Clerk to the Council: Kirsty Cotgrove, 7 Adams Lane, Corpusty, Norwich, NR11 6QJ
Telephone: 01263 585081 Email:
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Ingworth Parish Council
held on Thursday 12th November 2015, at 7pm, in the Reading Room, Ingworth.
Present: A Gibbons (Chair), A Houghton, B Northey, G Chambers, B Nicholson, K Cotgrove (Clerk)
The meeting was adjourned for ten minutes to allow for public comment on agenda items.
1. Apologies for absence – Peter Riseborough, Stephen Bridges (PCSO).
2. Declarations of Interest – None
3. To sign and agree the minutes of the meetings held on Thursday 13th August 2015 – The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record (Prop. A Houghton, Sec. B Northey).
4. Matters arising – None.
5. Planning – (i) APP/K2610/W/15/3053. Planning appeal. Pigeon Investment Management Ltd. Erection of Anaerobic digestion plant, alterations to Banningham Road / A140 junction & associated landscaping, servicing and other infrastructure. The Clerk advised that there is still no decision date for this appeal.
(ii) Decision notice for NMA2/14/0684. West End Cottage, West End, Ingworth. Non material amendment for addition of external flue pipe and addition of flat square sunpipes. NNDC approval given.
6. Finance
(a) Payments – The following payments were approved (prop. A Houghton, Sec. B Northey):
(i) £ 250.00 Kirsty Cotgrove – clerk’s salary for November meeting
(ii) £ 30.35 E.on electricity (retrospective)
(iii) £ 173.60 Norse – grounds maintenance
(iv) £ 26.61 E.on electricity
(v) £1500.00 KH Groundworks – playground fencing (retrospective)
(vi) £ 59.34 Came & Company – addl payment for playground
(b) Receipts – The following receipts were noted:
(i) £3041.12 VAT repayment
(ii) £1245.00 NNDC precept 2nd installment
A. Gibbons asked the Clerk to work out how much VAT will be repayable to each grant provider and let her know, so she can contact them to see if they would like it back.
(c) To agree 2016-17 budget
The budget was discussed. The necessity of a contingency was discussed and all Councillors agreed to remove the contingency. The budget was agreed unanimously.
(d) To agree2016-17 precept
A discussion took place. It was agreed that the precept should remain at £2390.00 (prop. A Gibbons, sec. B Northey)
8. An update on the River Bure frontage – A Gibbons & A Houghton have met with the Environment Agency, following work carried out by the National Trust. The EA had already met with the NT, and were
aware of the work. As nothing material was done, the EA were happy with it. The NT have been looking to do other things, which the EA have said they must apply for, as no approval has been given yet. The EA have confirmed that the public (particularly people living along the Bure) will be consulted before any major work is carried out.
8. An update on the speeding problem in the Parish - A Gibbons has involved Norman Lamb MP and John Timewell (County Councillor), sending them the report regarding speeding in the Village. Unfortunately, due to budget restraints at NCC, they have advised it is unlikely anything will be done, unless there is a fatality in the village. Due to incorrect signage, the police cannot enforce the speed limit. A gibbons will continue to chase on this issue.
G Chambers commented on the terrible road surface at present. She will walk the village and make a note of potholes etc, and will pass this to the Clerk to inform Highways. The Clerk advised she has chased Highways to see when the Rangers are next due to come.
9. To discuss damage to verges and banks on Banningham Road – Included in error.
10. To agree the format of the minutes - A discussion took place, regarding simplifying the minutes. A Houghton proposed, all agreed.
11. To agree a quotation for the playground signage – Wording was discussed and it was agreed to delegate the wording to A Gibbons. Two quotations were discussed and following a vote it was decided 4 votes to one to accept the quote from Soanes Signs.
12. To discuss applications, and to agree a permanent Clerk and RFO – The Clerk left the meeting at 7:50pm.
The working party fed back the information regarding the interviews and views were given. A decision was made to offer the post to Kirsty Cotgrove.
The Clerk returned to the meeting at 7:55pm.
The working party was thanked, especially P Riseborough, who accepted and dealt with the applications and enquiries.
13. Reports – The Clerk received an email from Stephen Bridges PCSO to give apologies for absence and to inform that there have been no crimes reported in the village.
14. To agree the date of the next meeting – Thursday 11th February 2016, at 7pm
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8:00pm.
Signed by: (Chair) Date: