
Regional Community Advisory Committee (RCAC 5)

Region 5 - Culver City, Venice, Santa Monica, Malibu, Westchester

Committee Summary

Mar Vista Housing Development

4909 Marionwood Dr.

Culver City, CA 90230

Monday, April 16, 2012

2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Alma Arias / ( E ) / Alicia Henriquez / ( ) / Martha Rodriguez / ( ) / Hilda Stuart, Community Outreach Field Specialist
Trinida Arroyo / ( ) / Hoda Mansour / ( ) / Pascuala Rosales / ( ) / Felicia Gray, Community Outreach Liaison
Gloria Camarillo / ( ) / Maria del Carmen Lazaro / ( ) / Carmelo Salas / ( ) / Idalia Chitica, Community Outreach Lead Field Specialist
Maria Chavez / ( ) / María Méndez Chair / ( ) / María Sanchez / ( )
Carmen Delgado / ( U) / Romalda Meza / Lourdes ServinVice Chair
María Flores / ( ) / Asunción Pérez / ( ) / Iliana Ungson / (U) / GUESTS/PUBLIC
Marco Galindo / ( ) / Guadalupe Reynoso / ( ) / Nancy Rodriguez / (U) / Alejandra Martinez
Maria Guerrero / ( ) / Susana Rios / ( ) / Lawren Miller Askew / (U)
( ) / Hilda Rodriguez / ( )
Attendance: Members 20, Advocates 0, Providers 0, Public 1, Staff 2
( ) present, (E) excused absence, (U) unexcused absence (R) removed
  • Guadalupe Mendez called the meeting to order at 2:05 P.M.
  • Everyone introduced themselves.

II. /
Maria Mendez, Chair
Martin Vicente, Community Outreach Field Specialist /
  • Today’s meeting agenda was approved as submitted.
  • The February 2012 meeting summary was reviewed and approved as submitted.
ECAC Meeting Update
  • Maria Mendez gave the following report from the April 2012 ECAC meeting:
  • Staff and the Board acknowledged L.A. Care’s 15th year anniversary.
  • There was discussion about L.A. Care’s application to the Dual Eligibility Program being accepted. John Wallace will provide more information on this during his report to ECAC.
  • Dr. Batchlor introduced a motion for a two-year ad hoc grant of $100,000 to the Community Health Council to implement and evaluate the “Enhanced Diabetes Care Management Initiative.” This project is in partnership with eight South Los Angeles Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and other community stakeholders. L.A. Care’s support will help improve the health outcomes of 3,000 adult patients whose diabetes is poorly controlled and who are at-risk for unnecessary emergency room visits and hospitalizations, and overall poor quality of life.
  • The Board also approved $1.1 million in grant money to support the safety net clinics.
  • With all the new programs and projects at L.A. Care such as the SPDs and the Dual Eligibility Programs, there is a need for more space for all the new L.A. Care employees. The Board approved for L.A. Care to look for more office space.
L.A. Care’s Membership
  • Members were informed that L.A. Care has 978,000 members in the Medi-Cal program, increasing the number to more than a million including members under the direct line of business or (MCLA)
Community Health Plan
  • Members were informed that Community Health Plan is no longer operating as a Health Plan and those members under their care were transferred to L.A. Care, including members under Healthy Families.
Health Care Reform
  • Members were informed that L.A. Care is following closely the process of the Health Care Reform which is being discussed at the Supreme Court. In the event of any changes members will be informed when the discussion concludes, until now changes are not affecting L.A. Care members.
RCAC Changes
  • The current application process was reviewed with the members.
  • RCAC members were presented with the changes to the RCAC member applications, and new approval process for new members. Members were also informed that current members will also have to fill out a questionnaire to evaluate their performance in the RCACs. They were informed that this has been discussed at the ECAC meetings and was approved by ECAC members. Guadalupe Mendez reviewed the changes made to the application and the approval process, as well as the new questionnaire current members have to fill out. Member had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the changes. They were informed that they could only give feedback since the application and process were already approved by ECAC. A feedback form was passed to members for them to write their comments. Members were informed that all the information gathered at the meeting will be reported back to ECAC and presented to Governance and then to the Board for final approval.
Members attending the ECAC meeting
  • Felicia Gray distributed a list of members that will attend the ECAC meeting. The member attending ECAC for the month of May 2012 will be Carmelo Salas. Members were informed that according to the list if the assigned member cannot attend the member that follows on the list will be called. Members were also informed that a list makes it easier to choose a member to attend ECAC and that it will maintain consistency in RCAC 5 representation at the ECAC meetings.
Legislative Updates
Federal Budget
  • President Obama submitted a budget proposal that will not impact the Medic-Aid (Medi-Cal) program.
  • Republicans came up with their own budget proposal which proposes to block a grant program for Medic-Aid (Medi-Cal). This means that States would receive specific amount of money for their program and they would have to stay within that amount, if they exceed the amount given they will be responsible and absorb the extra expenses.
State Budget
  • The State Legislature is on a Spring Recess and will reconvene by June 2012.
  • The State budget was submitted in January, and the May revision will be submitted a month before it is passed.

Member Issues
Group / Member Issues:
  • Trinidad Arroyo, RCAC member, transferred to L.A. Care three months ago and she has not received the membership card from L.A. Care. She was advised to call L.A. Care members services to request the membership card.
  • Romalda Meza has the same issue and has not received the membership card from her health plan.
  • Guadalupe Reyonoso is receiving bills from her healthcare providers. She does not know why she is being billed. She was advised to stay after the meeting to fill out a member issues sheet.

Group /
  • All members participated in the get up and move activity.

V. / VOTE 2012 – BOG / Consumer and Advocate Candidate Presentation
  • Members received a brief overview about the BOG positions and elections process.
  • Alejandra Martinez, RCAC 11 Chair, gave a presentation regarding her campaign for the Consumer Member Board position.
  • Mrs. Martinez introduced herself and expressed her interest in the position.
  • Mrs. Martinez gave a few facts of her past history and her involvement with the RCACs, she expressed the reasons why she wants to help the community.
  • Mrs. Martinez informed members that one of her goals is to learn the process of advocacy, parliamentary procedures and rules to follow and learn the basis of decision making.
  • She expressed that she feels capable to help the members and represent them at the Board level.
  • Mrs. Martinez made a commitment to be more pro-active at the RCAC level and visit RCAC 5 often.

Group / CHIP
  • Members were informed that the CHIP program is an ongoing program and members are expected to continue to do grassroots outreach in their communities.
  • Members were encouraged to still turn in tally sheets.
  • Tally sheets were available to members and they were asked to call Felicia or Martin for available promotional items.
  • Members were informed that it was very important to actively participate on all L.A. Care and RCAC sponsored events.
Exercise and Nutrition Work plan
  • Members were informed that the exercise and nutrition program will start on April 20th.
  • Members were encouraged to attend the first class since that day we will be taking measurements from the participants. They were informed that we had a total of 15 people registered.
  • Lourdes Servin volunteered to call volunteers and remind them when they need to assist and help at the classes. Mrs. Servin gave her phone number for members to call her in case they want to make changes to the volunteer dates, Mrs. Servin’s telephone number is (310) 390-4542.
  • A calendar of the nutrition and fitness program in RCAC 5 was distributed to all RCAC members.

Group /
  • Alejandra Martinez asked members to vote for her and to keep in mind that campaigning started today and she was present and will continue to visit the RCAC.

Maria Mendez /
  • Meeting Adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 18, 2012, 4909 Marionwood Dr. Culver City, CA 90230

Respectfully Submitted by:Approved by:


Martin Vicente, Community Outreach Field Specialist Maria Mendez, RCAC 5 Chair

April 16th, 2012 RCAC 5Meeting Summary

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