase enough food! See you there!
Kids Alive! &
Lumina / In order to participate in the KA! musical Jonah’s Druthers May 5 and 6, any interested 3rd - 8th graders must join KA! byFebruary12 at the latest. Come to the Sunday rehearsal at 6:00 p.m. In order to prepare for the Spring Concerts and the June performance tour, all high school/college age young adults should join Lumina on an upcoming Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. soon. Questions? Call Craig and Kathy at (650)592-9299.
February 22
Ash Wednesday
Service / We will begin the season of Lent with the mark of ashes on our foreheads at our Ash Wednesday service on February 22 at 7:30p.m. Lent is a time of self-examination in light of Christ’s journey to the cross. How is the self-emptying love of God in Jesus Christ the way of his followers today?
Save the Date -
April 28 / Trinity will participate on Saturday, April 28 with Compassion Weekend, our All Congregational Community Service Day. More details coming at today’s Congregational Meeting
March 16-18 is Filling Up! / We all want you there at Great Getaway.It really won’t be the same without you.This is the weekend to get away with your church family for the purpose of building closer relationships with God and one another. For more information contact Bev Morgan Kiehl (650)594-9484,

Trinity PresbyterianChurch

1106 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Carlos, CA 94070

Tel. (650) 593-8226 •


Joel and Jenee VanHofwegen

Joel’s childhood was spent in many places while Jenee grew up in San Jose. They met when they were both attending Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They have been in this area two years and have 1 1/2 year old twins, Preston and Gianna. Joel works at Miller and Associates and Jenee is an Occupational Therapist.

Mark and Julia Gabhart

Mark and Julia grew up in the same small farming community outside Sacramento, but started dating after college. They have been in this area 5 years after moving from Chicago.They have two children, Keira who is 1 and Caleb who is 5. Mark is a securities trader and Julia is a Pediatrician.


Nasim moved to the United States from Iran so he could worship God without fear of being persecuted. His sister was already living in San Carlos and helped him get settled.Trinity was literally an answer to prayer for him.He attended the University of Iran and is a Software Architect.